Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 539: Puppet master Jiuge takes action!

Chapter 539 Puppet Master Jiu Ge takes action!

 “Nine songs of the puppet master!”

 “Oh my god, he’s here too!”

“Nonsense, almost all the geniuses from the four major academies are gathered here. It’s not surprising that anyone shows up! But this puppet master Jiu Ge is said to be a being that can rival black hole-level monks!”

"It's not that mysterious! But he once relied on his puppetry to fight with a monk who had just entered the black hole level for a cup of tea. This is true!"

  “That is also quite a powerful existence.”


 “Are you the genius of Silver Star Academy?”

Wang Zhanlin narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but clenched the sword in his hand: "No need to talk so much, come forward and lead me to death!"

 “My tone is very arrogant. I’ll play with you for a while.”

Jiu Ge smiled softly and calmly stretched out his hands. His ten fingers began to dance rapidly like agile snakes.

Only those who have practiced eye skills or have excellent insight can observe that Jiuge's ten fingers are all connected with countless fine invisible threads, which look even thinner than spider threads and hair. Several times, dozens of times!

These threads are exactly the puppet threads Jiu Ge uses to control the puppets!


With a roar, a lifelike puppet tiger suddenly pounced in the direction of Wang Zhanlin!

The latter's mind condensed, and he obviously felt the extraordinary momentum of this puppet tiger!

This guy is indeed not simple. The puppet beast he summoned has at least a high-level star-level strength, and his momentum is extremely terrifying!

 Fortunately, Wang Zhanlin's strength has long been different from what it used to be, and he will not be intimidated by a mere puppet beast at all!

 I saw the long knife in his hand flash, and a sharp knife light as sharp as frost and snow penetrated through the situation. With just one knife, the puppet tiger in front of him was cut into two pieces!

However, Jiu Ge’s offensive did not end there.

Just when Wang Zhanlin was about to put away the knife, he suddenly felt an astonishing sense of restraint in his legs!

When he looked down, he realized that two puppet pythons had wrapped themselves around his legs like vines at some point!


Wang Zhanlin frowned, because he didn't even realize when the two **** puppet pythons wrapped themselves around his body.

These puppets are different from the monks. Their own energy fluctuations are very small. Unless they attack him directly, it is difficult to sense the existence of these puppet creatures.

 And this... is precisely the advantage of the Puppet Master!

“It seems like you’re not very good either, it’s really disappointing.”

Jiu Ge shook his fan and chuckled. With the fingers of his right hand moving, another crimson goshawk rose into the sky. When it reached the highest point, it swooped down and sprinted towards Wang Zhanlin's direction!

At the halfway point of its dive, the body of this puppet goshawk began to burn out of thin air!

 The power is so astonishing that he wants to pierce Wang Zhanlin's chest directly!

 At this moment, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky!

A golden sword quickly came from a short distance away and actually forcibly penetrated the puppet goshawk and nailed it to the ground!

"It's almost time for that kid to escape. It's not a good time to stay here for a long time. It's time to go!"

Lin Longshou's voice rang in Wang Zhanlin's ears. Then, two more golden lights flashed through, and the puppet python on Wang Zhanlin was cut off accordingly, freeing the latter from its restraints.

 “Want to escape?”

Puppet master Jiuge frowned slightly, his expression slightly unhappy.

However, at this moment, Feng Chumo's figure suddenly stopped in front of him, chuckled and said, "Jiu Ge, I finally found you."

You must know that Feng Chumo’s biggest hobby is to compete with strong people from all walks of life.

 For a monk with a special profession like a puppet master, Feng Chumo naturally didn't want to miss it.

 Even to him, the appeal of Jiu Ge was greater than that of the two casual cultivators!

 So, after Lin Longshou started preparing to cover Wang Zhanlin's retreat, Feng Chumo jumped out immediately and wanted to have a fight with Jiuge!

“Damn it, I forgot about this lunatic…”

Jiu Ge’s eyes darkened, and his expression began to look a little ugly.

 The reason why he had been hiding his identity before was not for anything else but to avoid Feng Chumo as much as possible.

 After all, the treasure hasn't been born yet, and he doesn't want to be entangled with this madman for too long.

He just didn't expect that Feng Chumo would target him immediately after he showed up!

 “Puppet Escape Technique!”

Jiu Ge’s mouth twitched, and he used the puppet escape technique without hesitation, hoping to escape.

 At present, it is impossible for him to have the intention to fight with Feng Chumo.

 After all, this guy has no purpose at all, he just wants to fight with him!

 For Jiu Ge, this is a waste of time!

 The most important thing is that even Jiu Ge himself is not sure whether he can really defeat Feng Chumo.

 In this situation where both sides are top talents, it is rare for a one-sided crushing situation to occur.

 This also leads to the fact that once he and Feng Chumo start a war, the final outcome is likely to end with both sides losing!

 In this case, both he and Feng Chumo will lose the right to compete for the treasure.

 So... after Jiuge hesitated for a moment, he finally made the decision to avoid the battle!

“It took a lot of effort to find you, but I won’t let you escape so easily!”

Feng Chumo grinned, and the Hundred Sword Box behind him floated out in the air. Countless flying swords flew out from the sword box, slashing out one after another with extremely sharp sword light, and slashed in the direction of Jiu Ge. go!

 In an instant, the overwhelming sword light enveloped Jiuge's side in an instant!

However, what no one expected was that none of these sword lights actually touched Jiu Ge's body, as if they failed on purpose.

 Because, Feng Chumo’s target of attack was not Jiuge at all.

 It’s the puppet threads around him!

In his opinion, no matter how exquisite the puppet technique is, it must be performed based on puppet silk threads. This is the foundation of the puppet master.

Although it is difficult to discern the existence of puppet threads with the naked eye, as long as Feng Chumo can carry out indiscriminate range attacks around it, he will eventually be able to cut off the puppet threads that have entities!

 This is the strategy of sealing Chu Mo!

As expected, under the monstrous sword light, all the puppet threads around Jiu Ge immediately broke, destroying the puppet's escape technique!

 (End of this chapter)

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