The audiences all expressed their inability to accept the fact that Sun Rong was killed by Jiang Liuying in front of Wang Ling.

This heart-wrenching feeling was like Obito seeing Rin die at Kakashi's hands, like the Black Dragon conquering all corners only to find out that the White Dragon died at his own hands, like Ji Guoyuan returning home to find out that his wife and unborn child were eaten by ghosts, like the old Taoist priest who solved the Quan Xing monster only to notice that Tian Jinzhong had closed his eyes in a wheelchair, like Duanmu Rong almost died in Gai Nie's arms, like Gojo Satoru holding Tennanturiko's cold body, like...

It would be fine if they just didn't have enough power to protect their relatives and friends.

However, they clearly had the power to change the ending, but they were still powerless to stop the departure of their loved ones. This blow was undoubtedly huge and difficult to accept.

So now, what means will Wang Ling use to win back Sun Rong?......

In the scene, after Wang Ling restarted the world 10086 times, he stood in the universe and galaxy, holding a peach wood sword and split the world in two again.

"I have restarted the whole world, and this time it will be the same as before, everything will return to its original state"

""Sun Rong, are you awake?"

However, when he returned to Blue Star, he found that Sun Rong was still lying there.

Erha reminded:"It's useless. Reset several times and the result is the same."

Wang Ling's face was dark, and he said self-reproachfully:"If I could get rid of Jiang Liuying earlier, there wouldn't be so many problems!"

Erha:"I froze the world. We can think of a solution slowly."

Wang Ling sat on the ground weakly, and said listlessly:"Erha, can't you control time?"

Erha:"Huh, my ability is to convert spiritual power into accelerating light, so that the spiritual power flow in our bodies can be accelerated to near the speed of light. Relatively speaking, the world is still."

"That means, as long as we exceed the speed of light, we can go back to the past."

"In theory, it is true, but it requires an astronomical amount of spiritual power."

The next second,

Wang Ling directly condensed the blue spiritual power that was several times larger than that of the blue star into the sky, and said in a deep voice:"What if, I have so much spiritual power!"

Erha hurriedly advised:"Reversing time is against the will of heaven, and it will disrupt cause and effect!"

Wang Ling replied nonchalantly:"Against heaven? What's wrong?"

Erha:"Boy, you'd better think about the consequences, maybe it will lead to a thunderbolt."

Wang Ling said calmly:"Is a thunderbolt more terrible than losing her?"

Erha once again turned into a hat around Wang Ling's head, and said excitedly:"I, the demon king, have lived for tens of thousands of years, and today I will sacrifice my life to accompany you in this reckless battle."

【Genos: He...Is the world really restarting?】

【Child Emperor: This is outrageous! In front of him, restarting Blue Planet is as easy as restarting a computer!】

【KING: Over 10,000 restarts? Lan Xing must be thinking that it would be better to let Wang Ling give him a quick death. This kind of repeated death is too uncomfortable.】

【Obito: Okay, okay, Wang Ling, I declare that you are more affectionate than I am!】

【Yuta Otsutsukotsu: You are the true god of pure love!】

【Senior: Others are just joking when they say they are willing to destroy the world for you, but you are really destroying the world!】

【Going against the will of Heaven: And you, my friend, Wang Ling, you are truly going against the will of Heaven!】

【Zhuge Qing: Heavenly Way...Wang Ling is the true way of heaven!】

【Zhuge Qing: When in doubt, quantum theory, Wang Ling and Erha are actually going to reverse time!】

【Saitama: Hey, my future self has experience! Reversing time is very useful】

【Chen Chao: Wang Ling, come on! You must save Junior Sister Sun Rong!】

【Guo Hao: Erha, from now on you are a good brother to me and Chen Chao!】

【Erha: Damn, when did I become so brave?

In the picture, a spiritual light column with a diameter of several meters fell from the sky and landed directly on Wang Ling.

Afterwards, after trying out Erha's ability, Wang Ling returned to the first day of school.

However, when he was blackmailed by two senior students, it was not Sun Rong who came to his aid, but Chen Chao and Guo Hao.

He began to have hallucinations frequently, and would see others as Sun Rong, and the whole person became dazed.

However, he also lived the peaceful life he had dreamed of for a long time in this world.

