Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1103: Lord of the galaxy? !!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Except for the boil of the surrounding blood, there was only the sound of Ning Tianlin's own breathing. He did not expect that there would be such a place in this place where the dead gas condensed.

Even the teleportation array!

Moreover, the skinny old man sitting in the middle of the teleportation array, although he only glanced at him, brought him great pressure, even in his life!

When he was in the earth's prefecture, he had seen Lord Yan Luo and one official, but all the breath converged on him. It was only a small part of the display.

But the old man in the teleportation array is not the same. The monstrous fierceness diffuses all the space around him, especially staring at his eyes, full of murderous intention, as if he would be killed at any time in the next second.

Even Ning Tianlin saw a strong hatred from his eyes swollen.


Why does he hate himself?

Although not so sure, Ning Tianlin also felt that it was inseparable.

"Hello Earth."

Perhaps it has been a long time since he spoke, and the old man's voice was extremely hoarse, making it difficult for him to hear what he was saying, as if his throat was completely broken. In the past, when he ordered the skeletons here, he did it directly in the sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, and never needed to speak.

For more than two thousand years, he has not spoken.

Even the old man didn't know that he originally intended to directly break through the other person's spiritual knowledge, read the other person's memory, and then kill the mouth, but at the end, when the matter came to an end, he wanted to talk.

Find someone to chat with.

For more than two thousand years of loneliness, there was no one except the skeleton he had bred.

In the past, every day and night, he lived a hustle and bustle.


After hearing these three words, Ning Tianlin, who had some cyanosis in his eyes, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and even seemed to have a basin of cold water pouring from his skull, making him all clever!


He knew my origin!

He saw that he came from the earth!

But how is this possible!

The earth has not yet joined the galaxy at all, and there is no information about it on the network! No one knows who knows who they are, except the few who are the owner of Jiumu County and the owner of Nanzhan House.

And, those people are still far away in Nanzhan Province!

How did his message appear here!

"who are you?"

Ning Tianlin did not refute it, it was a tacit consent. Since the other party dare to say his identity so surely, if he tells the truth, it seems a bit too much to bear, and he can't help wondering about the identity of the old man.

Although the old man did not look up at him from beginning to end, he felt all over his body, and there was no one who was not staring at him at all times!

Even from the old man's "hello" word, he didn't realize the slightest greeting, but was completely cold, as if he only wanted to deny it, he would kill himself immediately.

"who am I?"

"Ha ha."

"who am I?"

Hearing Ning Tianlin asked his origins, the old man froze, but then he laughed, but from this slightly scary laughter, Ning Tianlin felt only endless desolation and sadness.

Moreover, the old man's laughter is getting louder and louder, and the blood around him is constantly erupting and spattering like a volcanic eruption, as if it would go up and down with the old man's emotions.

"Earthman, would you like to hear a story?"

Just when Ning Tianlin was a little overwhelmed, the old man suddenly looked up and stared into Ning Tianlin's eyes coldly.

What kind of eyes are these? There are no pupils, no focal lengths, only a white expanse, but in this white expanse, there is an endless gray air, like a hurricane.

With one glance, Ning Tianlin's soul was almost absorbed by this hurricane, which scared him all clever.


Ning Tianlin repeated, listening to your sister's story, I just want to know who you are! But he didn't wait for his answer. The old man had already spoken slowly, and his grey eyes were full of lonely years.

"A long, long time ago, in the galaxy, there was a genius named Aybushin."

"He rises and ends. Although he doesn't have a lot of fighting power resources like the outstanding masters in other families, he already had a million fighting powers when he was 46 years old."

"When it was three thousand years old, it had five million combat capabilities."

"When it was two thousand years old, it even had ten million points of combat power!"

"It is called the most shining star by all people in the galaxy."

Speaking of which, the old man's hazy eyes seemed extremely bright, and it seemed that his distant mind returned to the original memory. And this memory is really the brightest light in his life.

And when Ning Tianlin heard these short words, he narrowed his eyes. If he is not compared with himself, this person can indeed be called the most dazzling star of the Milky Way.

Obviously, the young people who participated in the battle for the genius of Nanzhanfu County in Jiumu County today are almost one hundred years old, but their combat effectiveness is about 500,000, and this man was 46 It has reached more than one million!

This genius is really terrifying!

He has also contacted the owner of Nanzhan House. It is estimated that this person's age is over tens of thousands of years old, but this age has less than three or four million combat capabilities, and this person was already three thousand years old. With five million fighting power!

Have to say, really deserves the word genius!

"And with the continuous increase in fighting power, one day finally, a strong man fell behind. He logically, with the highest fighting capacity, inherited the title and status of this strong man, and became a party overlord."

"Dominate a galaxy."

The old man said the brighter his eyes, because this is the pinnacle of his life! The highest height that can be reached!

"Clear the galaxy?"

"The Lord of the Galaxy?"

"Isn't that almost the same as the Lord of the Galaxy!"

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed sharply, and in his mind, the four words "lord of the galaxy" popped out suddenly! Being the master of one galaxy is no different from the Lord of the Galaxy!

The Lord of the Galaxy is the true master of a galaxy!

This young man, who can grow to this point, can only be considered successful.

Even Ning Tianlin felt faintly that the genius boy in the old population was talking about himself, but he shook his head in an instant, it was not funny! How can a galaxy master stay here without ghosts or ghosts!

Stay in this sea of ​​blood.

How could this old man be the master of a galaxy!

Although he is powerful, no matter the grace or appearance, he cannot afford to be called the Lord of the Galaxy!

Note: I have a text, but I haven't figured out how Ning Tianlin escaped this old man's consciousness attack. I wrote it, deleted it, I'm sorry.

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