“One, it’s [Evil Half].

And the other one, she is [Good Half].

So…… After putting the two back together….

The complete goddess, of course, will come.

I didn’t think of this, I seem to be a little stupid ah~~

However, after the two of them have finished fusing…

I guess this story will be more interesting. ”

Outside the light curtain, the sea inside the stars, the tower at the end.

I learned about S Ishtar in the video, and Astarte…

Both of them are incomplete individuals, and they must complete the integration to become real “goddesses”.

Merlin old thief, he showed an amused expression.

His seems to be eager to see the posture when S Istal and Astarte complete their fusion!

On the other side, in the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline.

Tosaka Mansion, a magic workshop underground.

Listen to Astarte’s words just now in the video.

Gilgamesh, he continued to pout.

“Gee! Those two guys, can they still fuse?

It’s already so annoying in itself…

Wouldn’t it be more annoying to recombine into a complete whole? ”

It seems that for the “Eastar” in the mythical story, Gilgamesh really hates it to the extreme.

Astarte and S Istal in the video, the two of them are also hated together.

But it’s worth mentioning… In the original setting.

But now, away from the voices of the audience talking and shocked just now.

The gaze refocused on the 767 to the light curtain where the video was playing.

Listening to S Ishtar next to her, she and Astarte had a conversation with the two.

Fujimaru Tachika, he instead asked a question.

“What does that mean…?”

The answer to this question is obvious.

It’s just that Fujimaru Tachika still asked.

That’s because… He seems reluctant to accept such a development of the story.

But now is not the time for indecision.

Astarte, she said sharply.

“No need to explain anymore!

I rendezvous with Istahl.

Knowing the good of evil, knowing the evil of good.

It’s the same for both, it’s me.

I am not an abandoned half, humanity chose the half that should have been abandoned.

Although good and evil are opposites, human beings have proved that good and evil are not incomprehensible.

…… So, go and get what needs to be done.

Right, Istar? ”

At the end, Astarte’s tone was obviously a little lonely.

But equally, she hopes that Istar will be able to complete this final task.

As for the S Istal side.

After listening to the other party’s words, her expression was also very complicated.

It was as if there were a lot of thoughts in my heart.

“Although I . . . I can’t imagine how you lived in the past 10 years after being abducted by the space god.

But since you say so, naturally I will not refuse.

Well, I accept your invitation!

And most importantly, I was very annoyed that my past self actually put on a self-righteous attitude! ”


At this time of S Istaal, she also made her own decision!

And after watching S Estal finally make that decision (adfi).

Astarte, she also smiled gratifyingly.

“What……. The two of us really fit together. ”

After all, the “source” of both is the same, and it is normal to think the same about certain things.

However, before the integration is completely completed.

Astarte, she turned her gaze slightly to Fujimaru Tachika’s body.

Then, she slowly opened her mouth to ask a question.

“…… In other words, the master of the earth.

You hit me from the beginning.

Could it be… Did you know from the beginning that I was not some [Goddess of Evil]…..? ”

It seems that Astarti is still very concerned about the issue of his identity.

Faced with Astarte’s question, Fujimaru Tachika just nodded with a very calm expression.

After getting a response…….

Astarte, the corners of her mouth rose slightly again.

“Is it… Then it seems that I lost completely. ”

After ending the final conversation.


An incomparably strong white light shone up, enveloping almost everything in it!

Astarte as the [Good Half].

As the [Evil Half], S Ishtar…

The two of them began to merge at this time and return to their original posture.

Above that vast Milky Way!

A silver glow shines………….

The new goddess of the galaxy, Istal Astarte, has arrived!

Her appearance is exactly the same as the origin of Astarte.

Only, her hair color is lilac.

The clothing on the body is also probably similar……. However, Istal Astarti did not have the heavy, demon-like coat.

Yes, just a tight combat suit.

Moreover….. This combat suit seems to represent the universe itself, and Shangman can see the vast starry sky!

……. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Watch the arrival of Istal Astarti.

Fujimaru Tachika, he tentatively made such a call.

“…… S Istal? ”

He wasn’t sure what kind of name he should use to call the “complete goddess” in front of him now.

Therefore, even if it is called, it can only be done in a tentative way.

However, it is also in this universe.

Feel the birth of Eastar Astarti.

As the original ontology, Astarte originated.

She also made a surprised voice at this time.

“Actually….. With my heart alone, I became [me]…?

Moreover, that twinkling starlight is…..”

Astarte Origin is somewhat unbelievable.

Two “parts” can actually give birth to an existence with the same specifications as themselves.

It’s unbelievable!

Moreover, just when Astarte Origin had just expressed his inner surprise.

The newborn Istal Astarte, she also responded sharply to the origin of Astati.

“That’s right, I’m the newborn Milky Way!

It is with ancient enmity and identification with the existence of a new order!

【Original Goddess】Istal Astarti.

Humanitarian, Space Istal !!!

A supernova born from the other side of 5 billion years by you, living in the present! ”

As he spoke, Istal Astarti also showed a confident smile.

Her words… It’s as if he is mocking the other party as an “old antique”.

It seems that the personality that dominates this body is that S Istan!

Outside the light curtain, in the base of [Chaldea].

Look inside the video……. A new primordial goddess formed by the fusion of two goddesses’ bodies.


Everyone present showed an expression of excitement and excitement at the same time.

After all kinds of despair just now…

A new galaxy is born, a new primordial goddess is born!

“Good, so handsome!

And……. So powerful, so powerful Istal Astarte.

This time, she must be able to win this battle!

Even if it is the goddess of origin, she can defeat it, right?

After all, she is also a primordial goddess now! ”

Fujimaru Tachika, he looked at Istal Astarti in the video very longingly, and said so excitedly.

Beside him, Dr. Roman, Matthew and Leonardo da Vinci, both of them also nodded in approval.

Although it is said …

Now the Istar Astarti in the video, after completing the integration, she is only on the same level as the Astarte origin.

But everyone… It still seems to be full of confidence in it!

Interestingly, though, is the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline.

The underground magic workshop of Tosaka Mansion.

Looking at the video, it is already Eastar Astarti who has completed the fusion.

And her declaration of the origin of Astarte just now.

At this time, Gilgamesh only showed a very speechless expression again.

“This guy’s taste… It’s still so bad…

Even after completing the fusion, it was only the names of the previous two fused together.

Moreover, the personality is still so bad.

I have just gained great power, and I have already begun to get carried away…”

Hero King, he is still quite critical of the newly born galactic goddess in the video.

Under the extremely shocked and expectant gazes of countless viewers in the Moon World.

The focus returns to the video being played, and the story is now truly at its climax!

Listening to Istal Astarte in front of her, she announced that her birth was a new galaxy.

Astarte Origin, she simply could not believe such a fact.


Impossible, impossible, impossible!!!

This is a betrayal of the entire primordial universe (your world)!

[I] actually went to protect the object of revenge!

Curse you, Radiance Galaxy.

Curse thy followers who have abandoned the shell of man!

You are not [me]!

I’ll make your Lingji Galaxy die….! ”

The voice that accompanied the origin of Astarte just fell.

The huge “temple”, the treasure [Edin-Shugurra-uasar] shining in the primordial universe] has arrived!

It seems that the current Astarte Origin intends to use treasures to completely annihilate the newly born Galactic Goddess in front of him.

But but…….

Now Istal Astarte, she has the same power as the origin of Astati!

Moreover, she also has a point that is incomparable in the origin of Astarte.

That is… Istal Astarte, who has the assistance of her own master, Tachika Fujimaru!!!。

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