"Boy, you succeeded in angering the old man, and this time you are bound to frustrate you!" Duan Mu Yingde gritted his teeth and let out a low growl.


When the words fell, a dragon chant resounded suddenly.

However, a cloud of black mist was suddenly surging out of Duanmu Yingde's body.

After a violent roll, it went straight into the sky and condensed into a long black dragon.

The black long dragon hovered in the air and uttered a long roar.

Immediately, a terrifying coercion escaped.

"Longyuan tank!" Su Yi frowned.

He clearly remembered that when Jiang Haoran was singled out at the Third Ancient Martial Arts Academy of Yuancheng that day, Jiang Haoran performed the secret technique of Longyuan tank.

It's just that Jiang Haoran has just cultivated a little bit of fur.

On the other hand, Duanmu Yingde has obviously cultivated the Longyuan tank body cultivator to the realm of great achievement.

The coercion exuded gave people a feeling of palpitations.

On the other side, Duanmu Yingde looked grim.

Mou Ran, stretched his hand up a little bit.


The black dragon gave a long roar, turned over in the air, and rushed straight down towards him.

In the blink of an eye, he was completely submerged in Duanmu Yingde's body, seeming to merge with it.

At this time, Duanmu Yingde's whole body was rippling with an aura of condensed killing, and his breath rose steadily.

The strong sense of oppression even made people breathless.

"What kind of body-building secret technique is this? It's terrible!"

Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan's faces were bloodless, and their hearts were ashes!

Duanmu Yingde, who had not used the body forging secret technique, was already extremely terrifying, and at this time he was even more like an impenetrable demon god.

In front of Duanmu Yingde, they even gave birth to a feeling of insignificance like ants.

"Haha...boy, you know you are scared now, don't you?"

Duanmu Yingde glanced at Su Yi and laughed wildly.

"you are too naive!"

Su Yi's face didn't fluctuate, and when the corners of his mouth curled slightly, a crackling sound erupted from all over his body.

However, he saw his body suddenly swelled, and almost turned into a five-foot-tall white giant ape in the blink of an eye, covered with a layer of golden scales.

The aura exuded was extremely violent, completely suppressing Duanmu Yingde.

"Su Yi still has this method?"

Seeing this scene, Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan were stunned.

"You...what kind of bodybuilding secret is this?"

Suppressed by Su Yi's aura, Duanmu Yingde's face showed a sense of panic, and the corners of his mouth trembled a little.

"The secret technique that can kill you!"

Su Yi sneered and slammed his feet on the ground.

There was a loud bang.

However, two deep pits were suddenly exploded under his feet, and Su Yi disappeared in place like a ghost.

When he reappeared, he had come to the front of Duanmu Yingde.

Immediately, he punched out.

A tiger roar shook up.

In the face of this devastating punch, Duanmu Yingde's pupils shrank, and her heart trembled violently.

He deliberately dodged, but was firmly locked by this punch.

There was a feeling that even if he fled to the ends of the world, he would be hit by this fist.

In desperation, Duanmu Yingde can only grit his teeth and choose hard steel.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Duanmu Yingde roared, and slammed out with his fist.

Two fists, one large and one small, collided rapidly, as if sparks hit the earth.


The sky is falling apart, the sun and the moon are dark.

The violent force raged away, plowing a crack in the ground all around.

Shao Tianlei and Zhu Haoxuan, lying on the ground, were blown out more than ten meters away.

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