Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1223: Hit the referees!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Without consuming energy, you can continually reunite, isn't that really immortal?"

Gisha joyfully said, "Even the fatal flaw I had originally thought was very likely not to exist. Just send his body into another space, and if he can't get together, he will be born again!"

"That is to say, now that I have smashed all his flesh into the open space, he may not be able to kill him!"

Although Jisha had never thought of destroying Ning Tianlin's body, she really wanted to try what it was like to be born again. Now seeing that everything was not consumed but was born again, she took it for granted that Ning Tianlin was really immortal.

How to fight the undead!

But she couldn't think of the reason why Ning Tianlin did not consume energy, because she had been replenished when she converged. She wouldn't know that Ning Tianlin had a huge secret on her body.

"it is good!"


"The real immortality is mine!"

"Compared to this physical body of the Zitong clan, I don't know how many times better!"

Giza laughed wildly in her heart.

What about immortality?

To her, the body is immortal, but not spiritual. As long as Ning Tianlin's spirit is forcibly destroyed and the body is seized, isn't it her?

Moreover, the mission may be completed this time, and it can be completed in excess!

This Ning Tianlin knows the Lord of the Galaxy. Through his physical body, he said that he couldn't complete the task more easily.

"So strong!"

"too strong!"

"I have nothing to fight back!"

Being physically shattered twice in a row, Ning Tianlin didn't have the slightest power to fight back. He could not even do anything to resist except the thought. The other party is really too strong!

He estimated that not only the combat effectiveness exceeded 10 million, but even more!

The atmosphere of the other person, faintly, has the tendency to go hand in hand with the Lord of the Galaxy, even higher!

He was a little hesitant, in the end, do you want to convert all the remaining energy points to levels, because doing so can improve a lot of combat power, but not a lot.

With more than 300 billion points of energy, it will increase the level by more than 1,500 levels if you die!

Just a little more, two thousand levels, that is, the ability to break through the total combat power of 10 million, this number has not played a decisive role.

And now he is not very anxious, because if he has been physically broken and reunited like this, he can gather for ten thousand years! Consumption can kill each other!

During these times, my second brother, the Lord of the Galaxy, already shot for himself and saved himself.

Especially once the essence points are gone, he has no chance at all. Completely become the mud in the other's hands, pinch as you want.

The most terrifying thing is that he considered a possibility. Since the other party knows that he is immortal, it is likely to attack him mentally.

Immortality does not mean immortality!

If other people may not have mastered the mysterious skills, but this woman, it is really not necessarily.

Her appearance to its rise is really weird, and even more forbearable than herself. Looking at her, she didn't even think about leaving her alive. If not, how to explode yourself.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Definitely drag it like this, drag it, maybe there is a solution.

It's just that Jisha seems to see Ning Tianlin's plan and smiles charmingly, "Oh, good brother."

"Don't blame your sister."

"Sister really likes you."

"Your body is really tempting."

Gisha smiled at Ning Tianlin's physical reunion.


"Too shameless!"

"This gangster actually likes Ning Tianlin's body!"

"She really likes Ning Tianlin!"

Although shocked by Giza's horrific fighting power, many women still swear at this time. This Giza really liked Ning Tianlin and even said that she liked his body.

Should you say this?

Should they say it!

For all galaxy women!

How can you alone represent so many women.

But they can only swear on the Internet, because they know how to die face to face, I'm afraid they don't know how to die.

Being able to crush Ning Tianlin's body at will and wanting to kill them is not as simple as pinching an ant.

"Ha ha."

"Good brother, for your health, my sister is here."

Gisha smiled charmingly and was about to start.

Just then, there was a sudden sound in the air, "Stop!"

It was not the others who spoke, it was the referee Chasonger.


Giza frowned and looked up into the air.

"Pause the game first."

"Ning Tianlin, do you admit defeat?"

The referee Chasunger asked.

Because he felt a touch of excitement.


Ning Tianlin lost!

Have been crushed twice physically, what is not defeat!

If not, how could this happen!

The pause he called was not kind, because he had seen the video in the Colosseum at first, and Ning Tianlin's body did not know how many times he had been smashed.

In the end, it was a violent uprising, which killed the master who ranked eighth in combat effectiveness!

But now, it is clear that that situation will happen again.

Ning Tianlin's flesh gathered up and shattered.

Thousands and thousands of times, which is what he wants to see?

Therefore, he spoke and wanted to take this opportunity to let Ning Tianlin directly admit defeat and lose the game. You are the second and never the first!

Long lived second child!

What else can you do!

Let you run to my house and **** my space ring!

Let me take this opportunity to strike your morale!

He knows that Ning Tianli's character is impossible to admit defeat, but when he said that, he was going to hit Ning Tianlin's face and make countless people think that Ning Tianlin was about to lose, and he was about to lose!

If not, how could he be crushed into minced meat!

"Admit defeat?"

Ning Tianlin hesitated, he never thought about it.

How could he give up?

If he concedes, the mission set by the combat system will be completely dead.

He even felt that the disappearance of the combat system was related to this mission.

Never give up!


It was just that Ning Tianlin hadn't spoken yet, but Jisha on the side waved her hand sharply and flew out the referee Zha Songge in the air. He just screamed in the air and landed heavily on the ground. , Rolled aside, life and death are unknown.


Give up!

At this time let Ning Tianlin admit defeat, she also won the fart body!

What's next?

"I am!"


"This Giza is so fierce that she hit the referee!"

"She flew all the referees!"

Countless people were shocked and couldn't believe their eyes. This Jisa, too crazy, even beat the referee. Without the referee, who will decide with you.

Also, offending the referee, it's OK to just sentence you to lose!

This man is too fierce.

Together with the other two members of the Zitong clan, they also jumped in their hearts.

My aunt. You dare to fight the referee!

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