“Is the primordial goddess colliding head-on with the primordial goddess?

A battle of this scale should be unprecedented.

After all…… For these two goddesses who themselves represent the universe.

The heroic spirits on our earth all seem to be a little troublesome…”

Outside the screen, the sea inside the stars, the tower at the end.

Still through that small window, looking at the two goddesses in the video, watching the battle that is about to start in the video.

Now Merlin, he still seems to be a little looking forward and excited.

After all, this time, it was a real cosmic-level battle.

If you miss it, it is estimated that you will not have such an opportunity in the future~

And he was also very curious about how this kind of universe-level battle between heroes and spirits would be exaggerated?

It’s really a battle worth looking forward to – a battle.

On the other side, in the Nacratic base.

Looking at the two goddesses in the video, they are about to start fighting.

This time, everyone at this moment also held their breath and concentrated, feeling quite anxious and worried in their hearts.

Nervous beads of sweat dripped down everyone’s foreheads.

Although when Istal Astarti was born just now, everyone was full of expectations and excitement for her.

But when it comes to really fighting that Astarte origin, he still instinctively feels worried and nervous.

After all, before this battle began, the oppressive force brought by the origin of Astarti was real.

“I still have to be a little nervous, I don’t know who will win this battle in the end?

I think……. It would probably be Eastar Astarti. ”

Master Fujimaru Tachika, he tentatively asked the question.

It’s not so much that he thinks Ishtar Astarte in the video will win.

And with the master, Fujimaru Tachika’s voice just fell.

Matthew, the follower beside him, also immediately picked up the topic and said with some excitement.


After all, Istal Astarte in the video has a master, with the help of your predecessors.

This battle must be won. ”

Under the excited lines of the two.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain, and the story continues!

Face the almost invincible Astarte Origin, and her treasures.

Istal Astarte, however, did not have the slightest fear.

Even, she calmly organized the next action.

“Jane, get ready!

After defeating that guy, you’ll need your eyes! ”

While calm, No. 1 also seems to be exceptionally confident.

Even after she began to prepare to win the battle.

And Calamity Star Jane’s side.

After hearing Istal Astarte’s reminder, she responded with the same confident and expectant smile.

“Well, leave it to me ~~~

Beat her up~~Ishtarin~~~”

I don’t know why, Calamity Star briefly used such a name to call No. 1.

However, after explaining to Calamity Star Jane that the battle was over.

Number One immediately focused his gaze on Fujimaru Rika.

Because…… Want to win this battle.

Fujimaru Tachika’s help, that is also essential.

“…… master!

No, Tachika Fujimaru!

Please use the spell to support, as long as I have this, I will not lose!” ”

Although now as the true galaxy, the goddess of the universe!

Istal Astarte deserves endless magic!

So…… The huge amount of magic that the Ling Spell could provide seemed to be of little effect to her.

But despite this, Istal Astarti still believes that as long as he has the master’s spell, then he will definitely be able to defeat Astarte Origin!

It seems that compared to the magic of acting…

What she needs more should be encouragement from the master!

Outside the light curtain, the fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Listen to the video just now, Istal Astarte’s lines.

Rin Tosaka, she opened her mouth slightly again and made a puzzled sound.


That guy, isn’t she already a true galactic goddess?

She should already have it… That’s an endless magic.

Although it is said that the spell is also a representative of the huge magical power.

But how does it compare to the magic of the Milky Way?

That’s probably nothing.

Then why, she would say that as long as there is a master’s spell… She’s sure to win!? ”

Now Rin Tosaka, she still habitually looks at videos from the perspective of a “magician”, as well as analytical problems.

But in fact, this matter in the video is not as simple as she thought!

…….. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After sighing slightly, Red A beside Rin Tosaka spoke.

“Things, where are you as superficial as you think…….

Indeed, for the current number one.

The improvement that the spell can bring is actually not so obvious.

It’s just that…… She thinks that as long as there is the assistance of the master.

She has the determination to win.

It just takes that encouragement. ”

“Ah! Is that so…”

After listening to Red A’s explanation, Rin Tosaka showed an expression that seemed to suddenly realize.

But after that, it seemed a little embarrassing.

As a master, if you don’t even notice this.

It seems that there is indeed not enough tacit understanding.

But for now, he still left from Rin’s complaining voice.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain.

Listen to the lines of Istal Astarti just now.

Fujimaru Tachika also smiled confidently.

0 for flowers 0

“Smash the gems boldly!”

For Istal Astarte… Gemstones are equivalent to strength.

That’s true!

And listen to the words of Fujimaru Rika.

Istal Astarte also smiled and winked playfully.

“Hehe, leave it to me, I’ll kill her!”

For this fight, neither No. 1 nor Tachika Fujimaru.

Both of them are full of confidence!

However, just when the two of them had just discussed.

On the other side, Astarte Origin, she is also ready to attack!


This heat, Canghui Galaxy is not worthy of it!!! ”

However, in the moment when Astarte’s origin voice just fell.

Istal Astarti also immediately retorted and shouted.

“It’s not up to you to decide!

But by the humans behind me!

Then ~~~~ I want to go on with respect, origin!

Let’s use the sparkle of the stars to prove which side of the light is wilder and more beautiful! ”

The voice that accompanied No. 1 just fell.

Right away!

The treasure of Estal Astarti also descended behind her.

The strongest EX star treasure named “Edin-Shugurra-uasar” that shines in the primordial universe also appeared behind No. 1.

Right now…….

On this galaxy, two cosmic goddesses appeared at the same time.

At the same time, two temples also emerged, two of the most powerful star treasures of the EX class.

If this is placed in the world of type moon, it is an unprecedented shocking scene!


The two goddesses of the universe, they did not have any hesitation, or wasted any time.


The two of them unleashed the full power of the treasure at the same time!

“Bang!” “Bang!”

Two huge streams of magical power flickered above this galaxy.

And then……

“Boom !!!”

The treasures of the two goddesses collided head-on in this way.

The violent sound directly echoed throughout the universe.

The intense light that shone out was like a supernova explosion.

Such a scale of battles … In the entire history of the type moon, I am afraid it is unique!

If it weren’t for Fujimaru Tachika on top of that ruined temple, I’m afraid that as a flesh and blood body, he would not be able to support it.

And I don’t know…….

Which goddess will win this battle to the end?

And then, when the battle between the two goddesses is over.

It is estimated that this video is almost at the end.

So…… After the battle between these two multiverse-level goddesses is over.

What’s the next video to start?

PS: When writing, the name used a codename, and I forgot to adjust it back when I updated, sorry sorry! It’s been adjusted now!! Four!.

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