But all this is a story that happened in another world.


Erha's time magic power and Wang Ling's space magic power intersected at one point, and with the injection of a huge amount of spiritual power, a brand new world was created.

The new world continues to absorb everything from the old world, but the old world is about to collapse.

【Gojo Satoru: The law of cause and effect brought about by reversing time is indeed not so easy to deal with! This time, Wang Ling did not simply go back to the past like Saitama did, but created a world on his own!】

【Tiger Stick: And in this new world, there is no Sun Rong yet...If we wait until the old world is completely destroyed, Wang Ling will never be able to save Sun Rong again.】

【Wild Rose: Doesn’t this mean that Wang Ling will gradually forget about Sun Rong?】

【Zhang Chulan: Wang Ling’s current situation is like an anime I watched before, where the hero and heroine stood on the stairs and said,"Uh…~""Hmm!?""Uh~""Um!?"】

【Zhuge Qing: The anime you are talking about seems to be called"Your Asthma"》!】

【Lu Linglong: Speechless, it's obviously"Your Name"》!】

In Qitian Paradise,

Wang Ling experienced various entertainment projects that he and Sun Rong had played together before.

Next to the Ferris wheel,

Guo Hao asked curiously:"Wang Ling, why are you acting weird today? Are you worried?"

Wang Ling replied:"This is obviously my first time here, but it feels like I have been here a long time ago, and I was with someone special."

Chen Chao patted him on the shoulder and said:"Hey, why bother about so much? You come out to have fun!"


However, when the three of them got on the Ferris wheel,

Wang Ling remained silent with his head down, tears streaming down his face.

Guo Hao asked worriedly,"Wang Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Ling replied numbly,"I'm sorry, I don't know. I should be feeling extremely happy right now, but something important is missing."

【Mitsuri Kanroji: Ah! So cruel!...】

【Rangiku Matsumoto: Alas, everything I see is filled with memories!】

【Sanlunxia: I feel sorry for Wang Ling】

【Mao Yue Xi Yan: Seeing Wang Ling is like seeing myself when I just lost Ji Feng...Wang Ling, you must wake up! If you immerse yourself in this false world, there will be no chance of recovery!

In the old world, after seeing that Sun Rong was the descendant of Sun Dasheng, the King of Hell in the underworld immediately returned Sun Rong's lifespan and added 999999 to the end.***


Lotus Sun's soul returned to her original body and she regained consciousness.

""What's going on? Who are you?"

Sun Rong looked at the white-haired child beside her and asked curiously.

The sword spirit was so scared that his eyes popped out.

Then, he told Sun Rong how crazy Wang Ling had done after her death.

"Sister Sun, do you understand now?"

Sun Rong said with emotion:"In other words, in order to save me, Brother accidentally created a new world."

"That's right, the Sword Master has gone berserk and has become the creator of the new world. If he is not awakened in time, this world will be destroyed!"

"Then how do we wake up Senior Brother Wang now?"

"Sister Sun, please use me!"

Hearing this,

Sun Rong tied her hair up and said,"I'm ready."

"Sister Sun, aren't you afraid? We are going to destroy the Sword Master's world."

Sun Rong smiled and replied,"For a girl, falling in love is destroying the world!!!"

【Ming Ming: No, Wang Ling was still trying to find a way to save Sun Rong, but Sun Rong came back to life on her own?】

【Xigong Tao: It’s because their ancestors have accumulated good deeds!】

【Zoro: Luffy, the sword spirit's surprised expression is very similar to yours!】

【Lufei: No way, he looks very similar to Usopp!】

【Sanji: I think it’s more like that charlatan Enel!】

【Ichigo Kurosaki: By the way, is"Accidentally" okay?】

【Ishida Uryu: The most outrageous thing is that love is meant to destroy the world...Are all girls so crazy?】

【Inoue Orihime: Although...but...Actually, it is true! For the one I love, I am willing to give up everything! (I secretly glanced at Ichigo Kurosaki)】

【Chad Taitora: It is indeed a crisis caused by love!】

In the scene,

Sun Rong, holding the peach wood sword transformed by the sword spirit, rushed directly to the world core in the sky. After dodging several spiritual attacks, Sun Rong finally approached Wang Ling's body.

"Wang Ling, wake up!!!"

