The collision of the two forces erupted into a terrifying wave of devastation, and a turbulent flow of empty space rammed into the sky and shattered the sky and the sky.

There was a pale look on Chen Xiaotian's face, staggering back, full of anger, staring at the female emperor Feng Yu, said: "Emperor Feng Yu, this time is different from the past, and now the world is no longer able to be your emperor realm. You can't kill me for whatever you want, and I can't help you anymore. It doesn't make any sense to fight you and me again. At most half a month, this deity is going to blood wash your sanctuary."

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiaotian Changxiao, Shen Sheng said: "Devil domain belongs, leave this place."

Under the demon qi, a group of surviving Moxiu fled to the distance. Chen Xiaotian stared at Yang Zhen with a dead eye and said, "Boy, there will be a future."

Yang Zhen pouted, he is afraid of anything, but he is not afraid of threats.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Fengyu showed a dignified look on her face, and said slowly, "You can't go."

As soon as the voice fell, the white bird that covered the sky and the sky in mid-air, slammed into the sky, and a white lightning coagulated from mid-air.

Chen Xiaotian's face changed wildly and exclaimed: "Impossible!"

Shuya was also shocked, and pushed away Chen Xiaotian, shouting: "Go!"

After talking, the cliff cliff roared, a black fire wave ignited on his body, and the torsion suddenly became twisted, and the surrounding space seemed to burn out.


A horrible white lightning fell on Shuya, and Chen Xiaotian's face looked blue.

However, Shuya seemed to be relieved, watching Emperor Feng Yu grinning, blood flowing wildly.

"Cang Yujin, I didn't expect you to be able to use such force against the sky now, but... the Lord said it well, at most half a month, the entire great waste will fall into a chaos, then... then..."

Speaking of this, Shuya coughed violently, her face pale and vomited blood violently, and there was a sad look on her face. She shook her head and said, "Well, this kind of thing, it’s better not to say it, otherwise it’s boring. But,...for so many years, it was finally relieved. At that time, it was impossible to tell who was right and who was wrong. It can only be said...that person said well, we are all wrong!"


A piece of internal organs spewed out, Shuya held it in his hand, looked at it dumbly, sighed, threw it on the ground, smiled at the emperor Fengyu, said: "You were attacked by me and seriously injured and dying, today I died in your hands, and it was a cause and effect cycle. Although I am not qualified, but... goodbye, Feng Yu!"

After talking, Shuya glanced back at Chen Xiaotian and said, "Respect for the Lord, the world is the most important thing, coming soon, sooner or later, we just have to wait, as for the hatred...what is the use?"

Shuya coughed softly, her face turned ruddy, she roared, and said, "Go!"


A terrible blood wave broke out, and the whole body of Shuya suddenly burst into a sea of ​​blood.

The horrible **** evil spirit covered the sky and even the big white bird in mid-air was startled.


A sorrowful roar erupted from the mouth of countless demons, and the world was horrified. The horrible **** demonic energy did not impact the Sanhua Holy Land, but enveloped the entire demon.

Chen Xiaotian roared upward, looked at Feng Fei Empress coldly, and turned away.

Yang Zhen threw a stone at once toward the Scarlet Demon Qi, suddenly hitting the space barrier, and became a fan.

"It's useless!"

The female emperor Feng Yu shook her head and turned to walk towards Bieyuan.

A shocked look flashed on the face of Jiulong Jiulong, shaking his head and saying, "This is a kind of magic domain similar to the way of repairing the body holy gang, but it is more cruel. It is based on the blood of the body and the soul of the soul is used as the basis to seal the world. , Even if it is a means of imperial realm, if you want to break through, it cannot be done in a moment."

Yang Zhen looked surprised and muttered to himself: "Damn, this world has such a strange power."

With that in mind, Yang Zhen glanced at the somewhat weak Emperor Feng Yu and asked, "What is Chen Xiaotian talking about for half a month?"

Jiulong Jiun looked at the leaving Fengyu Empress, shook her head, and said, "Even Fengyu never predicted, you and I should not bother with the Internet, but... I have a hunch that this matter may be different from the world. Regarding that year’s great disaster, all kinds of hidden dangers are finally going to erupt."

Yang Zhen embarrassed him and said, "Did this world change little in the past year? What earth-shattering events could make Chen Xiaotian look like this?"

"Boy, why don't we go to the magic gate and let these **** go and go!"

The cheap cat said awkwardly.

Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat and said: "A few dishes, drink it like this, let alone smash the magic door, I guess we have not arrived at the magic door, this matter will explode, or be honest Good in Sanhua Holy Land."

The stupid cat froze, staring at the eyes and said, "Boy, you changed!"

"Really?" Yang Zhen looked at the cheap cat and waved his hand. "Maybe, but who won't grow up yet?"

With that said, Yang Zhen took Han Yan'er and Hua Youyue's hands and said, "I want to take a good night's sleep now, and no one will bother me."

Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er were puzzled, and their faces were full of consternation.

The Jiulong Jiulong was forced, and looked at the cheap cat.

The mean cat shook his head while walking out, mumbling to himself: "Boy, you have changed, no longer the kid who is not doing things, or is on the way to doing things..."

Hearing this, a group of people in Sanhua Holy Land looked at each other, and their backs were cold and whizzing.

Lu Cheng sighed back and said, "It's good to be mature. For example, if there is a great chaos today, the Demon Territory is born, and the ancient heritages reappear. I don't know what the chaos will look like in the future. It is not a serious thing to develop the Sanhua Holy Land. "

Sect Master Liu Ruoning looked at Yang Zhen's back with a solemn face, nodded, and apparently also approved Lu Chenghui's words.

Yang Zhen turned.

After so many years, it finally settled down.

Everyone was relieved in the weird doubts, and their hearts were firm.

That night, the Sanhua Holy Land fell into silence, and everything seemed to enter a rare calm.

Yuelang is sparse and bright, and the prohibition of the Sanhua Holy Land exudes a bright glow.

But where there is light, there is darkness. This is the same reason that the world and the earth are unchanged.

There are naturally dark places in the Sanhua Holy Land.

In the dark shadow, a figure flashed through, and the patrol disciple walked slowly without realizing it.

With a big three-flower holy land, the shadow went to the no-man's land and muttered to himself: "In this defense, it's too easy to get in and out."

However, This figure just came to the edge of Sanhua Holy Land. Another black figure came quickly, and came to the figure in a blink of an eye, frightening the figure.

"Damn, the deity knows your kid is pretending."

Yang Zhen looked dumbfounded at the cheap cat and asked in surprise: "So bad?"

"It's not just bad. If your kid doesn't do anything, the deity is a cat."

"You are a cat!"


"Dig grass, you whisper, wake everyone up, how else?"

"Hey Hey Hey!"


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