The audience gradually began to look forward to the 59th and 60th sword contests.

After all,

He Bufeng's surprise attack directly ignited Wang Ling's anger, causing him to give up the idea of pretending to be sick and directly participate in the competition.


Wang Ling's current sealing talisman is extremely unstable.

If he acts rashly, he will not really destroy the whole world like Erha, right?

However, when they thought of the existence of Erha, the invincible demon king, they were relieved. Erha should be able to deal with He Bufeng and Tang Erdan!


In the competition venue,

Chen Chao faced Isabel at the Gold Altar, Erha and He Bufeng disguised as Jiang Liuying faced each other at the Earth Altar, and Sun Rong faced Tang Erdan when she occupied the Water Altar.

Wood Altar.

Just as Liang Fei attacked Wang Ling, Guo Hao used his words to block the attack for Wang Ling.

"Brother Wang, am I here in time?"

Liang Fei:"No matter how many of you come, they are all trash!"


Guo Hao and Liang Fei fought several times in mid-air, and the fight was fierce.

During the stalemate,

Liang Fei walked in front of Wang Ling, kicked Wang Ling and cursed:"Waste, sit up straight, I will come to deal with you later!"

Hearing this,

Wang Ling took the opportunity to pretend to be weak and lay on the ground.

【Tang Erdan: Liang Fei...No, Brother Fei, this position of president is for you!】

【Isabelle: How dare you kick Wang Ling, Brother Liang Fei, it turns out you are the real powerful one!】

【He Bufeng: Wang Ling has started acting again...】

【Liang Fei: Brother Wang Ling, you should be able to see that I am protecting you, right? After all, I don't want you to use your spiritual power to destroy the world without permission! Besides, I kicked you lightly, not hard.

Seeing Wang Ling being bullied,

Guo Hao once again used his ability to make his words come true, and shouted loudly:"Brother Wang, do you really want to be a scumbag for the rest of your life?"

The next second,

""Five scum" three big words flew towards Liang Fei

""How did you suddenly come up with a new word?" Liang Fei said.

Guo Hao moved his arms and replied:"You can complain that I am short of words, but there is someone I have a lot of complaints to vent to! I'm sorry, Brother Wang!"


"The tail end!"


"A hopeless person!"

"Unfaithful man!"

"No responsibility!"

"Plastic brothers!"

"Heart of stone!"

"Cold-blooded animal!"


"poker face!"

"Ignore people!"


"Not sociable!"

"Put women before friends!"

【Yuji: How much resentment does Guo Hao have that he said so much in one breath!】

【Fushiguro Megumi 447: Are you the master of complaints?】

【Wild Rose: Fatty, if you can say something, just say more! We all think so! Seeing Wang Ling being patient, we feel aggrieved too!】

【Zhang Chulan: It's cool, but Blue Star is in danger! If Wang Ling goes all out, the fucking world will be reset!】

【Wang Ye: This is not what we care about! Come on, Wang Ling, vent your anger!】

【Zhuge Qing: You really enjoy watching the fun! 】

Faced with Guo Hao's complaints,

Wang Ling knew that Rune could not hold out for much longer, and he could not show even a little emotion.

However, the more he restrained himself, the more he was misunderstood.

An emotion he had never predicted was constantly emerging and was about to break through the barrier.

This emotion was called grievance!

The next second, the negative energy in Wang Ling's body directly emerged. Seeing this, Erha immediately bit it and frantically absorbed the power that was enough to destroy the world.

"Gua, now I can only rely on you to swallow up your negative energy!"

Wang Ling replied:"That means I can now use my spiritual power without worry."

""Gua, have you tricked me? My little ancestor, I am very tolerant, so please be patient!"

At this time,

Erha turned into a hat and stayed on Wang Ling's head, and the familiar background music sounded again.

Wang Ling walked to Liang Fei and just touched the spirit sword with his finger, and Liang Fei's spirit sword collapsed.

Then, he gently patted Liang Fei's body, and

Liang Fei flew out as if he was hit by a high-speed earth-moving truck from the left.

【Guo Hao: Holy crap! I'm so awesome! I actually sparked a new emotion in Junior Brother Wang Ling!】

【Chen Chao: Guo Hao, you have done the most good this time! If it weren't for your verbal attack, Junior Brother Wang Ling would definitely not have thought of resisting! However, the way he looks like a dog in one is really funny....】

【Sun Rong: Fortunately, Erha is here. He has saved the world once again!】

【Loopy Toad: Quack! In the end, I took it all on by myself!】

【Pan Shengcong: So this is how Erha is used!!!】

【Wang Zukang: Lan Xing said, thank you Brother Gou, you saved my life again!】

【Zhuo Yi: Erha: I will protect this world!!! Hehe, it turns out that you are the real Armor Hero!】

【Demon Master: Haha, you have made great progress! On behalf of the demon world, I want to thank you for your silent contribution! You not only saved Blue Star, but also saved our demon world!】

【Erha: Master, if I die from being stuffed to death, please erect a tombstone for me!】

【Monster King: Of course! 】

Seeing Wang Ling beat Liang Fei,

Guo Hao said excitedly:"Brother Wang, my efforts paid off. I finally made you a talent."

