Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 7: Watanabe is graduating early

Footsteps came from outside the door.

Ri Zhan raised his head and saw a middle-aged man with half of his face wrapped in bandages walking into the office.

Niszhan casually put the report submitted by Osaka Rukawa aside, and asked the middle-aged man, "Danzo, how is the investigation of Yuyin Village?"

"The situation is not good." Danzo's voice was low.

"The conflict between Yuyin Village and the Kingdom of Iron has intensified recently. The two sides are incompatible, and it is likely to become the trigger for the second Ninja World War."

Ritsu frowned.

He will never forget how tragic the first ninja war a few years ago was. Konoha was besieged by Sandyin, Iwayin, Yunyin, and Mistyin, with no casualties, and even the second Hokage Tobirama died heroically. .

If it wasn't for the assistance of the vortex country, it was still unknown whether Konoha could survive the catastrophe.

Although the first ninja war ended in Konoha's victory, it was only a temporary victory. Hizan knew that the second ninja war was brewing, and once it broke out, the storm at that time would be stronger than the first war.

"Rizhao, we have to prepare in advance." Danzo said: "According to my estimation, it can be as short as one year or three years, and the second ninja war will definitely break out. Students who can graduate from the ninja school should not be kept. Now, let them experience it in advance so that they can be more useful when the war comes."

Ri Zhan: "I will consider it."

Danzo hesitated to speak, in his opinion, it doesn't have to be considered at all, okay!

Danzo felt that the life of the students in the ninja school should not be too comfortable. There are many people over ten years old who have not graduated, especially Tsunade. She even has the strength of the ninja, but she still stays in the ivory tower. This is right Serious waste of human resources.

During the Warring States Period, children of various ninja tribes were forced to be sent to the battlefield at the age of five or six. Why not now? The ninja school system is very problematic.

It's a pity that Danzo is not Hokage after all. He can only make suggestions. The person who really has the power to change the ninja school system is Hizen.

After a moment of silence, Danzo suddenly saw the reports piled up on the table, and asked casually, "What outstanding talents are there in the school now?"

The roots he leads need to absorb fresh blood.

Ri Zhan understood what he meant: "You see for yourself."

Danzo picked up a report that had already been spread out, which was what Rizhan had just read.

"This kid named Watanabe is very good, give him to me."

Soon, Danzo closed the report and said bluntly.

Root specializes in dealing with the filth and filth that cannot be seen in Konoha, moving forward with a heavy load, and enduring what ordinary people cannot bear.

Rijian hesitated slightly.

Of course, he is aware of the existence of the root. Anyone who enters the root will be riddled with filth, and may be brainwashed by Danzo into a numb machine without self-awareness.

He originally wanted to arrange a normal growth path for Watanabe, and even recruit him into Anbu in the future, but Danzo himself spoke up.

"Yes, Watanabe is indeed qualified to graduate early after being able to fight with Tsunade for so long."

In the end, Rizhan agreed.



The night was dark and windy, and the hands of the wall clock pointed to three in the morning.

Watanabe didn't sleep, he was staying up late, to be precise, he was slacking off while staying up late.

[Staying up late: health +4, kidney function +3, exhaustion -6...]

[In laziness: Chakra (Blood) +5, +5, +5...]

"It's so cool to stay up all night!"

Watanabe was excited.

He felt that he was full of energy, alive and well, and both chakra and blood were growing at the same time.

The attribute panel shows that his qi and blood value has reached 230, which has increased tenfold in just half a day!

"If you don't have the opportunity to learn advanced ninjutsu in the future, it's not impossible to specialize in physical training. After all, my qi and blood are so strong."

Watanabe secretly thought that he had the potential to become a master of physique.

After a while, it was five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright.

Due to the reversal of cause and effect, Watanabe stayed up late and became more energetic. His brain seemed to be soaked in balsamic oil, and it was cool and transparent from the inside out.

"No, it's too mental, this state is not normal."

Watanabe was worried that he would be overwhelmed and cause sudden death. After thinking about it, he decided to take a nap to keep his body functions in balance.

So he closed his eyes, counted the sheep dryly, and forced himself to sleep.

[Sleeping: Energy -3, Fatigue +4, Sleepiness +5...]

It's okay if he doesn't fall asleep. After closing his eyes, Watanabe became more and more sleepy, and he was completely unconscious.

The belly of the fish in the east was white, and the first rays of dawn fell.



The ninja school in the early morning was very lively, and the children came to school in an endless stream facing the rising sun, and there was a lot of noise inside and out.

"Tsunade-chan, morning!"

Jiraiya also greeted Tsunade cheerfully.

Tsunade Liu Mei trembled twice and took a deep breath: "Go away."


Zilai is also a skinless and faceless person. He doesn't care that his hot face sticks to his cold buttocks, and he continues to greet the other girls in the class with a smile on his face.

"Zero sauce, morning."

"Dazzling sauce, good morning."


This guy is so annoying.

Every time he saw Jiraiya, Tsunade always wanted to beat him up, but even if he was beaten, he didn't have a long memory, and he was still laughing and giggling.

Tsunade shifted his attention to the rear corner seat.

"Is Watanabe here yet?" Tsunade thought, a little nervous.

In yesterday's actual battle, Watanabe was undoubtedly injured by her, and he refused her to use medical ninjutsu to help him heal. Tsunade was angry and helpless about this.

Angry is anger, there is no way, she must be responsible for Watanabe's injury, so today she brought a lot of precious medicinal herbs to school, thinking about giving the medicinal herbs to Watanabe to take.

If you don't want me to treat you, you won't refuse to take medicine by yourself, right?

This was Tsunade's first time giving something to someone, and the other party was of the opposite sex, so he was inevitably nervous and didn't know how to speak in a while.

To her surprise, Watanabe still didn't come until the bell rang in the first quarter.


"Watanabe seems to have never been late before."

Tsunade felt uneasy for some reason. He wouldn't have been beaten by himself yesterday, right? Couldn't he get out of bed?

The first session in the morning was a Ninjutsu theory course. Tsunade was absent-minded throughout the whole process, and often looked at the empty space in the corner, intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to see that familiar figure appear.

If Watanabe really couldn't come to school because he was beaten by her, then she would have to shoulder the responsibility.

Three consecutive classes passed, and Watanabe never showed up.

Tsunade grew more and more guilty.

The last session was a gymnastics class at Rukawa in Osaka. Tsunade caught up with him just after school and asked, "Teacher, did Watanabe ask you for leave? He didn't come in the morning."

Osaka Rukawa smiled happily: "Watanabe didn't ask for leave, he is graduating early."

Tsunade was stunned.

"Graduate early?"

"Just him??"

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