Li Fan's exclamation made several exorcists stunned, and the two felt light, and the two exorcists who caught them, a man and a woman, let go of their hands and glanced at the two.

The male exorcist said, "Little brother, how did you know our identity?"

Li Fan was shocked when he heard this, and several exorcists obviously had a trace of defense, pretending to scratch their heads like fools: "I also heard from the people in the village that exorcists hunt monsters for a living, and they are all dressed in black." "

So it is.

The man seemed to be the leader of the three, and said with great meaning: "You better leave quickly, there is a village ahead, go and heal the wounds, the smell of blood will attract monsters."

After that, the three did not wait for Li Fan and the two to thank them, and left the place one after another, rushing towards the side of the forest.

At this moment, Ji Luo's eyes suddenly turned black and slowly fell, Li Fan was shocked, and hurriedly held Ji Luo back: "Ji Luo! How do you do you..."

Li Fan paused, looking at the frowning Yuluo, his lips were blue and his face was painful, which was obviously poisoned.

Li Fan's heart that was originally carrying suddenly twitched, and he didn't have time to think about it, the demon poison in his body was not a joke, and fortunately, Ji Luo was only scratched by the monster's teeth, and the poisoning was not deep.

As long as he finds the herbs to detoxify, Yuluo will be fine, remembering the village that the exorcist said just now, Li Fan picked up Yuluo and ran forward.

Yu Luo's body was sometimes cold and hot, and the blood dripping from his calves slowly turned blue, and he muttered from time to time: "Big Brother Fan, cold... So hot... Don't leave me..." Hearing

this, Li Fan was worried: "Don't be afraid, with me here, I won't leave yours, hold on, and when I get to the village, I'll go to the doctor!" "

Jiluo is very light, seventy or eighty pounds, she is lying on Li Fan's back, even if it is only seventy or eighty pounds, the road is a little far.

Through the woods, Li Fan still did not see a village, after a long run, Li Fan was already panting, and his lungs were like fire.

His legs were even more like pouring lead, but Li Fan was still gritting his teeth and running, just when Li Fan was dizzy and about to fall down.

A man-made medicinal field appeared in front of Li Fan, and when he saw the medicinal field, Li Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't know where the strength came from.

Heading towards the wooden house in the center of the medicine field, before Li Fan could get closer, a woman in her twenties rushed out of the house with a wooden stick.

Who are you! I don't welcome anyone! You guys go!

Li Fan stopped in place, seeing that the woman in front of him was menacing, for fear that she would give herself a stick, took a few steps back, gasped and said, "Girl... I... We don't... Malicious, my friend... Middle... I have been poisoned and want to borrow something from you... Borrow some antidote.

When the woman heard this, she put down the wooden stick and glanced at Li Fan a few times with a pair of eyes: "You are not from the village?"

Li Fan shook his head: "We are from Xizi Village, I don't know which village you mean." "

Even if it's not from the village, it's probably not a bad person, come with me."

The woman turned around and went back to the house, Li Fan followed with a happy face, and as soon as she entered the house, the woman turned around and made a booing motion: "You guys be quiet, my son just fell asleep, don't wake him."

Li Fan relaxed his footsteps, carefully put down Yuluo, leaned against the wooden wall, the woman squatted down to look at Jieluo's face, and moved her gaze down, focusing on the wound on her left leg.

At this time, the wound was already terribly green, and the flesh next to the wound had bulged one after another in cyan meat packets, which looked very serious.

The woman pressed the muscle tissue next to the wound with her finger: "It's really a demon poison, fortunately you came in time, and if you come half a day late, one of this little girl's legs will be wasted."

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: "I also asked the girl to save my friend." "

Don't worry.

The woman smiled slightly: "I will use herbs to stabilize the toxin first, and then detoxify her when my son wakes up."

Li Fan frowned: "Girl, please detoxify my friend as soon as possible, please!"

Li Fan was anxious, looked at Ji Luo's painful expression, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed heavily to the woman.

The woman stretched out her hand to help Li Fan up, and said helplessly: "I am not a doctor, and I am not very familiar with herbs, only my son can save her." When

Li Fan heard this, he could only wait quietly for the woman's son to wake up, and seeing Jie Luo's increasingly painful expression, Li Fan sat beside her, gently hugged her, and leaned on his chest.

The woman got up and glanced at the two with deep meaning: "I'll go and prepare herbs, first stabilize the toxins for the little girl." "

There is work!

Li Fan watched the woman leave gratefully, Yue Luo was sweaty, and his mouth was still whispering from time to time, seeing Yue Luo in such pain, Li Fan's heart ached.

About ten minutes later, the woman walked in with a small wooden barrel containing half a barrel of green liquid.

The woman didn't talk nonsense, and put the small wooden barrel in front of Li Fan: "This is the medicinal liquid I made, you help her clean the wound first, I'll go and see if the herbs are cooked."

Li Fan cast a grateful gaze at the woman again, and when the medicinal liquid washed through Yu Luo's wound, Yu Luo's originally wrinkled eyebrows stretched slightly.

The pain on her face also seemed to decrease, and Li Fan was overjoyed in her heart, seeing that she could alleviate Yuluo's pain, Li Fan worked harder to clean her wounds.

Half an hour later, the woman brought in the boiled medicine, and after taking it, her face was obviously much better, so far, Li Fan was relieved.

Looking at the woman, Li Fan said embarrassedly: "I still don't know what the girl is called, my name is Li Fan, and her name is Jie Luo." The

woman was preparing dinner, and she didn't reply, "Just call me a girl." "

Ji Nian girl? What a strange name....

Li Fan thought to himself, suddenly, he suddenly stared at the woman, and asked with an uncertain expression: "Di Nian girl, I don't know what your son is called?" Di

Niannu stirred the hand of the food in the pot, and said in a tone full of care: "My son is seven years old this year, his name is Di Nian'er, and he is a half-demon."

After speaking, he looked back at Li Fan, Li Fan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he was Nian'er! Half-demon!!

Seeing Li Fan's startled and frightened look, Di Niannu turned her head and sighed softly: "Don't worry, although my son is a half-demon, he has a kind heart, just like his father."

Seeing that the other party had misunderstood, Li Fan quickly explained: "You misunderstood, in fact, some monsters are also very kind. "

Li Fan is not talking nonsense, nor is he flattering to understand poison, because he really knows that there are many monsters who are kind, and Di Nian'er is one of them!

In the future, Ashi and Inuyasha came here to get medicine, which was given by Ji Nian'er, a half-demon who seemed fierce, but was actually very timid and shy.

When Di Niannu heard this, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Li Fan with an excited expression: "Really!!" You think so too!!

Li Fan nodded heavily: "Of course, if monsters are all ferocious, then how can they give birth to half-demon children with humans?"


Niannu suddenly laughed when she heard this, laughing so happily, laughing so cheerfully, but in this laughter, Li Fan obviously heard more relief and indescribable sadness.

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