In the Happy Internet Cafe,

Tang Rou was using Chen Guo's Chasing Mist to fight in the arena. Her hand speed was so fast that people surfing the Internet nearby cast envious glances at her.

"Wow, Miss Tang is getting stronger and stronger!".

"That’s right, she obviously doesn’t play Honor of Kings~!"

At this time,

Ye Xiu came over and praised:"You’re quite popular! Your hand speed is pretty good!"

After a while,

Tang Rou defeated her opponent. Chen Guo said excitedly:"Yeah, we won! It took less than three minutes, - you’re worthy of being Tang Rou!"

Tang Rou took off her headphones and complained:"Guoguo, didn’t you say you were a master?"

"This guy, this guy is a master, his PK winning rate is 85%! Beat him again? Xiao Tang!"

"Let's stop fighting, Guoguo"

"Hey, if I had your hand speed, I would have been invincible in Honor of Kings. But why don’t you play Honor of Kings?"

Tang Rou pondered for a moment and said,"It seems too easy!"

As soon as these words came out,

Ye Xiu, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly stopped.

Chen Guo:"That's right, you have helped me with all my tasks. If I could find a challenge target that would make her find her feelings, I would have done it long ago...."


Chen Guo said excitedly:"Do you believe that someone defeated that tactic in just 40 seconds?"

Hearing this,

Tang Rou immediately became interested and asked:"Who?"

Chen Guo glanced at Ye Xiu and said:"It's him!"

In response,

Ye Xiu said helplessly:"Boss, there is no need, right?"

"It’s okay, just give it a try!"

"There's no need to give in to Xiao Tang, right?"

"Let her? You can open a casual account that can only use small moves, and see if you can beat her first!"


Ye Xiu sat in front of the computer, took out a shrunken cigarette box and said,"How about we have a little prize? A pack of cigarettes or something."

Chen Guo said contemptuously,"Can you be a little more promising?"

Tang Rou took out a hundred-dollar bill and put it on the table,"I don't have any cigarettes, so this will do! Keep it simple, let's start!"

【Huang Shaotian: Damn it! Ye Xiu, are you so shameless? The number one player in Glory actually made a bet with a girl, and even cheated her out of a hundred dollars.】

【Han Wenqing: Ye Xiu, I am ashamed to consider you my lifelong enemy! Can I let you fight for 100 yuan? If that's the case, then come to our Tyranny to be a sparring partner, I will give you 10,000 yuan a day!】

【Yu Wenzhou: How poor is this guy to be able to come up with such a method to cheat the girl!】

【Su Mucheng: However, Tang Rou's hand speed is really fast! I think even many professional players can't beat her!】

【Huang Shaotian: Hahahahaha! Are you complaining about our captain?】

【Yu Wenzhou:.....】

In the Xiuzhen Arena,

Ye Xiu controlled Jun Moxiao and Tang Rou controlled Zhu Yanxia to fight.

Ye Xiu took the lead and rushed towards Zhu Yanxia with a gun.

Then, he slid to avoid Tang Rou's bombardment, then dodged behind her and slashed with a sword, forcing Tang Rou to retreat.


Tang Rou jumped into the air and wanted to continue bombarding, but Ye Xiu changed the shape of the Thousand Machine Umbrella into a spear, and directly hit the direction of the barrel with an upward strike, easily dodging the attack.

"Oh my god, isn't this a sword? How did it turn into a spear again?"Chen Guo exclaimed.

As soon as the voice fell,

Ye Xiu's Myriad Chance Umbrella turned into a Gatling gun again and fired at Tang Rou.

At this moment, the onlookers were already dumbfounded, and they couldn't believe what was going on with Ye Xiu's weapon. How could it change into multiple shapes at will?

"I got you!"

Just when Tang Rou thought she had locked onto Ye Xiu,

Ye Xiu used the Shadow Clone Technique and summoned a goblin to attack Tang Rou.

Just as Tang Rou was stunned,

Ye Xiu defeated Tang Rou with one blow and won the victory.