"Then, let's start to fight back!"


Wang Ling was in an invincible state after merging with Erha, so

Tang Erdan and others did not dare to confront him head-on, and had to choose to fight for the altar other than the altar occupied by Wang Ling.


Sun Rong and Guo Hao started a head-on confrontation with Tang Erdan and Liang Zheng, while Guo Chao started a confrontation with Jiang Liuying.

In the end,

Sun Rong sacrificed her sword spirit to Guo Hao's Fire Phoenix, successfully defeated Tang Erdan, and occupied the lower fire altar.

After experiencing repeated ravages, Guo Chao used his spiritual power to transform into a golden unicorn arm, which directly suppressed Jiang Liuying.


Jiang Liuying was really fed up with the inconvenience brought by the disguise. She tore off the disguise directly and said angrily:"I'm really fed up! I'll let her and all of you be eliminated!"


Jiang Liuying beat Chen Chao unconscious and tied him to the tree of the gold altar.

At the same time,

Wang Ling separated from Erha, letting Erha occupy the water altar while he quietly occupied the wood altar.

However, although Wang Ling was getting closer to the balance of victory, Wang's father was even more worried.

Because Wang Ling had been accustomed to putting the desire to win behind him since he was a child, whether it was pretending to lose or accidentally performing normally, it was meaningless to Wang Ling.

In his heart, he had long stopped thinking about the meaning of life.

To him, everything was just a passing cloud.

Although Wang Ling's inner world had been wrapped tightly, it was still illuminated by Sun Rong's enthusiasm. He would blush and his heartbeat accelerated because of some of the things Sun Rong said on the Ferris wheel. Even he himself did not realize that the ray of light had turned into the warm sun of spring, which was about to ignite the fire.

【Genos: So, is this the common trouble of the strong? Whether it is Gojo Satoru, Ryomen Sukuna, Saitama, or Black Dragon, they have all become the strongest in their own worlds, and their human feelings are slowly dissipating, becoming more and more lonely and less and less like a human!】

【Child Emperor: I thought being a genius would be lonely! But I found that geniuses like Wang Ling are the most miserable. They have to pretend to be fools in order to live a normal life in society! In fact, it’s not Wang Ling who is stupid, but most people!】

【KING: Sometimes, being too strong is a sin in itself!】

【Chogokin Darkshine: KING, do you also experience this kind of distress every day?】

【Nanami Kento: Gojo Satoru, you feel the same way, right? No matter what kind of cursed spirit you face, it's meaningless to you!】

【Zhuye: So, I think there is nothing wrong with Gojo Satoru looking forward to the battle with Sukuna! He just wants to take off his disguise and have a good fight. In fact, he has not let anyone down. Because the expectations of others on him are imposed on him.】

【Naruto: Although my strength is not strong, I feel that I am in a similar situation to Wang Ling, and I have never been able to integrate into the group.】

【Sakura: Naruto, stop flattering yourself! Wang Ling is just pretending to be the last one, but you are the real last one, there is still a difference between them】

【Kakashi: Ahahahaha!】

【Zhang Chulan: Wang Ling is just like the swordsman in The Three-Body Problem. He holds power but cannot use it easily. Otherwise,...】

【Zhuge Qing: He is the most pitiful person!】

【Wang Ye: You can't even face your heartbeat. Your life is indeed more miserable than mine as a Taoist priest!】

【Lu Linglong: So, Wang Ling has fallen in love with Sun Rong? I am quite touched!】

【Feng Baobao: I am touched, but Lan Xing is so scared that she doesn’t dare to move, right?】

【Zhang Lingyu: Once Wang Ling's emotions get out of control, the consequences can be imagined.

In the scene,

Wang Ling came to the altar of earth, and just when he wanted to insert the spirit sword into the altar, his inner emotions could not be controlled again.

He wanted to restrain himself.

But in his heart, he longed for the way Chen Chao and Guo Hao hugged him to celebrate the victory.

Just when the progress bar of 59 doors reached 99% and the progress bar of 60 doors reached 96%, he finally inserted the peach wood sword.

At this moment, the more he wanted to restrain himself, the more the emotion overflowed like boiling water.

In his mind, he kept recalling the scene when he and Sun Rong were hanging on the Ferris wheel, the scene when Sun Rong risked her life to save him from the Yuanying old monster, the scene when Sun Rong hugged him and said"We succeeded", and constantly recalled.....

Just when he was about to let go of the peach wood sword, Sun Rong's hand came up and said with a smile:"Wang Ling, thank you for your hard work."

Instantly, his emotions were soothed, as if he was locked up by an iron chain again, and his whole body regained its calm.

