Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1222: One after another

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"What the hell?"

Ning Tianlin was also a big shock. He only felt that the breath exhaled by the other party was soaring, which was almost a few percent higher than the initial time. He wanted to stop it, but he knew that if he rushed up, he would only hit it badly.

Not even close.

"In this world, it is far from being imaginable to think about the magical methods."

"There are too many mysteries that can increase combat effectiveness."

Ning Tianlin said with deep emotion that he knew his combat formation and Medusa's eyes, but they were just two of the secret skills. During the lifetime of the poor, I am afraid that these secret methods may not be fully grasped.

It may not even be possible to see it completely.

"However, you have a way to improve your combat effectiveness, and I have Ning Tianlin too!"

"Redeem 100 billion trillion spirits first!"

Ning Tianlin now has more than 430 billion points of essence in his body. He has been taken by the spirits plundered from the top ten masters, and even the spirits exchanged from various small malls have been gathered by him. With.

These spirits are reserved for space transmission.

If at that time, the Lord of the Galaxy cannot break through the space and rush back to the earth in time, he Ning Tianlin will exchange all these essence points into random teleporters for random transmission in all directions.

Although there are more than 400 billion points of energy, it is not necessarily enough for him to land directly on the earth.

These spirits were originally reserved for that time, but now it seems that they will be used.

"Ding! Congratulations host upgrade!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the provincial host!"

"Ding! Congratulations host upgrade!"

The warning sound of the combat system kept ringing in Ning Tianlin's ears, and it didn't stop until after more than 700 consecutive sounds. It also made him sigh with emotion, 100 billion points of energy, what a huge astronomical figure at the beginning.

But now, he can only be raised to 700 levels!

After changing to this level, I am afraid that this level will be even better.


"Good brother, I didn't expect you to have strength."

Just when Ning Tianlin felt just about the same, Jisha of the Zitong clan smiled brightly at Ning Tianlin. She can feel the improvement of Ning Tianlin's whole body and blood, although not much higher than before, but it has actually improved.

"Then let me see what your strength has improved to."


Jisha said, stretched out her palm and grabbed Ning Tianlin's body, but for a moment, Ning Tianlin felt that the space around him was completely closed, let alone the air, he could not feel even the space .


There was no room for defense, and his entire body was firmly grasped by the phantom of the palm of the opponent.

"Oh, good brother, it seems you can't do it."

"So easily caught."

Gisha smiled at the corners of her mouth, but her movements didn't stop. A tremendous pressure squeezed Ning Tianlin's body, making his bones and veins creak.


Some even shattered directly.

"So strong!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked. This is the strength of the combat force exceeding 10 million? Although I have improved some levels, but now, it is not the strength of the other party.


The arm burst.


Broken chest.


The whole body turned into powder.


"Good brother, your body is too weak, why is this so?"

Seeing Ning Tianlin shattered into the sky, Jisha laughed. She knew that Ning Tianlin was not dead. She knew some of Ning Tianlin's past and knew that such a broken body would not kill him.

Moreover, she never thought about Ning Tianlin's life.

If Ning Tianlin is gone, who else is she controlling?


"Ning Tianlin is dead?"

"Just dead like this?"

Countless people looked at Ning Tianlin on the platform in shock, almost unable to believe his eyes. Ning Tianlin was dead?

Is that so dead?

Killed by an unknown Zitong person?

how can that be!

You beat the fifth superstar in the Galaxy!

How could someone be crushed to death?

"Dead sister!"

"Have you seen Ning Tianlin's video?"

"He's going to die with such a bit of injury?"

Some people who understand Ning Tianlin's past and his methods sarcastically said, "Don't say that the **** is broken into slag, that is, the **** has become smashed into the air. Ning Tianlin cannot die, but he is an undead body.

"If you want to kill him, it is not possible!"

After speaking, ignoring the reaction of the people around him, he stared directly at Ning Tianlin's broken body, wanting to see when and how he would recover.


And his eyes did not look blank, just after his words, the flesh and blood on the ground began to condense again, as if there was a big hand invisible, pinching them together again.

For a moment, another intact Ning Tianlin appeared in Yantai.

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

"Ning Tianlin is good! Come on, you can win!"

"You must be the ultimate king!"

Countless fans cheered and were all excited about Ning Tianlin's reunion.

This game has something to watch!

I thought it was a battle that could be solved in a second, but I did not expect that it would be a battle of dragons and tigers, and even Ning Tianlin's body was broken once.


"Re-condensation, but your physical energy has not weakened at all!"

The creator of the figurine, Jisa, seemed to want to see how Ning Tianlin reunited her body. When the flesh and blood flowed, she didn't take any action at all to watch Ning Tianlin's body reunite.

But when the complete Ning Tianlin stood in front of her again, she frowned slightly, because she did not feel that Ning Tianlin's body and spirit had weakened at all.

Shouldn't it?

If the body is really reunited, there will be energy loss, but now it is not!

Just where does she know that, in order to maintain the peak state, when Ning Tianlin restructured her body, she had already exchanged high-grade elixir from the combat system exchange platform and melted it into her body.

The wasted energy was already made up by him.

"That good brother, look at it again."


Gisha said, and crushed Ning Tianlin's flesh just again easily. And just when Ning Tianlin reunited, she used her palm to send five or six pieces of minced meat into another space!

For her combat effectiveness exceeding 10 million, she can already do some small things about space.

She wanted to see how Ning Tianlin was physically reunited after losing some flesh.


It just shocked her that after she sent the extremely fast minced meat into the open space, after Ning Tianlin's physical reorganization, not only did she not have the slightest fatigue and energy dissipation, she still felt exactly the same to her.

It's all so exuberant.


"Good brother, you are so interesting."

Jisha's eyes were shining. If she also mastered this, her survivability would not have improved ten thousand times!

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