"Wang Ling, wake up!!!"

·· ··Request flowers· ····


Sun Rong pierced Wang Ling's spiritual body with a peach wood sword and woke Wang Ling up from another world.

On the Ferris wheel,

Chen Chao and Guo Hao smiled and said,"Go back, she's still waiting for you!"


The next second,

Wang Ling and Sun Rong held hands and saw each other.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"finally found you"

【Zhang Chulan: Okay, okay, I’m almost vomiting after eating this dog food!】

【Agatsuma Zenitsu: Wow! Why can all the men in the world find girlfriends, but I can't?】

【Saitama: Why are you in such a hurry? I don’t have any!】

【Ainz Ooal Gown: Me too!】

【Luffy: Girlfriend? Why do I need that? I can't eat it!】

【Guo Hao: I was moved to tears! Seeing Junior Sister Sun Rong and Junior Brother Wang Ling achieve their goals, I was so moved!】

【Chen Chao: As long as you two are happy, don't worry about my life or death! Ahhhhhh!

After Wang Ling was pulled back to the old world by Sun Rong, he wanted to use the Great Restoration Technique to restore the world he destroyed, but found that it was ineffective.

"Strange, why didn't it work?"

Erha explained:"You forcefully defied the will of heaven, causing the spiritual energy of the event to become chaotic, and the original laws naturally became invalid."

Wang Ling:"Can we never go back?"

Sun Rong:"But it's quite romantic to be able to wander at the end of the world with my brother."

Erha:"There is a way. You can use the ring of time and the ring of space in the hands of the sword spirit to reverse the flow of time."


Sun Rong smiled and said,"Great, then the world can be saved!"

Erha reminded,"But this is not time travel, but time reversal."

Wang Ling:"What's the difference?"

Erha:"Miss Sun Rong will not have this memory." Sun Rong was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"It doesn't matter, after all, saving the world is more important! Moreover, I believe that no matter how time goes by, longing will definitely transcend time and space. Bring me to Brother Wang Ling!"

Hearing this,

Wang Ling laughed, and then directly activated the time and space reversal, returning to the moment when Jiang Liuying was about to defeat Chen Chao.

"I want you and her to disappear...."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Wang Ling used the"Tathagata Palm" to knock Jiang Liuying to the ground.


Wang Ling led the 60th team to victory.

At this time,

Sun Rong ran towards him happily and shouted,"Brother Wang, we won!"


Sun Rong:"Brother, brother, let's..."

Suddenly, a large group of reporters surrounded Sun Rong and began to interview her intensely.

Erha walked behind Wang Ling and said calmly,"Boy, after all this trouble, is this the end? Is it really good?"

Wang Ling didn't say anything, just looked at Sun Rong quietly.

At this time,

Wang's father ran over and said thankfully,"Finally caught up. Otherwise, the world would be destroyed."

Erha reminded,"Boy, once this spiritual seal is affixed, your emotions will be sealed again, and your relationship with that girl will become indifferent again...."

Wang Ling smiled and glanced at Sun Rong, saying,"I just hope...World Peace"......

After watching this video, the audience said���It's hard to accept!

Wang Ling and Sun Rong had gone through so many hardships before they expressed their feelings to each other, but they had to suppress and forget their feelings for the sake of world peace.

This is inevitably unfair to the two of them!

However, everyone also believes that no matter how much Wang Ling suppresses his emotions, Wang Ling will always remember that Sun Rong brought different colors to his life.

At the same time, no matter how many times Sun Rong loses her memory, she will always like Wang Ling and feel the love that Wang Ling has suppressed in his heart.

【Chen Chao: Wang Ling, you are my good brother! You have never forgotten your brotherhood because of love!】

【Guo Hao: Wang Ling, don't worry, I will be your wingman from now on, and I will make sure you can quickly capture Junior Sister Sun Rong!】

【Erha: My memory of love is the most profound! When you two get married in the future, don’t forget me, the matchmaker!】

【Wang Zukang: I accept the love that transcends time and space!】

【Jiang Liuyue: Kang Kang, I will always like you and look forward to the day when we meet!】

【Jiang Liuying: Damn! I'm the only one whose feelings are hurt!】

【Blue Star: I'm finally safe. 】Bu.

My mother: Nico Robin

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