Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1350: Real emperor art, fairy fights!

Everyone was stunned by Yang Zhen's sudden wave of operations. He watched dumbly as Yang Zhen walked back to Hua Youyue and others, and did not react for a long time.

Until Chen Xiaotian scolded, the talents suddenly recovered, and Chen Xiaotian was ridiculed by Yang Zhen, and his face was completely lost.

Originally it was a very irritating thing. When Yang Zhen turned it over like this, Chen Xiaotian was not a person inside or outside, and he was about to find a ground seam to get in.

Shuya looked at Yang Zhen blankly, his face full of disbelief.

I always think that Yang Zhen is just a brave and unscrupulous person. When he encounters things, he only cares about himself and rushes forward, and sometimes even ignores his own life.

When this matter was snatched from the origin of the magic pattern, it was almost perfect.

If it weren’t for Yang Zhen’s luck, he could control a very unfamiliar body method of Quanyang Modi Emperor during his lifetime. When Quanyang Modi Emperor’s wisdom was not clear, he won at a speed and snatched the origin of the magic pattern. Yang Zhen might have already died. Under the puppet demon.

But now...Shuya has almost overturned all the impressions of Yang Zhen in his heart.

Slut, this is a slut, an outright slut.

How can this be done?

If it happened at that time, then Yang Zhen was not terrible.

But if Yang Zhen was in a position from the beginning when he walked out of the crowd, and wanted to start the jihad by himself, in order to step by step and force Chen Xiaotian to say nothing about the jihad, then Yang Zhen’s thoughts were too terrifying.

It's just one ring after another.

The more she thinks, the more she fears, especially when she thinks of Yang Zhen without self-knowledge, knowing that in his identity status is not enough to trigger a jihad, and everything behind is chilling.

This is a conspiracy, it must be a long-planned conspiracy.

Seeing Chen Xiaotian growl, he was about to mention the start of the jihad again, and Shuya hurriedly pulled Chen Xiaotian from behind and said, "Sovereign Lord, Mo Zhan cause and effect!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaotian froze for a moment, and saw Yang Zhen blinking at him, and his back was suddenly wet.

Bieqi Niang, is there any end to this bastard?

If Chen Xiaotian spoke at this time and re-mentioned the jihad, the cause and effect of this jihad would fall on Chen Xiaotian.

Will Chen Xiaotian do this kind of thing?

Seeing the atmosphere dignified to the extreme, Chen Xiaotian's face showed an awkward look.

What's the matter?

To start the jihad, with Chen Xiaotian's qualifications, of course, it was enough. There were so many magic repairs on the scene that were enough to cause the entire atrium to shake.

But once the jihad is started, things like cause and effect are not a joke.

Without starting the jihad, what is the concept of an emperor realm in front of you?

One glance can completely destroy the sky's magical power, and I really want to get started. How many magic repairs can see this embarrassing empress in the face?

A group of Moxiu around his face showed a dazed look, all looked at Chen Xiaotian, Chen Xiaotian's face flashed with embarrassment, embarrassed, just about to gritt his teeth, I didn't know what decision to make, and he hummed like Yang Chunsan. In the cold winter months, the whole world seemed to stagnate.

The emperor Feng Yu started.

For the first time, Yang Zhen saw the real Emperor Realm strong hands, and his eyes suddenly glared round, pulling Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er, and said to everyone behind him: "Quickly, the gods fight, mortals suffer. , Hide, hide."

Everyone around looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded, and the cheap cat's face was red, subconsciously moving away from Yang Zhen, as if he didn't know Yang Zhen, a nonchalant fellow.


The terrifying air wave in mid-air suddenly came, and there was no movement of the female emperor Feng Yu, so the sky burst like this.

A beautiful Yang Zhen wants to appear from his midair according to his own figure. It is a big bird, a big white bird, covered by the sun, white as snow, but with fluorescent sparkles. Spread the wings and blow away the sky's magical energy.


There was a long whistle running through the world. Under the huge white bird's huge wings, a wave of earth-shaking waves erupted from his body, rushing out in all directions.

Chen Xiaotian and other people's faces changed wildly, staring at Emperor Fengyu and shouting: "Emperor Fengyu, do you really want to risk the world and cause the holy war to fail?"

The sound is like waves, rumbling resounding between heaven and earth, and Lord Chen Xiaotian is not a joke.

Yang Zhen hid in the crowd and patted her heart and said, "Damn, it's fortunate to hide fast, otherwise it will be hilarious."

The surroundings nodded, and no one had seen the Emperor Realm strong shot. Where did you know that the Phoenix Emperor's shot was the indistinguishable force of heaven and earth, and the almost destructive breath broke out on the big white bird. The majestic oppression made everyone look shocked.

Hearing Chen Xiaotian's roar, everyone forcibly refrained from scolding his mother.

Yang Zhen pouted, and said to the cheap cat on the side: "If you see it, people will look shameless, and you can really say anything."

The cheap cat laughed and said: "Damn, the deity admires their guts. The Sanhua Holy Land dares to chase it. It's almost dead, oh, look, fight."

Yang Zhen suddenly looked up, his face was amazed, and he started to fight.

When the female emperor Feng Yu waved her hands, a terrible wave of air descended from the air, as if a strong air flow, the passing place was ruined, and it was difficult to resist despite how the demons repaired it.

Between the instigation of the large white bird's giant wings, a wave of devastating power came, and the surrounding space became turbulent. The turbulent flow of the sky like a mad dragon and the white air wave reflected each other, making people creepy.

Yang Zhen looked at the horrifying scene in front of him with a surprised expression, muttering to himself: "Damn, is this the real power of the powerful emperor?"

The cheap cat shook his head and said, "No!"


Yang Zhen almost jumped up. Such an indiscriminate attack that destroys the earth is just like the forbidden trick of the legendary magician. Is it not the real strength of the emperor realm?

Sure enough, the cheap cat glanced at Yang Zhen and said, "Although this kind of power is correct, Emperor Fengyu may still have some hidden diseases. Obviously, he has not completely controlled the world, so... this amount of land, It’s just that the majesty of the world can be emphasized just after entering the emperor’s realm."

Yang Zhen was stunned by this, and subconsciously looked at the Emperor Feng Yu.

Sure Empress Feng Yu looked faint, but Yang Zhen could feel it, her breath was a bit reluctant.

Rao is so, there are countless magic repairs fell from the air, and soon it became a black piece on the ground.

I don’t know who blamed and ran desperately.

What a joke, if you don’t run in this situation, you can’t wait to die?

Both Chen Xiaotian and Shuya roared continuously, watching more and more of Mo Xiu die under the black and white waves, and immediately looked at each other with a bang, something exploded on his body.

A **** demon qi condensed into a huge Scorpio in the air, rushing towards the big white bird in the air.

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