Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 8: Tsunade: Misunderstood, you all misunderstood

The hidden meaning of Tsunade's words is that I didn't graduate early, and Watanabe is so weak, why did he graduate early?

"Yeah." Osaka Rukawa smiled brightly.

"Yesterday, after I reported the situation in the class to Hokage-sama, Hokage-sama sent someone to find me at night, took Watanabe's file information to me, and said that he would graduate early."

Tsunade was suddenly messed up, and his brain was buzzing.

"The reason why Watanabe didn't come this morning should be because Mr. Hokage called him away." Osaka Rukawa continued.

He was very pleased and felt that he had helped Watanabe. After all, Watanabe was his student, and it would only be a good thing to be valued by Hokage-sama. I hope this child can go higher and higher in the future.

Tsunade couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, how did you report the process of learning between Watanabe and me?"

Osaka Rukawa: "Of course I reported it truthfully. Although Watanabe is not as strong as you, he has fought back and forth with you, and his mental quality of not admitting defeat is the most valuable."


She really wanted to say, the farts come and go!

I didn't want Watanabe's loss to be too ugly yesterday, so I deliberately fought with him. If I really want to beat him, one move will do.

Osaka Rukawa: "I think Hokage-sama, like me, also appreciates Watanabe's tenacious qualities. In addition, since he can fight back and forth with you, from the perspective of strength alone, Watanabe is indeed qualified to graduate early."


Misunderstood, you all misunderstood.

Watanabe is weak! In addition to resisting beatings, Watanabe is still the tail of a weak chicken, and he is not strong at all.

Tsunade realized the seriousness of the matter. She had played against Watanabe, and she knew the strength of Watanabe.

She didn't expect that her well-intentioned release of water could have such a big impact on Watanabe.

If Watanabe really has the strength to graduate early, then he will graduate after graduation, and it's fine, but the key point is that Watanabe is a weak chicken, so let the weak chicken graduate early, don't you push him into the fire pit?

"Teacher, where does the Watanabe family live? I want to go see him." Tsunade asked.

Osaka Rukawa nodded. He just called up Watanabe's file information last night, and he was still very impressed. He said Watanabe's address in one bite.



In a house in a civilian area.

Watanabe was awakened, and the feeling of fullness in his stomach was too strong, as if he had just overeaten.

[Hungry: satiety +4, physical strength +2, weakness -3...]

"It's twelve o'clock!"

Watanabe was taken aback when he saw the clock on the wall.

Good guy, the morning will pass as soon as you close your eyes, if you don't open your eyes, wouldn't this life be over?

Watanabe suddenly discovered that sleeping is a very dangerous thing. Others are more awake the more they sleep, but because of the reversal of cause and effect, the more they sleep, the more sleepy they become.

"I will set an alarm clock in the future, and sleep for at most two or three hours a day is enough."

Watanabe secretly decided, and then he went to the kitchen to cook instant noodles. After eating a large bowl of noodles, he finally relieved his fullness and made him feel a little hungry.

"Eating instant noodles every day is not the same thing, you have to find a way to make some money..."

"Bang bang."

The knock on the door outside interrupted Watanabe's thoughts, and he guessed that the person who came should be Osaka Rukawa.

After all, he missed a morning of class, and Osaka Rukawa was a responsible teacher, and 80% of them wanted to come to ask about the situation.


Watanabe answered and stepped forward to open the door.

Outside the door was a completely unfamiliar middle-aged man, dressed in black, with a cold and stern expression, staring at Watanabe like an interrogation.

"Who are you looking for?" Watanabe asked in surprise, the man's sharp eyes made him feel uncomfortable.

"My name is Beiyuan City, and I'm a member of Konoha's Root."

Beiyuan City said indifferently, he looked at the file photo of the transition side beforehand, and recognized at a glance that the other party was the target of his trip.


Such a strange name.

Watanabe only knew that Konoha had Anbu and the police department. As for the root, he had never heard of it.

"You got the wrong guy."

Watanabe looked at him vigilantly, and was about to close the door, but Kitahara Castle stuck his foot in the crack of the door, which instantly made Watanabe hostile to him.

"No one at the ninja school told you, you have graduated early." Beiyuancheng frowned.

The kid in front of him is so vigilant that it takes a lot of effort to communicate.

Graduating early?

Watanabe was dubious, I was going to drop out of school, but you told me to graduate early?

"I have something to do this morning, so I didn't go to school." Watanabe shook his head.

Beiyuan City was thoughtful, so it was no wonder that the other party was not prepared for his arrival.

After thinking for a while, Beiyuancheng explained patiently: "You have been approved by Danzo-sama, Danzo-sama decided to take you into the 'root' and let you end your studies in the ninja school ahead of schedule. I am here to pick you up. Go and see Danzo-sama."

The name Danzo is not unfamiliar to Watanabe, and he knows that he is one of Konoha's core executives, and he is an uncompromising big man.

Watanabe had seen Danzo a few times from a distance before, and his impression of him was not good. He felt that this person was sinister and seemed to be very scheming.

"Why does Danzo-sama recognize me? What does Gen do?" Watanabe threw two questions in a row.

He was not fooled by Danzo's name, nor did he believe Beiyuan City.

If Kitahara Castle came to invite him to join Anbu or the Police Department, Watanabe might really come to see him, but that's fine, let's not say he's never heard of it, the name of this organization just sounds like it Makes you feel inappropriate.

"When you meet Danzo-sama, your question will naturally be answered." Beiyuan City answered indifferently.

"If you say that—"

Watanabe was hesitant to lengthen the ending sound, and Beiyuan Castle was sure of his expression, expecting that the little ghost in front of him would be obedient.

"I'm not going with you."

"Uh." Beiyuan City was taken aback.

"What did you say?"

Watanabe firmly repeated: "I will not go to see Danzo, nor will I join Gen!"

Beiyuancheng's expression stiffened, and it took a while to react.

This little devil... why don't you play cards according to the routine?

If other elementary school students were summoned by the prestigious Danzo-sama, they would definitely be excited, but Watanabe refused? ?

"You know what you're talking about!"

After regaining his senses, Beiyuancheng asked in a cold tone.

Watanabe asked strangely: "What's the matter, can't I not go, are you going to kidnap me?"

Beiyuan City: "..."

He suddenly stopped.

What the hell is going on with this bastard?

Communicating with him felt more difficult than interrogating foreign spies.

"Sir Danzo's summons will be of great benefit to your future..." Beiyuan City tried hard to explain.

"I don't need this kind of benefit, let's go!" Watanabe refused decisively.

He firmly believes that the pie will not fall out of the sky for no reason.

If a stranger comes to your door and says they want to give you a favor, the first thing you should do is to hold your wallet tightly.

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