When seeing Ye Xiu playing with Yue Zhongmian who was trying to trick him, the audience realized that Ye Xiu seemed to be not only powerful in the Glory World, but also very dark inside.

Otherwise , it would be difficult for ordinary people to be as shameless as him.

After all, normal people would definitely not team up with people who have a grudge against them to play dungeons.


Ye Xiu is really capable.

In a short period of time, he came up with the most clever and reasonable plan to fight the hidden BOSS and the attack combo that made the BOSS infinitely stiff.

Even if other professional players came, I am afraid that it would not be as simple and easy as him!

【KING: Saitama, if you could learn a few moves from him, you wouldn't just be able to randomly press the handle!】

【Saitama: I was obviously very fast....】

【Guo Hao: Winning a game is not just about being quick in attacking, it also depends on the coordination between attacks and the timing of the attacks.】

【Chen Chao: Although I don’t play games much, it doesn’t stop me from thinking Ye Xiu is awesome!】...

After Ye Xiu took the powerful spider silk, he asked Yue Zhongmian and the others to share the remaining things.

He just exited the warehouse column and found that Lan He was frantically applying for his friend

"Hello, I'm Lan He from the Blue Brook Guild, also known as Lan Qiao Chun Xue.

" Ye Xiu thought about it and asked in surprise,"Who is that?" Qian Shengli:"No way, Master, you don't even know Lan Qiao Chun Xue? That's one of the five masters of Blue Brook Guild, and the club behind him is Blue Rain!

The Blue Rain that has the Sword Saint Ye Yu Sheng Fan!

" Ye Xiu replied calmly,"Oh, Ye Yu Sheng Fan, I know him, Huang Shao Tian!

" Yue Zhong Mian complained with disdain,"The famous Sword Saint, everyone who plays Glory knows him!


【Plantago: Ha413 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!】

【Ye Du Han Tan: Lan He, with such a small reputation as yours, you have the nerve to put on airs in front of the great Ye Qiu. Aren’t you embarrassed now?】

【Lanhe: Oh my god, I am not as famous as those professional players, but we...There must be a lot of fans!】

【Yue Zhongmian: I was so shocked! It turns out that what Lord Grim meant by"knowing" is completely different from what we meant by"knowing"!】

【Tian Qi: One is a realistic understanding, the other is a one-sided understanding, there is a world of difference between them!】

【Huang Shaotian: Ye Xiu, if you dare to say you don’t know me, I will go to Xingxin Internet Cafe to catch you! 】

After adding Ye Xiu as a friend, Lan He immediately asked:"We are still short of one person to go to Frost Forest. I wonder if Brother Jun Moxiao is interested?"

"Lanxi Pavilion sent someone?"

Lanhe:"Actually, we want to get the first kill, and we are in need of a top expert like you."

"I can't be the first to kill, I don't have time to level up."

Lanhe:"Then set a clearance record? If you break it, the equipment will be yours."

"No need for equipment, if possible, I want some rare materials."

Lan He realized that Jun Moxiao was a smart man, and said generously:"Go ahead."

"72 pieces of powerful spider silk, a white witch's mithril pendant, eight white wolf's sharp teeth..."

Lan He complained:"You want too much, brother."

Ye Xiu raised his mouth slightly and said teasingly:"How much? I also want ten white wolf hairs."

【Yu Wenzhou: This guy is still the same old guy, still the same old guy! When it comes to extortion, there is no one in the entire Glory more evil than him!】

【Huang Shaotian: Although the things Ye Xiu wants are not worth mentioning in our old area, they are a lot of money in the newly developed Tenth Area!】

【Han Wenqing: Ye Xiu, are you really planning to upgrade your silver weapon by cheating and deceiving others?】

【Lan He: Damn, why is it always me who gets hurt?】

【Cheqianzi: Lanhe, you are so embarrassing. You actually asked someone to play for you. I look down on you!】

【Ye Du Han Tan: I look down on him too! Well, Master Ye Qiu, why don’t you come to our place? I promise that the salary will be higher than that of Blue River!】

【Yue Zhongmian: Damn, each of them is more shameless than me!

That night,

Ye Xiu woke up and went to the Internet cafe, and found that everyone was staring at the big screen. The manager of the Excellent Era team was making a statement:

"This afternoon, Excellent Era Club announced that Captain Ye Qiu has decided to retire."

"Ye Qiu declined the invitation to other positions at Excellent Era Club and left alone."

"Ye Qiu helped the Excellent Era team win three championship trophies, and was also awarded the Most Valuable Player of the League three times, the DPS Star twice, and the One-Hit Kill once."

"Whether individually or as a team, Ye Qiu is at the top of the Glory Professional League!"

After hearing these announcements,

Ye Xiu seemed to have returned to the past memories when he controlled Ye Zhiqiu to dominate the battlefield of the league.

"Ten years of glory, Ye Qiu's"One Leaf Knows Autumn" has accompanied us for ten years. These two names carry the youth and glory of so many people."

"How many decades can a person have? Ye Qiu dedicated his most precious ten years to Glory. From now on, Glory will still be there, but Ye Qiu will not be there."


Ye Xiu walked outside the Internet cafe with a slightly lonely look on his face. Just as he was about to light a cigarette, he found Chen Guo sitting on the ground crying.


Chen Guo complained:"Beast! Don't you feel anything at all?"

"It's true, I managed to get through this."

Chen Guo:"Tsk! Don't hold it back, just cry if you want to!"

