The intelligent chariot said: "This is very sure. There must be a large number of blood spirits gathering in the blood nest. I guess the place where the front is fighting is the blood nest's lair."

"That's right." Su Yi nodded.

This is like a queen's nest, and there must be a large number of ants around the queen to protect it.

Su Yi didn't hesitate, and lurked in the place where he was fighting.

On the way, he was attacked by two blood spirits and easily obtained two blood coagulation beads.

After traveling for about a kilometer, a huge valley appeared in front of him.

In the valley at this time, not only a large number of blood spirits gathered, but also hundreds of aliens.

The two sides were caught in a very tragic fight.

On the alien side, the individual combat effectiveness is exceptionally strong, far surpassing the blood spirit.

However, the number of blood spirits is far higher than that of aliens. In addition, the blood spirits will explode from time to time, which leads to a situation where the two sides are evenly matched.

Su Yi glanced, but there was a murmur.

This valley must be the location of the blood nest, otherwise there would not be so many blood spirit guards.

Why did the alien attack here?

Could it also be for the blood nest and the blood spar?

In addition, Su Yi also discovered that although there were hundreds of aliens in the valley, there were no Demonic Beasts.

This shows that the purpose of Demonic Beasts is different from other aliens.

They probably came for themselves.

At this time, he should be looking for his traces everywhere.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, what do you think the purpose of these aliens is?


The blood nest and the blood spar are indeed treasures, but their use has limitations.

Only has an effect on Yao Zhi and Li Xiu Ling Pet.

The aliens are so inspiring and mobilizing, shouldn't it be just for this thing, right?

"I can't guess what the purpose is, but you can interrogate that Yan Clan person, he should know somehow." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

After hearing this, Su Yi hesitated.

He had thought of this method a long time ago, and the main reason why he didn't do it for a long time was because once interrogated, he would inevitably cause some harm to the Yan people, otherwise Menger would not be able to control it at all.

After the interrogation, the Yan people also belched.

The Yan people have been regarded by him as a carrier for using blood sacrifice. Losing this carrier is equivalent to missing a powerful hole card.

His intention was not to do this.

But considering that it is more important to understand the situation, it was decided to interrogate in the end.

Later, Su Yi dug a hole, hid it inside, and started the process of interrogation.

Ten minutes, the Yan people died.

Su Yi got the news as he wished, and it is still very important news.

First of all, the purpose of aliens coming here is not for the blood nest and blood spar, but for a treasure here.

It is rumored that the reason why two true spiritual realm powerhouses fought together was for this precious treasure.

And eventually both died.

And this heavy treasure also fell into the secret realm.

The reason for attacking the blood spirit was to rush into the cave where the blood nest was.

Because there is a passage leading to the location of the heavy treasure in the stone cave.

In addition, I also learned that access to the secret realm is restricted by the Cultivation Base, allowing up to the Eighth Stage to enter the Secret Realm.

This is more advantageous to Su Yi.

Because with his strength, facing an Eighth Stage Practitioner alone, it was completely worthwhile. With sneak attack, you can even kill the opponent easily.

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