Invasion Of Fierce Beasts: One-Click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1010 Mechanical War Soldiers Awaken

Su Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it on the chest of the [Mechanical Soldier] following the method described by [Smart Chariot].

With a click.

However, a groove popped up on the chest of [Mechanical Soldier], the size of a palm.

Su Yi glanced, took out the best spirit crystal and installed it in the groove.

After all the ten best spirit crystals were installed, the groove was pressed back.

Originally, Su Yi thought it would take a while to know whether [Mechanical Soldier] would wake up.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the groove returned to its position, a crystal light suddenly shot out from the dead gray eyes of [Mechanical Soldier].

"Wake up so soon?"

Su Yi was inexplicably surprised.


[Mechanical Soldier]'s head turned, and when he saw Su Yi, he asked: "Human, you helped me wake up?"

"My name is Su Yi, I helped you wake up." Su Yi said with a smile.


[Mechanical Soldier] nodded.

"There is me, I also helped!" [Smart Chariot] yelled.

It is true that Su Yi helped [Mechanical Soldiers] wake up.

But without him mentioning something, it would not have been possible to wake up so quickly.

[Mechanical Combat Soldiers] lowered his head and swept his head, after seeing the appearance of [Smart Chariot], he said excitedly: "Are you from the Mechanic [Smart Chariot]?"

"Yes, you just call me number 2."

[Smart Chariot] said cheerfully: "What's your name?"

[Mechanical Soldier] He pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forgot."

Su Yi suddenly said, "Should you be called Xiaotie, right?"

"Su Yi, your level of naming is too high!" [Smart Chariot] said with emotion.

The names Xiaolong, Xiaoying, Xiao Di, Xiao Xing, and Xiao Bald were all created by Su Yi.

It seems that if you don't add a "small" word, you will feel uncomfortable.

"It's just so-so."

Su Yi smiled modestly, then turned to look forward to [Mechanical Soldier], "What do you think of this name?"

"I do not like."

[Mechanical Soldier] Truthfully said: "Why don't you call me Datie."

Su Yi: "....."

Is there a difference?

One big and one small are just adjectives.

Su Yi didn't entangle in this aspect either, "It's okay to call Datie, Datie, your mechanical empire has been destroyed by fierce beasts, please stay with me for the time being."

[Mechanical Warrior] glanced at [Smart Tank], nodded and said: "Okay."

Su Yi continued to ask: "Datie, what level are you now?"

At the time at the Celestial Stone Pagoda, [Intelligent Chariot] said that [Mechanical Soldiers] was equivalent to the strength of Jupa Realm.

It is not known exactly how many levels of Jupa Realm are.

[Mechanical Soldier] replied: "I'm only a second-level soldier now, and I almost have the strength of the Tenth Stage Practitioner in Jupa Realm."


Su Yi nodded slightly, "If you want to be promoted, what do you need?"

The Tenth Stage is quite sufficient in the Death Forbidden Area, but outside the Death Forbidden Area, it's almost time to fire.

"It needs a hundred superb spirit crystals." [Mechanical Soldier] said straightly.

"It's the best spirit crystal again?" Su Yi smacked his tongue.

I just got more than a hundred of the best spirit crystals, and there are only a dozen of them left before I warm up.

It is impossible to help [Mechanical Soldiers] upgrade in a short time.

"Wait for a chance."

Su Yi said with a smile: "On the 2nd, you take Datie out to familiarize yourself with the environment, and get to know other people by the way."


[Smart Chariot] greeted: "Big Iron, let's go."

When the [Smart Chariot] and [Mechanical Soldiers] left, Su Yi turned to take out the Hongmeng Stone and began to transform the time spirit.

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