After the fight,

Ye Xiu said calmly:"You are quite fast in operation, but you don't know how to play! The coordination of your left and right hands is a mess. You can't find the north when you turn your perspective. You are even accused of playing tactically. If you want to beat me, wait another hundred years!" Chen

Guo said indignantly:"Hey, that's a bit too much!"

Ye Xiu:"It's a bit too much. A hundred years is just a description. It doesn't really take that long."

After speaking,

Ye Xiu was about to take the money away.

But at this time,

Tang Rou took out another banknote and put it on the table, saying:"One more game!"

"No need for that. If I win against you, I'm just bullying you."

"If you lose, you lose. You don't have to give in! Although I'm not very good at playing, I hope you can take it seriously!"

Hearing this,

Ye Xiu did not give in to Tang Rou and directly demonstrated his high level of skills to defeat Tang Rou in various ways.

One hundred!

Two hundred!

Three hundred!

Five hundred!

One thousand!

Two thousand!

The table was piled with banknotes. Tang Rou was sweating profusely and her hands were shaking.

She gritted her teeth and said unwillingly:"Come again!..."

Ye Xiu replied,"Forget it, I don't want you to lose everything!"

Seeing this,

Chen Guo pinched Ye Xiu's arm and accused him,"Hey, hold back on your taunting skills. You didn't say anything nice after winning."

Ye Xiu smiled and said,"Xiao Tang, with your current hand speed, there are not many people in Glory who are faster than you, but there are definitely many who are stronger than you."

The audience complained:

"Oh my god, it’s so discouraging to say that!"

·· ··Request flowers0 ··

"That’s right, she’s a girl!"

Chen Guo quickly dismissed these people, then hugged Tang Rou and comforted her:"Xiao Tang, don’t be sad, that guy is just a foul-mouthed person. With your hand speed, you can definitely dominate in Glory."

Ye Xiu said:"Glory is not a game that can be won by hand speed alone. Glory is not as simple as you think!"

After that, he waved the banknotes and comforted her casually:"Just consider it my tuition fee. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me."

Seeing this,

Tang Rou became serious:"Guo Guo, give me a Glory account. I want to defeat him in Glory!"...

After watching the video of Ye Xiu brutally beating up Tang Rou, the audience couldn't help but feel sorry for this girl.

You know, girls are a scarce resource in any game, but Ye Xiu actually discouraged the girl's interest and directly ravaged Tang Rou for dozens of games. This is too much.

... 0.......

However, the professional players felt that what Ye Xiu said was not wrong.

Glory is definitely not as simple as everyone thinks. If you can win by hand speed alone, then there is no need to play Glory. You can just compete to see who has the faster hand speed.

If this is true, then Yu Wenzhou may be the most miserable person, because his hand speed has always been at the bottom of the Glory professional circle.

However, it is precisely because Glory is not a game where hand speed alone can determine the outcome, that is why there is more fun in Glory. You can rely on your brain, cooperation, opportunism, and various other ways to win the final victory.

Hand speed is just the icing on the cake!

【Mei Guang: Although Tang Rou was abused so badly, it also aroused her interest in Glory. I think this is a good thing!】

【Baozi: It’s totally worth it to have the great Ye Qiu accompany me to play so many rounds and only charge such a small amount of money!】

【Xiaoshoubingliang: Even if you have slow hands, you still have a chance to show your skills. You just need to seize the opportunity! Master Ye Qiu pointed out another way for me, which can be regarded as encouragement for a clumsy person like me!】

【Zhang Xinjie: I think Tang Rou is a good talent. If she is trained, she will definitely become a good newcomer!】

【Han Wenqing: Well, this girl has a kind of tenacity that never gives up. With some training, she can definitely stand on her own! However, since she has been spotted by Ye Xiu, he will definitely not let her go easily!】

【Wang Jiexi: I hope everyone in the Tiny Herb team will remember Ye Xiu's last words! Glory is never as simple as you think! Even someone like Ye Xiu can say this. If any of you dare not take Glory seriously, don't blame me for expelling you from Tiny Herb!】

Gao Yingjie: Yes, Captain! 】2.

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