"Blode?" Su Yi frowned and said coldly: "It looks like you must use a killer move!"

Although the blood spirit is vigorously repaired, the power of self-detonation is still not to be glimpsed, and it is almost equivalent to the Fifth Stage of the God-Through the God Realm.

[Smart Chariot] Continued: "Su Yi, it's best not to destroy his head when you do it."

"Why?" Su Yi asked puzzledly.

Generally speaking, no matter what kind of creature it is, the head is the most important and most vulnerable place.

Wouldn't it be faster to kill if you cut the head?

[Intelligent Chariot] explained: "There is a blood coagulated bead in the head of the blood spirit, unless you don't want it."

"Blood congeal beads!" Su Yi's eyes lit up suddenly.

Blood coagulation beads are necessary for the use of [Blood Sacrifice Art].

With the blood coagulation beads and a carrier, you can create a human bomb, which is a very powerful hole card.

It can even be used to deal with the Tenth Stage Practitioner.

At this moment, the blood spirit is no longer a monster in Su Yi's eyes, but has become a treasure.


At this moment, after the blood spirit recovered, it slaughtered Su Yi again fiercely.

Su Yi snorted coldly, a black light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the power of time was released, and the blood spirit was enveloped in an instant.

Under the dual effects of [Devil's pupil] and the power of time, the blood spirit had no resistance and fell directly into sluggishness.

Su Yi rushed up, holding the sword of chaos and struck the head of the blood spirit.

With a click.

With this sword, the strength was well grasped, it just cut a gap in the head of the blood spirit, but it would not kill the blood spirit.

Su Yi reached into it, grabbed a blood-colored bead, it was a blood-coagulated bead.

The moment he lost the blood coagulation beads, the breath of the blood spirit quickly died, and finally turned into a pool of blood.

"I'm here." Su Yi happily put the blood coagulation beads into the [storage bag], and then swept his eyes toward the Yan people.

At this moment, the Yan Clan was still fighting with another blood spirit.

Judging from the scene, it occupies an absolute advantage, completely crushing the blood and spirit.

It is foreseeable that it will not take long for the blood spirit to be killed.

Seeing this, Su Yi used the [Mirror Clone], after the body became invisible, he touched it quietly.

The blood coagulation bead is too important, he will not watch the blood spirit being killed.

Just when Su Yi lurked to less than five meters away from the opponent, a scorching temperature escaped from the body of the blood spirit in vain.


Su Yi's expression changed, and she quickly retreated.

When this happened, it was obvious that the blood inspiration was threatened and he chose to blew himself up.

Sure enough, when Su Yi was retreated more than ten meters.

There was a violent blast behind him.


The Yan Clan was caught off guard and was blown out all of a sudden.

However, after all, he was the Seventh Stage of the Divine Realm, and he had a rock body on his body, but he was not killed by the explosion.

But because of being too close, he was still seriously injured.

The rock people gritted their teeth and struggled to get up from the ground.

Before he stood up straight, he received a heavy blow to the head and fainted immediately.

It was Su Yi who did the sneak attack.

As for the purpose of stunning it is also very simple, the blood coagulation beads have already been obtained, and there is still a lack of a carrier, this rock tribe is just suitable.

After Su Yi threw the Yan Clan people into the fragments of the world, he commanded to the Black Sun Rift Rat: "Mouse, look at this guy. When he finds signs of awakening, he will be knocked out immediately!"

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