"Yes!" The Black Sun Rift Rat assured.

Su Yi closed the fragments of the world and walked to other places.

There must be other blood spirits here, but this is a great opportunity to harvest blood coagulation beads, and you must not miss it.

Su Yi watched the surroundings carefully, and after walking for about a kilometer, there was a sudden violent fighting sound not far away, and there would be loud noises from time to time.

In this case, it was obvious that the aliens and the blood spirits had encountered each other.

And judging by movement and static, the number should be very large.

Su Yi groaned for a while, then turned to [Smart Chariot] and said, "No. 2, was the blood spirit created by a powerful creature?"

This is like Yan Ling, they are made by Yan Ling True Crystal.

If this is the case, the secret realm is too dangerous.

Because the strength of the blood spirits is close to the Fifth Stage, the creatures that make them will undoubtedly be stronger, will they be in the true spirit stage?

Thinking of this, Su Yi couldn't help but hit a spirit.

[Intelligent Chariot] said: "The blood spirit is made by the blood nest. The blood nest is like a queen ant. He is only responsible for making the blood spirit and has no combat effectiveness."

"In that case, we only need to hunt down blood spirits here with peace of mind?" Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's not that simple." [Smart Chariot] reminded: "The manufacturing ability of the blood nest is very powerful. Maybe there are tens of thousands of blood spirits in the secret realm. We are equally dangerous."

After hearing this, Su Yi's face changed.

If there are tens of thousands of blood spirits, it is equivalent to thousands of powerful people in the realm of God. What is even more frightening is that they will blew themselves up, and the threat is too great.

"It's a bit difficult!" Su Yi was caught in a dilemma.

If you stay in the secret realm, you will be threatened by blood spirits. If you go out, you may be siege by Demonic Beasts.

More critically, he still doesn't know how to leave.

[Smart Chariot] said meaningfully: "Su Yi, although it is dangerous here, it is also an opportunity for you."

"Huh?" Su Yi raised his brows and guessed: "Are you referring to the blood congeal beads?"

"Of course not." [Smart Chariot] responded, and then explained: "I'm talking about the blood nest and the blood spar. The blood nest contains the power of qi and blood. After the demon plant swallows it, it will inevitably be overwhelmed by the strength of Ascension. The blood spar also contains the power of vitality and blood, but only the spirit pet can swallow it, and it must be a strength cultivation spirit pet, because the value derived from it is the strength value, and the devouring of the spirit cultivation spirit pet is wasteful."

Su Yi suddenly became excited.

The sacred tree of the elven race, the wood spirit true crystal, and the extinguishing fire sun tree all need blood nests.

As long as the blood nest is swallowed and the level is promoted, the sacred tree of the elven clan can create more and more powerful monster plants.

After being promoted, Wood Spirit True Crystal is even more remarkable, and may be able to create a Gatling Pea Archer.

Thinking of this, Su Yi was surging!

As for the blood spar, it can be swallowed by Nanny and Wukong.

The strength of these two guys is not low, what height will they reach after promotion?

Su Yi is very much looking forward to this. And made up his mind to get the blood nest and the blood spar no matter what.

Of course, this process must be very difficult.

Let's not talk about anything else, first determine the location of the blood nest.

Su Yi thought for a while and asked, "No. 2, where do you think the blood nest should be?"

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