Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 6: No food, I'm dying

From this point of view, even if he punched himself a thousand punches, his qi and blood would not necessarily increase by 1 point, and if he had the skills to punch himself a thousand punches, it would be better to exercise physical skills, and the increase in qi and blood would be even more.

However, according to the inversion of cause and effect, the more someone exercises, the stronger they become, and the more they exercise, the weaker they may become.

"Could it be that only by being attacked by others can one's blood and defense increase a lot, and it's not enough to beat yourself?" Watanabe guessed.

He regretted that he wanted to rely on the card bug to hide from his family's crazy self-abuse and become stronger, but now this road is broken.

The improvement he got by hiding at home and self-abusing for a day is not even as good as someone else's running in the morning, of course it won't work.

"If there is a physical art, it is powerful and can damage the body. I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Watanabe sighed secretly, he didn't understand the plot of Naruto World, and he didn't know whether the physical skills he imagined existed.

After pondering for a long time, Watanabe thought about how to effectively improve his strength through causal reversal, while subconsciously entering a state of cultivation to refine the chakra in his body.

[Cultivation: Chakra (Blood) -1, -2, -2...]


Watanabe was surprised. His chakra was not much, and he was deducted by one-fifth of his kung fu after only practicing for a while.

"This is still a practice!"

Watanabe lay down directly, emptying himself and thinking about nothing.

[In laziness: Chakra (Blood) +3, +4, +3...]


Not to mention, the chakra that he has improved at this moment is much more efficient than the chakra he usually accumulates through practice.

"This is also a good way to become stronger!"

Watanabe's eyes lit up, surprised.

If he is lazy at this rhythm, it will not take him long for his chakra to catch up with geniuses such as Chaoshewan and Tsunade, and truly achieve a counter-attack with waste materials.

It's just that the ninja is not the bigger the chakra, the more powerful it is. It is necessary to master advanced ninjutsu. Take the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi as an example. It is said that he can understand and use all the existing ninjutsu of Konoha, which is known as ninja. Professor of Art, also known as the strongest Hokage.

"The ninja school only teaches the basic three-body martial arts, and the advanced ninjutsu are all controlled by the big ninja clan and senior Konoha. If you want to learn advanced ninjutsu, you must make an outstanding contribution to the village, or take refuge in other ninja clan, it is a bit difficult do..."

After all, Watanabe's civilian status is a limitation. Not only does he not have the bloodline limit passed down from generation to generation by the ninja clan, but it is even difficult to find a way to learn advanced ninjutsu.

After hesitating for a moment, Watanabe was no longer entangled.

Ninjutsu will be discussed later. What he needs to do now is to improve Chakra and blood as much as possible, so that when the opportunity comes in the future, he can have enough strength to grasp it.

After thinking about this, Watanabe was full of energy, turned over and changed to a comfortable position and continued to lie down.

[In laziness: Chakra (Blood) +4, +5, +4...]

In Watanabe's laziness, time passed by, and soon night fell, and the house was shrouded in darkness.

Watanabe suddenly remembered that he hadn't eaten dinner and was about to go to the kitchen to cook instant noodles when—

[Hungry: satiety +4, physical strength +2, weakness -3...]

Watanabe was stunned for a while, incredulous: "There is such a good thing?!"

If he doesn't need to eat, then he doesn't have to worry about his livelihood at all. At this stage, he is so poor that he can't afford to eat, it's not just talk.

Then he carefully felt that his stomach did not feel hungry, instead he felt like he was being held up after a full meal.

"How much money can I save by skipping three meals a day!"

Watanabe was happy just thinking about it.

Soon, however, he couldn't be happy, because as time passed, his stomach felt more and more full, as if a person who had already eaten was still eating.

[Hungry: satiety +5, physical strength +3, weakness -2...]

"No way, if I don't eat, I'll have to die."

Watanabe was extremely uncomfortable, even more hungry than usual, gritted his teeth, rolled over and got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

It was not until he finished eating two bowls of hot instant noodles that his stomach returned to normal.

[Eating: Hunger +15, Weakness +5, Stamina -6...]

"If I continue to eat, will I starve myself to death?"

Rubbing his flat stomach, Watanabe was both curious and depressed.

He originally thought that he could avoid three meals a day by virtue of the causal reversal feature, but now it seems that the cost of eating and drinking is still unavoidable.

Others will starve to death if they don't eat, but he will die.

Reversal of cause and effect, as expected of you.



Back in time to evening.

In the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiizhan finished his official duties for the day, and read the report submitted to him by the teacher of the ninja school.

No matter what grade, the ninja school will hold two practical competitions every school year, aiming to tap the seeds of potential in the school. After all, the students of the ninja school represent the next generation of Konoha.

In addition to serving as Hokage, Sarutobi Hizan also serves as the headmaster of the ninja school. Today Hizan is prosperous and capable.

He first checked the actual combat situation of Class A in the fourth year. He has been paying attention to Tsunade over the years. Tsunade's identity is really special. As the granddaughter of the first Hokage Pillarma, she was born to be the focus of attention.

In fact, Hiizhan wanted to accept Tsunade as a direct disciple for a long time, and cultivate her into his confidant, just like Tobirama taught him back then to teach Tsunade, but Uzumaki Mito did not agree.

Just a few years after the end of the first ninja war, the five countries ushered in a brief and precious peace. Uzumaki Mito wanted to give Tsunade a carefree childhood and let her stay at the ninja school like a normal child until graduation. Anyway, Tsunade usually has her to teach at home, and there is no shortage of this teacher.

Regarding Mito's refusal, Hiizhan was helpless, but did not dare to force it. If Hokage is afraid of someone in Konoha, that person must be Mito. The first, second, and third Hokage have all been intimidated by her.

"Huh? This kid named Watanabe is a good seedling."

Looking at the report presented by Osaka Rukawa, Hizan murmured.

He thought that Tsunade would defeat the opponent with a destructive attitude in actual combat. Unexpectedly, Watanabe, who was fighting against Tsunade, was extremely tenacious. Be merciful, he loses even if he loses.

Rizhan knew Osaka Rukawa, and knew that he was an excellent teacher who sought truth from facts. The report he wrote by himself would never be adulterated. The actual situation at that time was probably more moving than what he wrote.

Rijian lit his pipe and exhaled a breath of mist.

He naturally admires people like Watanabe who are stubborn and unyielding. His father Sarutobi Sasuke was a famous iron-blooded hero during the Warring States Period.

"After graduating in the future, he can be assigned an elite Jōnin to lead the team. How far he can grow in the end depends on his own ability."

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