After reprimanding Zhu Haoxuan, Su Yi fluttered his eyes on Duanmu Yingde, "Duanmu Yingde, you have done a lot of evil! Today I will punish you on behalf of the human race!"

Just like Duanmu Yingde this kind of scum, staying is a disaster! Not killing is not enough for civilians to be angry!

"Wait a minute!"

Duanmu Yingde hurriedly said: "You can't kill me, I'll be of great use to you!"

"Needless to say."

Su Yi didn't give Duanmu Yingde a chance to speak, and stomped his head with one foot.

Since then, the blood-handed butcher who was full of evil in the Xuantian Continent has completely disappeared in this world.

Seeing this, Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yi quickly took the Duanmu Yingde storage bag in his hand, and did not rush to check it. Instead, he walked to Shao Tianlei and asked, "Senior, how are you?"

"It's just a small injury, it's fine."

Shao Tianlei got up from the ground, faced Su Yi, and said gratefully: "Su Yi, thank you for your help!"

"It's just a small effort." Su Yi said indifferently.

Originally, Duanmu Yingde was about to be killed, but Shao Tianlei was saved.

But at this moment, Zhu Haoxuan complained: "Su Yi, you can obviously stop Duanmu Yingde, why don't you make an early move?"

In his view, if Su Yi shot early, neither he nor Shao Tianlei would be injured.

Su Yi did this, deliberately trying to see them embarrassed.

"You are really good at raking it down."

Su Yi almost laughed angrily by Zhu Haoxuan's words.

He clearly saved Zhu Haoxuan. This guy didn't know how to be grateful. On the contrary, he complained. It was unreasonable!

Su Yi squinted at Zhu Haoxuan and kicked the corner of his mouth without warning.

Zhu Haoxuan, who didn't exert any force on this kick, was still kicking, spurting blood with a few teeth in his mouth.

"It's so cheap for you!" Su Yi snorted coldly.

The easiest way to treat this kind of people who don't know good or bad is to show some color.

"Su Yi, you..."

Shao Tianlei's face suddenly sank.

Zhu Haoxuan's words were improper, but after all he was his junior, how could he be humiliated by Su Yi?

Su Yi smiled, "Senior, am I your savior?"

"Of course!"

Shao Tianlei nodded without thinking.

If it weren't for Su Yi's shot, the two of them would have died in the hands of Duanmu Yingde.

Su Yi continued: "Is it appropriate to treat the own savior in this way? Should I teach him or not?"


Shao Tianlei was speechless for a while.

Zhu Haoxuan yelled, "Su Yi, I am a member of the Sun, Moon and Star Palace, you dare to shoot at me, you wait for me!"

The Sun, Moon and Star Palaces have a transcendent status whether they are in the Xuantian Continent or the Blue Star.

As a person in the Sun, Moon and Star Palace, there is a sense of superiority of Innate.

In the past, no matter who saw them, they were respectful.

Su Yi was good, he scolded him in the front, and then he did it directly.

It's so deceiving!

"It seems to be lightened."

Su Yi sighed faintly, turned on [Langya Ring] and summoned Wukong and Time Dirt Beast, reached out his hand and pointed at Zhu Haoxuan, and said coldly: "Take me to death!"

Wukong and Time Dirt Beast rushed up in excitement, swiftly knocking Zhu Haoxuan to the ground, followed by punches and kicks in the storm.

In terms of beating people, they are professional, and every punch or kick can make Zhu Haoxuan desperate for life, and make a screaming scream.

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