Ye Xiu took a puff of his cigarette and said,"Why should I cry?...But it's really cold outside"

【Zhang Chulan: Seeing this, I really feel sorry for Ye Xiu! He spent the best ten years for Excellent Era, but Excellent Era kicked him out, and even called it a way to flatter himself! Was he giving Ye Xiu a choice? He was clearly forcing Ye Xiu to leave!】

【Wang Ye: Excellent Era's expression is really ugly. They praise Ye Xiu for the honors he brought to Excellent Era, but they are actually disgusted with him! If Excellent Era's manager were to participate in the face-changing competition, he would definitely win first prize!】

【Zhuge Qing: Ye Xiu looks strong on the surface, but he's actually in a lot of pain on the inside! I can still understand this kind of blow to some extent!】

【Guo Hao: Brothers, let's scold Excellent Era!】

【Chen Chao: I'm going to chop this Excellent Era manager with the 1982-year-old sword my dad made! This is so infuriating. It's clearly Excellent Era's fault, but they're saying it's Ye Xiu who doesn't want to renew the contract! I call him an immortal!】

【Chen Guo: From now on, if I become a fan of Excellent Era again, I will no longer be named Chen!】

【Yue Zhongmian: From now on, I will spam the screen in District 10 every day to curse the people of Excellent Era, and let them betray me, Ye Shen!】

【Baozi Invasion: Count me in, I specialize in knocking on the heads of the members of Team Excellent Era! 】

Back in the Internet cafe,

Ye Qiu sat in front of the computer in silence. Before he turned on the computer, Chen Guo floated over without anyone noticing.

"You're going to scare people to death, boss!"

"How long are you going to cry? Ye Qiu himself is not as sad as you!"

Chen Guo complained:"You are not Ye Shen, how do you know!"

Then, she said indignantly:"Excellent Era's poor performance is not entirely Ye Shen's fault! You are a heartless guy, and you are still in the mood to play games!"

At this time,

Ye Xiu whispered:"Ye Qiu retired, but Ye Xiu is still here!"

Hearing this,

"You come again?" Chen Guo looked disdainful, then said sadly:"It's a pity that I will never see Ye Shen again."

Ye Xiu thought secretly:"I am right beside you"

【Chen Guo: Hehehe, so this means I am the ultimate winner after Ye Shen retires!】

【Qian Shengli: Madam boss, just be happy! I can see Master Ye Qiu every day. I can't even imagine such a treatment!】

【Yue Zhongmian: That's right, why don't I go to Xingxin Internet Cafe and apply for a cleaning job? This way, I can be considered to be in the same company as Master Ye Qiu! 】

Outside the Frost Forest dungeon,

Lan He frowned and thought to himself,"Why haven't you come yet?..."

After a while,

Ye Xiu came over with the title of Sanren.

""Hello everyone!"

Lan He smiled and greeted them, then introduced the other team members one by one.

After Ye Xiu learned about the members' occupations, he said confidently:

"If you want to set a new clearance record, I suggest you change your career pairing!"

Lan He:"How do I change it?"

"Let’s not have a pastor anymore!"

"We don't want MT anymore!"

Lan He asked in shock:"You want to form a violent team, but you have to make sure you can come out alive!"

Ye Xiu:"No problem, I'll be in charge!"

Lan He's face went dark.

It was fine if the players he brought were disliked, but he was also deprived of his power as the captain!!!

"It’s getting late, let’s go!"

Inside the Frost Forest,

Ye Xiu was alone, attracting monsters and gathering them together, attracting all the goblins to his side.

"Prepare for a wave of attacks!"


Lan He and the others were not optimistic about Ye Xiu at all. After all, there was no level suppression now, and it was impossible to perform a wave of attacks.


Ye Xiu directly made his body use a Z-shaped shaking in the goblin group, and easily avoided the siege of the goblin army.

Lan He said in shock:"Z-shaped shaking? Although I can do it alone, I can't use it in actual combat even if the president comes!"

Suddenly, to the shock of Lan He and the others, Ye Xiu directly transformed into the shape of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and fired a machine gun at the goblins.

Bang bang bang!!!

The goblin army was completely enraged and rushed towards Ye Xiu frantically.

At this moment,

Ye Xiu jumped directly into the air and led all the monsters to Lan He's side.

"What are you still standing there for!"

"Use flame attack! Ice Blizzard follows! Mage releases Lelouch! Swordsman Silver Blade Falls!"

Instantly, the Goblin army was completely defeated.

「System announcement: Congratulations to Blue Brook Pavilion players Lan He, Lei Ming Dian Guang, Jun Mo Xiao, Yun Gui, and Zhi Yue Qing Cheng for breaking the Frost Forest clearance record with a score of 20 minutes 24 seconds 11!」

【Tang Rou: This...So handsome!】

【Baozi: Is this the operation of a master? It is so beautiful!】

【Yuezhongmian: Wet! I got wet just by looking at it!】

【Tian Qi: When will we be able to have such a satisfying fight with Brother Master?】

【Plantago: Oh my god, this makes Lan He so happy!】

【Ye Du Han Tan: This wave of proxy play is absolutely worth the money!】

【Lanhe: Ah! So beautiful! This is the joy of being teammates with Master Ye Qiu. No need to use your brain, just output!】

【Mei Guang: It is unbelievable that a fighting method that only exists in theory can actually be realized, and it can be completed at such a low level.】

Little Hands Are Cold: How about I change my job? 】.

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