Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1070: Who is louder than?

Countless exclamations sounded, countless monks began to rush toward the golden light in the sky, and even more monks lost their lives, rushed madly towards the sky.

   The fight for the reincarnation clock has finally begun!

   This process may last ten days.

   For a time, all the people on Wuting Mountain fell into madness, even the bastard, a jerk, was also excited, jumping around in the crowd.

   On the sky, a heaven-and-earth treasure resembling a bell exudes a surplus of golden light, as if the whole heaven and earth, only this one is left, and the rest of everything has no sense of existence.

   The body of the reincarnation clock is only the size of a slap. Yang Zhen's face is blank, how can such a small thing contain such a terrifying power, panic like heaven, making people feel awe.

   The moment when the reincarnation clock just appeared, Yang Zhen looked really attentive. On the reincarnation clock, there are at least two origins of the true patterns of heaven and earth, and these two true patterns of heaven and earth are unheard of existence by Yang Zhen.

   Could it be that the reincarnation clock is so powerful because of these two real world patterns?

   Thinking of this, Yang Zhen shook his head.

   also has heaven and earth real patterns in his hands, and there are not only two kinds. Even if all these heaven and earth real patterns in Yang Zhen's hands are combined by the means of heaven and earth, it is not enough to explode the panic-stricken gas machine of the reincarnation clock.

   There must be something particularly powerful in order to be able to be refined into the world treasure of reincarnation clock!

Hua Youyue has begun to refining. Before refining, she took a deep look at Yang Zhen, with a strong attachment and deep worry. Obviously, Hua Youyue also understood that next, it was Yang The most dangerous time.

Elder Wang and Yuan Tianyu have already rushed towards Hua Youyue, and seeing that the two Holy Realm Powerhouses are about to disturb Hua Youyue's refining, Yang Zhen jumped forward and arrived first, and came to the two Holy Realms. In front of the strong man, he grinned and said, "Can two seniors fight landlords?"

   Fight... Fight the landlord?

   Fight your sister landlord, at this time, who still wants to fight your landlord?

  Even if everyone knew that Yang Zhen was going to stop the two Sacred Realm at this time, he did not expect to find such a bad excuse.

What does   fight landlord mean?

   Although everyone in the room has not heard of it, there is probably a perception that it should be a kind of three-person game.

  Huayouyue is refining the reincarnation clock, will the two holy realm strongmen and you Yang Zhen fight the landlord?

  Even at the turn of life and death, this time will not do such ridiculous things with you, not to mention the two holy realm strongmen, and one of them is Yuan Tianyu who was suffocated by Yang Zhen's nose.

  Yuan Tianyu roared, angered and smiled, and the long sword was like a blood wave, chopped towards Yang Zhen, bursting out and said: "Yang Zhen child, really an old man can’t kill you?"

   At this time, even Elder Wang couldn't care about the existence of Kowloon behind him, and Shen Sheng said: "Boy, you let go!"

Yang Zhen laughed and said, "Give up? What a joke. The woman is Ben Sao Sheng. She is refining the reincarnation clock. At this time, the deity gives way to let you hurt the woman of Ben Sao Sheng. You two Was the head show funny?"

   Hearing Yang Zhenzhen's words, all the crowds in the madness on the scene burst into exclamation, and even the excitement disappeared without a trace.

   "What, Yang Zhen really wants to use his own strength to fight against the two powerful saints?"

   "How is it possible, do you think Yang Zhen can carry the two great holy realms alone?"

   "Look, what did Yang Zhen sacrifice?"

   "Then... that is a barbecue?"

"not good!"

   All the monks who were about to rush to Yang Zhen and the two Holy Realm strong men turned around and ran away. The panicked expression on their faces was like seeing death, and the monk behind him looked dazed.

  Isn't it just a barbecue rack, so scared?

  Just when everyone was in doubt, Tianguang burst from Yang Zhen's barbecue grill.

  Yes, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the sky that penetrated the whole world covered the world on the barbecue shelf in Yang Zhen's hands again.

   Beheaded Holy Light!

In the sacred light, Yang Zhen laughed and looked at Yuan Tianyu with a playful face, said: "Old man, there was no victory or defeat before. This time, you said that Bensao Sheng could cut yours. Said?"

Seeing the reappearance of the Daoguang Holy Light again, Yuan Tianyu's face flashed with a gloomy look, and he laughed loudly, staring at Yang Zhen remarkably and said, "Boy, you are trying to cut the old man's Dao, okay, today I will ruin your way first, and then kill you bit by bit, no, the old man wants you to die better."

  Yang Zhen was surprised and shook his head, saying: "At such an old age, the mood has lived on the dog. Your master did not tell you that you must be arrogant and restless when you encounter something, can you not be surprised?"

   Shit, Yang Zhen feels that his recent literary talent is good!


   came a roar of earth-shattering roar, and a monstrous sense of Tao spread in the air. Behind Yuan Tianyu, a huge **** giant Buddha condensed through the heavens and earth, exuding bursts of majesty.

   This is not the first time Yang Zhen has seen Yuan Tianyu's blood Buddha. In the case of an elder Wang beside him, Yang Zhen did not dare to neglect and hurriedly condensed the poor Qitian emptiness.


   After the Qiqiqi came out, he roared at the blood Buddha, spread his wings, covered the sky and rushed towards the giant Buddha.


   came from a deafening and awkward voice, and shocked countless monks to fall from the air, like it was raining, and all the crackling fell to the ground.

   Yang Zhen's ears almost bulged out, staggering, looking at the blood Buddha who suddenly opened his eyes in midair.

   "Damn, who's voice is louder than that? Swallow Tianzhi, you give Ben Sao Sheng out, Ben Sao Sheng wants to call you a kind of magical power."


  On the sky, a huge swallowing Tian came to Yang Zhen in the blink of an eye, staring at the blood Buddha behind Yuan Tianyu.

   Yang Zhen slapped him on the body and passed on the nine-character mantra.

   "This old guy wants to have a louder voice than anyone. You tell him, than the voice, have you ever been afraid of swallowing Tian Tian?"

  Tun Tianzhi naturally can't speak, but his eyes have lightened up, and when he heard Yang Zhenzhen's words, he began to inhale.

  Twisting Tianqi inhale, what kind of world effect will it produce?

   The air around for hundreds of circles was almost instantaneously transformed into a huge vortex, rushing into the mouth of Tian Tianzhi.

  Yuan Tianyu saw this, and there was a trace of disdain on his face.

   is louder than the voice?

  Blood Buddha roar is not only a loud voice?

   Among them, there is a kind of spirit attack, even if the holy realm strongman is roared by the blood Buddha, it will also produce a momentary loss of mind.

  The old man wants to see how big your voice is!

   No matter how loud the voice is, in the face of the roar of the soul, only the smoke will disappear.

   It's just that Yuan Tianyu didn't see it. After seeing Yang Zhen passing on the power, Elder Wang's complexion suddenly changed, and quietly turned away.

   In the midair, under the confrontation between the blood Buddha covering the sky and the terrifying grim swallower, everyone covered their ears.

  Invincible starts with the full level attribute

  Invincible starts with the full level attribute

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