Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 540: Senior, long time no see!

Chapter 540 Senior, long time no see!

Jiu Ge, who failed to avoid the war, finally went to war with Feng Chumo!

 Suddenly, the battlefield was filled with puppet creatures and monstrous sword lights!

Under such circumstances, no casual cultivator dared to approach this area.

 Once it is affected, I am afraid that I will not die but will also be seriously injured.

More importantly, the divine inscriptions do not belong to these two people, so no casual cultivator is willing to stay here.


Taking advantage of the chaotic situation, Li Chaoge finally broke out of the siege!

If Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin hadn't attracted the firepower for him in time, he might have died at the hands of the prison madman.

Li Chaoge couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought of this.

 I am really too weak, and I don’t have the capital to compete with those top geniuses for the treasure.

However...if he could join forces with the two casual cultivators, he might actually have a chance to win the treasure.

 After all, the strength of those two casual cultivators left a very deep impression on him.

Even the two geniuses from Moyuan Academy died at the hands of the two casual cultivators one after another!

Even though he was thinking this, Li Chaoge still did not relax his vigilance.

 No one is completely trustworthy, especially in a place like the secret realm where there are no rules.

Now friends, it is likely to become revenge for interests.

While Li Chaoge was thinking like this, the two casual cultivators from before finally caught up with him!

 “Thank you both for your help.”

Li Chaoge bowed and held his hands in hand, showing no disdain at all because Lin Longshou and Li Chaoge were casual cultivators.

“You’re welcome, everyone is here for this divine symbol anyway.”

Wang Zhanlin waved his hand and said straight to the point: "The reason why I saved you is just because of the divine symbol in your hand."

Li Chaoge nodded, and then asked calmly: "I wonder how you two...are going to share this divine inscription with me? Although the divine inscription is precious, it cannot be divided into three."

Lin Longshou glanced at the divine inscription in Li Chao's singer, and said calmly: "There is no need to discuss this matter now. The battle for the divine inscription has just begun. Whether or not this divine inscription can be defended is hard to say. !”

"However, you don't have to worry. The two of us will be detrimental to you. You should know it deep down in your heart. After all...the strength of our two casual cultivators is not enough to guard this divine inscription, whether it is in the secret realm or not." , still outside the secret realm.”

Hearing Lin Longshou's words, Li Chaoge was shocked and finally understood the other party's true intention of finding him.

Although their strength is comparable to that of the top talents from the four major colleges, they also have a weakness that cannot be ignored, that is, they have no support from the forces behind them!

In other words, in a secret realm where everyone is a star, they may still be able to compete for this divine inscription, but once they leave the secret realm of the star sea, this divine inscription... will immediately be taken away by black hole-level monks from the outside world. Walk!

 In this case, it is only possible to keep this divine inscription with the help of external force!

 For them, the most convenient external force to rely on is still the four major colleges!

  For example, Tianyuan Academy behind him!

If you can get the protection of Tianyuan College, you will definitely be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

If we dig deeper, the reason why these two casual cultivators do not seek cooperation with those top geniuses is naturally because their own strength is not too strong, it is easier to control, and they also need help.

 They have mutual interests, and only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation!

 In a moment, countless thoughts passed through Li Chaoge's mind.

 At the same time, in his heart, he also admired this casual cultivator named "Lin Longshou" more and more.

 Before leaving the secret realm of the Star Sea, he considered all the possible things that might happen in advance. How thoughtful this is. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is as wise as a demon! “In that case, it’s a pleasure to cooperate.”

  After Li Chaoge pondered for a moment, he took the initiative to extend his hand as a sign of friendship.

At this moment, strange breaths suddenly came near them!

“Hand over the sacred text obediently. Such a treasure is beyond the reach of the three of you...”

 A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from everyone's ears.

I saw a thin old man, leading dozens of casual cultivators, and completely surrounded the three of them!

 “These are troublesome…”

Li Chaoge's face froze, and he clearly felt that something was wrong.

 The current situation is even more difficult than being caught up by those top geniuses.

 After all, no matter how strong those geniuses are, they still fight on their own after all, and they rarely stick together like these casual cultivators.

 So, with Li Chaoge and the others having a numerical advantage, the so-called geniuses of the academy are not so scary anymore.

 What is really scary... is these loose cultivators who stick together in a group!

If dozens of star-level casual cultivators swarm forward, even the most powerful genius may not be able to withstand them.

 Two fists are ultimately no match for four legs.

This is why, after the treasure was born, those geniuses did not choose to take action immediately, but have been watching with cold eyes, just because they did not want to be the target of public criticism!

As long as they don't take action, these casual cultivators will fall into crazy internal friction. When that time comes, it will become much easier to deal with it.

 “There is no other way, prepare to break out.”

Lin Longshou raised his head, his face a little solemn, and the golden holy sword condensed and formed in front of him again.

 Surrounded by so many monks, it is simply unrealistic to kill them all, and they can only seek to force a breakout from the neutral position.

 However, at this moment, a frosty breath swept over like a strong wind!

Before anyone could even react, three or four weaker star-level monks were frozen into ice sculptures!


Subsequently, there was another roaring sound like muffled thunder, and the ice sculptures in front of me were forcibly exploded into countless ice shards by the thunder!

 In just one breath, four stellar monks died here!


The thin man headed by him frowned and immediately looked back in the direction of the energy wave.

At the end of his gaze, a young man with a delicate face was standing there with a smile.

However, the young man ignored his gaze at all. Instead, he ignored him and looked at Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin who were surrounded by the encirclement: "Senior, long time no see."

 (End of this chapter)

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