Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1104: The last Lord of the Galaxy!

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"Who the **** is this old man?"

Although Ning Tianlin also thought of a possibility, he couldn't dare to admit it, nor could he admit that the noble existence of a galaxy governing billions of souls, how could he stay in a sea of ​​blood like this half dead.

However, the old man did not explain, but continued, "But just 2 352 years ago, a young man was born without any warning, and appeared in front of him without any warning."

"The stone is shaking."

"With only one move, the sky and the earth change color, and this galaxy master who governs a galaxy is seriously injured, and even the weapon is useless."

At this point, the skinny old man's eyes appeared extremely complicated, even with a look of fright. He really couldn't figure it out. How could there be such a genius in this world.

Less than a hundred years old, you have more than 10 million fighting power!

This is not the way to practice motherbirth!

"Young man, defeated the Lord of the Galaxy?"

Ning Tinglin heard here that there was some cyanosis. He knew that the young people in the old population would never be more than two or three hundred years old. Otherwise, they would not be called young people. And at this age, he has the fighting power to defeat the master of the first line!

Even Ning Tianlin, who has a combat system, really doesn't know if he can do it in the future.

This young man is described by genius, but I am afraid that he is a bit bent.

God is right!

The other party didn't even do their best! Otherwise, the old man would not emphasize that the opponent did not use combat weapons!

It was only when he thought of the number "2,352 years ago" that his expression fell into a flash, and he thought of a possibility, and finally opened his eyes wide and stared at the old man in front of him inconceivably.

"No way?"

"He won't be ..."

The body trembled, and was faintly shocked by his own idea.

Lord of the Galaxy.

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-two years.

The owner of Nanzhanfu once told himself that the last Lord of the Galaxy was replaced more than 2,000 years ago, that is, the current Lord of the Galaxy has only been in office for about two thousand years.

As for the specific reason for the change of position, the owner of Nanzhanfu did not say at the time, and he did not ask at the time.

Now thinking of this possibility, how can he not be shocked by Ning Tianlin?

Is the Lord of the Galaxy in the old population the Lord of the Galaxy?

Today, it also happens to be in the Galaxy. . . . . .

Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin couldn't believe his guess at all. Did he teleport himself randomly to the last Lord of the Galaxy?

how can that be!

How can there be such a coincidence!

"How old is this young man?"

At the end of Ning Tianlin, he asked the old man a question, because he unconsciously made a comparison with himself, and maybe he could not reach this height when he was two or three hundred years old.

However, he did not expect the old man to answer. After all, the old man was full of lifelessness. It was a kind of gloomy and indifferent.

But the old man looked up unexpectedly, glanced at him, and replied, "It's not clear, but it should never be more than a hundred years old."

"Not even 70 or 80 years old!"


Not 70 or 80 years old!

Ning Tianlin was even more shocked. What kind of concept is this? The genius known as Nanzhan House is seventy or eighty years old, and it will be five or six hundred thousand, which will kill six or seven hundred thousand. !!

Even the Lord of a series has been defeated!

Not even sure about the upper limit of his combat power!

Nowadays, compared to him, the genius of Nanzhanfu is not scum. Even Ning Tianlin is slightly worse than that.

In this world, is there really a super genius who was born without knowing it!


"Just so young."

"Not much bigger than you."

The old man said, it was even clear that Ning Tianlin was not too old, and his youth was outrageous.

"And I just said it was seriously injured, but it's not accurate. It can be said that it was killing!"

"At least in front of this young man and others, they thought that the master of this department was dead, and the one who could not die anymore. The purpose of this young man was to kill the master of this department."

When the old man said here, there was a rare sadness in his expression, but he just disappeared by him, hiding deeply, and continued, "It is just that the master of this department has received a long time ago. Extremely rare secrets. "

"At the time of dying, I was able to disperse the spiritual knowledge of the sea, the sustenance and the void, and then within ten minutes, forcibly occupied the spiritual knowledge of another person and seized the body of others as a sustenance."

"So reborn!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin heard this feeling, he felt like a soul when he was on earth. The soul turned into a ghost, forcibly occupied the body of another person, and the vulgar body was a ghost. But here, everyone has no soul, only the spirit knows the sea.

It is horrible to be able to do this forcibly and to occupy a person's body with spiritual knowledge of sea tyrants!

At least, Ning Tianlin can't do it now, so he can read others' memories at most.

"But this method has the disadvantage that if another person's body is taken away, follow-up methods must be used to consolidate it. Otherwise, the spiritual consciousness can easily be divorced again, dissipated from heaven and earth, and then die again."

The old man added.

Ning Tianlin also nodded, after all, it is not his own body, and the fit degree allows you to go in, which is already very good. Moreover, it can be said that it is a disadvantage for the elderly, so this follow-up method is certainly not very attractive.

"This secret method is secretive and overbearing. It requires blood as a sacrifice and flesh as a guide, and the more he practices, the more his body's essence blood will be slowly and invisibly swallowed, and he will become inhuman and ghostless.

"Finally, there was no flesh in the whole body, and it became a skeleton."


When Ning Tianlin heard this, he thought of the endless skeletons outside, and then looked at the old man's body. If he guessed right, the old man was talking about himself.

What's more, his exercises today have not succeeded.

Although he was skinny, he still had part of his blood and did not completely turn into a skeleton.

But Ning Tianlin also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The protagonist of this old population is probably himself, and he is inseparable!

Even if his guess is good, he is the Lord of the Galaxy killed more than 2,000 years ago!

The last Lord of the Galaxy!

"But Gongfa is Gongfa. Although it has its drawbacks, it is also very beneficial. At the very least, it can control the creature and make him a skeleton enslaved by himself in the blink of an eye!"

"Do whatever you want him to do."

The old man said, staring at Ning Tianlin, letting Ning Tianlin feel a little bit cold, it seems that he has finally expected to end and become the same skeleton as the outside.

"Even those who practice this technique have a strange name, Undead Wizard!"

The old man added.

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