Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1071: The true power of the Holy Land!

Whose voice is louder than?

   If he is louder than his voice, Yang Zhen is not afraid of any giant Buddha or troll.

  Tun Tianzhi This guy is not only able to swallow the sky, his voice is even more scary.

   After a terrifying roar, the terrifying storm wave instantly dispelled the giant Buddha, Yuan Tianyu bear the brunt of it, was blown into the mouth and made a purring sound, his face was unbelievable.

   "God attack, no, it's impossible, how could you have such a horrible soul power?"

   Not to mention Yuan Tianyu, that is, a group of monks around were all roared with shaking ears, shaking their heads, and finally reacted.

   As we all know, the power of the soul is one of the most difficult to cultivate. In the whole cultivation world, there are few exercises that can cultivate the power of the soul, but there are methods, but it is too slow.

   This is also one of the reasons why the powerful monk with strong soul power will be more outstanding.

  Who can think that Yang Zhen's deep soul is so terrifying that even the strongest of the Holy Realm can't resist it.


   came a roar, Yang Zhenji came out of the barbecue shelf, all the beams of holy light broke out completely, shrouded between heaven and earth.

   "The Beacon of Light, the Beacon of Light, is Yang Zhen really fighting Yuan Tianyu?"

"The joke, before I was afraid of causing a change in the sky, Senior Yuan didn't use the power of True Yuan in the Light of Beheading Dao. Now no one is perfecting the heart of Dao in the Light of Beheading Dao. What use?"

   "Doesn't Yang Zhen want to use the desecrated light to fight against Yuan Tianyu, which is ridiculous."

   Seeing Yang Zhen offering out the holy light of beheading, Yuan Tianyu also laughed, as if he saw a huge joke, his expression came to Yang Zhen gently.

"Although the power of Beheading Holy Light is strange, but no one has ever been able to use this power, and with your strength, even if there are many means, it can't stop the Holy Realm strong unless you can... forget it Although the Holy Light of Beheading is powerful, even the strongest of the Holy Realm cannot be easily refined. Today, you cannot stop the old man."

Speaking of which, Yuan Tianyu glanced at Elder Wang not far away and smiled and said to Yang Zhen: "Boy, the Black Lotus Holy Land is not a sinful gate. On the contrary, Qingluanzong is not a place of great mercy, Judging a force with good and evil is a very naive idea, but it is this reincarnation clock...the old man is bound to get it!"

   As soon as the words fell, Yuan Tianyu suddenly changed.

  Feeling the changes in Yuan Tianyu, everyone exclaimed and became ashamed.

   " the real power of the Holy Realm!"

   I don’t know who exclaimed, the surrounding world seemed to become frozen.

  Yuan Tianyu's hands, I don't know when there is a green sword.

The long sword is slender, giving people an endless sharp feeling, but it is not the sensory impact of the Holy Soldier that is shocking. With the long sword in hand, Yuan Tianyu suddenly becomes sharp, as if the whole person has become a The sharp edge of the handle gives people a sense of being able to cut even the world at first sight.

  Not only everyone present, but even Yang Zhen's face changed.

   This is how it feels!

  Yang Zhen had no idea how long he had not felt the feeling of death.

   A creepy feeling rose behind Yang Zhen. In the face of Yuan Tianyu, Yang Zhen was soaked almost instantly.

   This feeling reminded Yang Zhen of someone.

   A person who had a great influence on Yang Zhen.

   The peerless female saint in the Nine Realms Linglong Tower!

  It was this feeling before the Peerless Female Saint showed his sword.

   "Damn, trouble!"

   Yang Zhen took a deep breath, his expression dignified.

Yuan Tianyu saw this, with a look of disdain on his face, shook his head and said: "Boy, obviously, you don't understand what is the real power of the Holy Land. Under this sword, if you can still live, old man How about giving the little girl next to you a chance?"

  Yang Zhen laughed aloud, and the big missing sword suddenly appeared in his hand. The sword pointed to Yuan Tianyu and said, "I want to try it!"

   Hearing this, everyone around was startled and hurried to the distance.

   "Just kidding, can this kind of power be resisted by the Holy Realm strongest?"

   "Crazy, Yang Zhen is crazy, but I didn't expect Yuan Tianyu to use this kind of power, aren't you afraid of being repulsed by heaven and earth?"

   Everyone is terrified, but as long as they are far away, they will not be affected. Even occasionally, some people look back at Yang Zhen, and suddenly scream: "How is it possible!"

  How is it possible?

  Couldn't Yang Zhen support it under Yuan Tianyu's qi?

   More and more people turned to look at Yang Zhen. At first glance, they suddenly forgot to escape.

  Yang Zhen stood alone in the air with his sword, and the momentum of his body also changed dramatically.

   put away the hippie smile, Yang Zhen's face was extremely tough, the sharpness between the eyebrows and the previous was almost like two.

   "This... what kind of power is this, why do I feel the power of the Holy Realm in Yang Zhen?"

   "Impossible, how can the monks in the celestial phenomena period explode the power of the holy realm, this... Isn't Yang Zhen already a holy realm, just concealing his cultivation practices?"

  Countless people are stupid. Where do you know that although Yang Zhen is not a strong in the Holy Realm, he has the power of a Sword Realm in his body!

  Yang Zhen was holding a big missing sword, staring at Yuan Tianyu with both eyes, shaking his head and said: "Sorry, you must have the Zhongzhi in reincarnation, I... I don't allow you to hurt Xiaoguliang."

   "Do not limit yourself!"

  Although Yuan Tianyu's face is also unbelievable, he is extremely confident in his own strength. With a laugh, he pointed his sword!


   came like a roar like a world roar, the whole world suddenly became dark.

  Under the sky, there is a dark scene, only a sword light, linking the world!

   Everyone was startled and closed his eyes subconsciously.

   It's terrifying, this is the real power of the Holy Realm, the sky is dark, a line of sword light, it seems to tear the space, rushing towards Yang Zhen.

   Everyone's scalp was numb, and he looked at the scene of darkness in horror.

  Yang Zhen laughed, rushed towards Jianmang, the big missing sword in his hand suddenly became violent, and a great force burst out from the big missing sword.

   "The sword of the stunning female saint is more powerful than you!"


  Turning around, the entire Wuting Mountain was under the collision of these two swords, and it became fragmented, rumbling and collapsing in all directions.

   countless people's faces showed a horrible came out of the endless dust and mist, and came into the air in awkwardness, too late to stabilize his body, he looked at Yang Zhen and they.

In the midair, Yuan Tianyu and Yang Zhen passed each other and stopped slowly in midair.

   "This... who won?"

   "It's incredible, Yang Zhen was able to erupt such a holy power in the Holy Land. How much more can this **** still have?"

   "Look, Yang Zhen moved, this... Is Yang Zhen winning?"

   Countless people exclaimed with a horrified look on their faces, looking towards Yang Zhen.


  Yang Zhen stumbled, falling from the air, as if defeated, fluttering.

  Yuan Tianyu laughed, put away the sword with great grace, shook his head and said to himself, "Too young!"

   Watching Yang Zhen fall like this, everyone felt a pity.

   So Yang Zhen, just died like this?

  Yuan Tianyu stood up and rushed towards Hua Youyue. He was about to rush to Hua Youyue, and a huge door suddenly appeared from midair.

   "You are too young to be right!" Yang Zhen shot Yuan Tianyu and turned to Hua Youyue and asked, "Little Aunt is cool, how long will it take you?"

  Hua Youyue opened her eyes, and just as soon as she spoke, a trace of blood ran down the corner of her mouth.

  Yang Zhen's face changed a lot!


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