Two hours later, Su Yi consumed half of the spirit crystal, converted into six bottles of time spirit liquid, and then stopped.

Six bottles of Time Spirit Liquid are completely sufficient for the time being, and there is no need to transform them all.

It's not too late to transform when it's really urgent.

Later, he opened the [Lin Lang Ring] and threw a bottle of Time Spirit Liquid to the Holy Tree of the Elf Race.

Seeing a bottle of Time Essence, the Elf Sacred Tree was shocked on the spot, "Dage, these are all for me?"

"Look at what you have done, of course it is for you." Su Yi quipped.

"Woo... Dage, you deserve to be my dear, Dage, I will follow you in my life!" The touched voice of the Elf Race Sacred Tree choked up.


Su Yi couldn't bear it, and interrupted: "The time is for you, hurry up, Ascension Cultivation Base. Don't hold back when I use you!"

"Dage, don't worry, you will never be disappointed!" The sacred tree of the Elf tribe promised.


Su Yi nodded, and then closed [Langya Ring].

Then, he habitually took out his phone and planned to look at the Practitioner forum.

But I quickly realized that there was no cell phone signal in the Death Forbidden Area.

"That won't work."

Su Yi glanced at the phone and started to ponder.

Without a mobile phone signal, the contact with the outside world is severed, which is tantamount to isolation.

Now I can't see anything. When the fierce beasts invade, I can't know the movement of the outside world, and I'm too passive.

"We have to figure out a way to build a signal tower."

Su Yi muttered thoughtfully, then left the stone house and discussed with Luo Junnan and others.

"Su Yi, building a signal tower in the Death Forbidden Area is a good idea, but none of us know how to do it!" Li Zhenfeng said helplessly.

"Do you know anyone who understands this technology?" Su Yi did not give up.

Building a signal tower is a very meaningful and very important thing. Even if it is difficult, we must do everything possible to overcome it.

Luo Junnan said suddenly: "Su Yi, don't you have a good relationship with the Liu family? They should be able to build."


Su Yi's eyes lit up.

When Luo Junnan reminded him, he immediately remembered.

Yuancheng’s communications are maintained by the Liu family. They are doing this kind of business. There will be no problems with building a communications tower.

Moreover, Liu Qian'er also said that the Liu family is willing to come to the Death Forbidden Land.

It's just that it's not feasible to take the Liu family's people into the Death ban in the near future.

Because the source city has been occupied by Thunder Mountain, there is also a Practitioner in the God Realm.

They would not allow Liu to leave.

If you want to take the Liu family over safely, you can only try it out slowly and look for opportunities.

Afterwards, Su Yi, Li Zhenfeng and others chatted for a while, and then left under the excuse of something.

Originally, he planned to go to the Demon Planting Tower, but on the way back, he ran into Huo Tiancheng.

Huo Tiancheng was followed by Cao Sunny, Sha Wenxuan and others, who looked like Huo Tiancheng's younger brother.

Su Yi was a little puzzled. Huo Tiancheng is the lowest Cultivation Base among the votes. How can He De be the boss?

Huo Tiancheng seemed to see Su Yi’s doubts, and said with a smile: "Su Yi, Lord Luo has arranged for me to be a cook in charge. I will manage the cafeteria in the rear base, and Lao Sha will provide it for me temporarily. Start."


The corner of Su Yi's mouth was slightly.

Huo Tiancheng said modestly: "It's just a small job, far behind you, the lord of the rear base."

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