Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1471: I'm here to hit the shop!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Lin Jiayi froze.

Here in the past two years, of course, she has heard the name, knowing that this is one of the 100 largest cities of human beings, and it is also the largest city. He even knew that his division had offices in Zhongdu City.

Could not help but also moved his mind.

Take this opportunity to buy and shop in the capital city and buy some resources needed for your own cultivation.

She had a lot of money on her body, which she brought out when she left the earth.

In the past two years, she has been staying at Lin Yuge. All of them are resources in the door. Although they are distributed on time, they are not many.

No one is rich or rich, and Ma is not rich in grass. If she wants to catch up with Ning Tianlin, she must increase her cultivation speed.


Ziyan nodded. "After three days, let's go."

"There is a teleportation array in the gate that leads directly to the capital city."

"Eight in the morning, let's be together."

After Ziyan said, she picked up a peach and ate it. Then she continued to play the piano.

But in her heart, there was no such calm expression on her face.

Because a week ago, she got a message that a League of Legends store opened in Zhongdu City, and it had a wealth of money. In the center of Zhongdu City, I bought a large area of ​​land at three times the market price Shop.

The business in the shop is very domineering. It is known to the outside world that as long as you want it, there is it!

As long as you can afford the price!

And only accept barter, not money!

Isn't this the way of Ning Tianlin's exchange!

No matter he is in the Cangming field or the Mugu abyss, he trades like this, only bartering things and not receiving cash.

I heard that in these days, there have been countless powers to go to the capital city. On that day, the events of the wooden ancient abyss have spread to the human race, the five star saints, and the five star statues have fallen, but it is a big event.

I even heard that the Mu clan had already spoken, and Ning Tianlin had to come out for an explanation.

Despite her accident, no one knew the young man was Ning Tianlin.

She really wanted to know what relationship Lin Jiayi had with Ning Tianlin.

After paying for two years, can I get a return?


Lin Jiayi nodded, and didn't think much about it, she really thought that she was going to do something in Zhongdu City.

. . . . . .


League of Legends first store.

Although the area is huge, at this moment, there are already no fewer than 70 or 80 people standing.

"What about things?"

"Why is there nothing?"

"Sell a fart!"

"Is this the shop?"

"Nothing. What shop do you open?"

A young man in a strong suit, followed by four or five servants, roared loudly in the hall.

And this roar immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.

"What's going on? Noisy?"

Everyone was stunned.

Making trouble in this League of Legends store?

Don't you know the power behind this?

They say they came from the holy place of the human race!

I heard that when the store opened seven days ago, Coffey Stars gave a flower basket here.

Coffey Star Saint!

The legendary Jiuduan Xingsheng!

The owner of this capital city!

It seems that the capital city is also afraid of the real forces behind the League of Legends.

After all, although the Kufi Star Saint is a Star Saint, it is still mixed with the ordinary forces of the human race and has not yet entered the holy land of the human race. Not because they are not qualified, but for some unknown reason.

The owners of the capital city gave flower baskets here.

You dare to make a loud noise here.

Don't want to live?


"Are all dead?"

"It's still the best place to open a store in Midtown. Isn't there even a hello person?"

"What about beauties?"

"Find a beauty to serve me! Dangdang shopping guide!"

Immediately after that, everyone was stunned, and the young man yelled again, and everyone in the shop could hear it.

"What's happening?"

"This young man is crazy!"

Dozens of people around him looked at these people and whispered.

But none of them even stepped forward, and even the few sharp-eyed people had already recognized the identity of the young man.

The colossus will!

The badge on the chest looks like everything.

Even the good guys looked at the young man's appearance through the intelligent robot and laughed, no wonder.

It turned out to be this idiot!

The Vice President of the Beast Club, Pang Juan ’s new born son.

According to the information, the son's name is Pang Bosu, a pampered master. I grew up with a golden key from an early age. I did n’t know what the height was.

Some family members are real dragons and phoenixes, so smart and easy to learn, while some family members are really scum in the world. They do not know what is low-key.

Born less than a hundred years ago, he became a true troublemaker.

Burned a celestial furnace of a star king, and destroyed a weapon of a star lord, all of which are small. Under his command, I don't know how many planets were destroyed, and countless souls became slaves!

Unfortunately, who made his father Pang Juan?

A veritable star saint.

Countless strong people can only endure, open one eye and close one eye.


"Find a beautiful lady to serve me, and introduce me to your junk shop!"

"If not, tear down your shop!"

Seeing how many words he shouted, no one came to wait, this Pang Bosu shouted impatiently again.

When he entered with the bodyguards next to him, he didn't look at the shop name.

Because of the capital city, he is a regular customer. He does n’t know how many times he played, and he walked in. Moreover, even if he saw this shop called League of Legends, it would not be taken for granted.

Because he's just a standard puppet.

As long as you live happily every day, you don't need to know anything big.

Besides, what can he afford to offend this capital city?

Even the owner of the city knows his father and often drinks together. What is he afraid of?

Moreover, not only that, there are still many people who don't know what the League of Legends is all about, and many people don't know what Ning Tianlin's record and what happened in Mugu Abyss.

All I know are martial artists who are pursuing martial arts, and they are all relatively high in combat effectiveness.

The remaining ones who don't care about this matter are really not even aware of the words League of Legends.

He is a man like this.

It was just that White Axe did not care about him at all. They are now dealing with several stars, and then there is time to ignore this kid who doesn't know the height of the earth.


Soon, a loud noise began to spread with Pang Bosu's body.

I saw him take out a huge axe and hit him **** the ground.


Really mad!

For many years, no one has dared to take him as air since he was so old!

What shop is this

He had to smash it today!

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