【Chen Chao: Holy shit!!! Junior Sister Sun Rong, it has to be you!】

【Guo Hao: This, is this called love?】

【Sun Rong: Senior Brother Wang Ling...】

【Father Wang: I never expected that the power of love could allow Lingling to suppress her uneasy emotions!】

【Wang Ma: I approve of this daughter-in-law! With her, Ling Ling can become an ordinary person!】

【Wang Ling: Dad, Mom, stop talking nonsense! Junior Sister Sun Rong and I have only known each other for a few days!】

【Wang Zukang: The first time is new, the second time is familiar!】

【Pan Shengcong: This is really a lie that can be passed down through the ages! 】

In the scene,

Sun Rong smiled and said,"Wang Ling, you look much better when you smile than when you keep a straight face. Keep it up and don't be lazy!"

Wang Ling blushed and replied,"Yes!"

But the next second,

Jiang Liuying appeared directly behind Sun Rong, laughed loudly, and knocked out Sun Rong's soul with a palm.

"Farewell, Sun Rong!"

At this moment,

Wang Ling's eyes widened, unable to believe that Sun Rong was killed in front of him.

Instantly, tears welled up in his eyes, and he roared angrily. The iron chain of emotions that had been blocked was instantly broken, and the talisman on his neck was also broken by the violent spiritual power.

""What did you do to him!!!"

Wang Ling punched Jiang Liuying with red eyes.

At the critical moment,

Erha rushed over and activated the time freezing technique.

But after a few seconds,

Wang Ling broke free from the time freeze and punched Jiang Liuying. Jiang Liuying didn't realize anything about this and laughed sinisterly:"Hehe, I didn't expect that you were pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger to secretly protect Sun Rong, but unfortunately she is dead this time!"


Jiang Liuying released dark energy and kept hitting Wang Ling, but was punched away by Wang Ling, and then the terrifying fairy power beat Jiang Liuying like a sandbag without any ability to fight back.

Under Wang Ling's red eyes and roar,

��The ground collapsed drastically, and Jiang Liuying was knocked to the ground and unable to move.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are as pitiful as me. Kill me and you will be completely free!"

Hearing this,

Wang Ling seemed to see Sun Rong's smile.

He gradually calmed down, walked in front of Sun Rong and used the Great Repair Technique.

"Why, why doesn't it work!"

Erha replied:"Don't waste your energy, Yingliu was too vicious, she tore Miss Sun's soul apart with one palm!" Wang

Ling hugged Sun Rong, stroked her face and said:"But she is clearly still alive..."If you keep asking questions, we can definitely save her!"

Erha consoled him,"Don't be so stubborn. A lost life cannot be brought back. She is still alive because I stopped time. Once I undo the spell, Miss Sun will be completely finished."

Wang Ling asked with tears in his eyes,"Is there any other way? I would rather use all my spiritual power to save her life!""

"Don't be silly, how can ordinary people withstand your spiritual power? I can help you freeze time forever, so that she can maintain her remaining breath. Or, do you choose to return to the original world?" At this moment,

Wang Ling thought about the scenes that happened in the past, and suddenly said:"No, I don't choose either! I want to restart this world again!"

【Obito: Watching the person you love die in front of you...I understand this feeling too well! Wang Ling, I support you!】

【Kakashi: Obito? You...Are you not dead?】

【Obito: Kakashi, I don’t want to say anything more to you! I just hope you can understand that my current feelings towards the ninja world are exactly the same as Wang Ling’s at this moment. I want to create a world where Lin exists!!!】

【Li Xingyun: When Xue'er died in my arms, the anger and despair in my heart were no less than Wang Ling's. It's just that I didn't have the power at that time, otherwise I might have thought of destroying the world too!】

【Zhang Zifan: I thought the same thing when Lin Xuan was on the verge of death in Mobei!】

【Black Dragon: Wang Ling should now understand why I have to fight for another 100,000 years, right? Watching the lover pass away, but being unable to do anything, that kind of frustration is more painful than any other failure!】

【Wu Geng: If I think about it carefully, I won’t be able to bear it if the cabbages are killed!】

【Zhang Chulan: This Jiang Liuying is really fucking...You don't want to live anymore, but others still want to live!】

【Wang Ye: Lan Xing definitely wants Sun Rong to be resurrected more than anyone else right now!】

【Jotaro: The angry Wang Ling can even break Varudo by smashing it, he is so unreasonably strong!】

【Er Qiao: Poor Erha!】

【Garou: When I saw Jiang Liuying, it was as if I saw myself being beaten up by Teacher Saitama!】

【Genos: This Jiang Liuying is quite resilient! He was beaten for so long, yet he can still speak!】

【Child Emperor: However, it was also thanks to her hysterical screams, otherwise Blue Star would have exploded on the spot!】

KING: By the way, does Wang Ling really want to restart the world? Doesn't this mean that everyone has to die once? 】.

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