Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1000 Killing You, Things Are Still Mine

After the violent sound, there was a miserable howl that followed.

It was not someone else who screamed, but Duanmu Yingde.

At this time, his entire arm was shattered, and even half of his body was completely bloody.


Duanmu Yingde fell to the ground, spouting a bloody flower, and his breath quickly wilted.

"Su Yi is so powerful!"

Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan looked at each other, and they could see a deep shock in each other's eyes.

"It's pretty defensive."

Su Yi glanced at Duanmu Yingde and said thoughtfully.

Originally, I thought that one punch could kill Duanmu Yingde.

Unexpectedly, Duanmu Yingde still had some ability, although he was seriously injured, he did not die immediately.


Duanmu Yingde looked at Su Yi inexplicably with a look of horror, and the corners of his mouth trembled and could not speak.

Su Yi's defeat with a fist was something he had never expected.

You know, after using the Longyuan tank, the physical fitness is comprehensive, and the strength value has soared to the level of 30,000 kilograms.

But even so, it was still crushed by Su Yi.

So what level will Su Yi's strength value be terrifying? At least it should reach the point of 40,000 kilograms!

He guessed right. Su Yi used the [Fighting Tiger Tiangang Boxing] and [Jingzhe Seven Changes] to double the strength value and reached the level of 48,000 kg.

Just as Duanmu Yingde was in a trance, Su Yi put away the [Jizhe Qichang] and slowly walked closer to Duanmu Yingde.

"I told you a long time ago that in the Death Forbidden Area, I am an invincible existence. You just don't believe it. Are you injured now?"

Su Yi glanced at Duanmu Yingde, jokingly.

Duanmu Yingde swallowed and vomited, suffocated, about to vomit blood.

If outside the Death forbidden area, that round of getting Su Yi so arrogant?

Su Yi can be crushed to death with a finger.

But now, he is already a prisoner, and if he wants to survive, it is impossible to confront Su Yi.

Duanmu Yingde turned his mind, gritted his teeth and said: "I will give you everything on my body, and you will spare my life!"

Before grabbing a ticket at the auction venue, plus some of his original things, its value is incalculable.

He believed that Su Yi would be moved.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and said sternly, "Confused! Kill you, isn't it mine?"

Duanmu Yingde: "..."

It seems to be the reason...

But, he doesn't want to die!

Last time, hundreds of masters besieged and killed him, and he was able to save him.

How could he die in the hands of a small Practitioner in Jupa Realm?

Really unwilling!

"Don't kill me, I can surrender you!" Duanmu Yingde hurriedly begged for mercy.

As a Practitioner of the Fifth Stage of the God Realm, surrendering to a Jupa Realm, it is definitely a ridiculous thing to say it.

But in order to survive, there is no choice.

"Su Yi, Duanmu Yingde regards human life as horrible, and has committed such tragic things as massacre. You must not keep him and kill him immediately!" Zhu Haoxuan looked at Su Yi and said in a commanding tone.

"To shut up!"

Su Yi yelled coldly, "I still need your kind of waste to remind?"

At this moment, Zhu Haotian also put on a high-pitched posture and gesticulated here. Who gave him the sense of superiority and self-confidence?

Zhu Haotian's face was red and white.

Although I was raging in my heart, I didn't dare to express it.

After all, I have personally witnessed Su Yi's powerful combat effectiveness.

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