Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1472: Ancient sword

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"No one else, I'll smash this shop!"

Pang Bosu yelled, and before waiting for a few people from the White Axe to answer, he held a giant axe and chopped it fiercely towards the ground.


Don't you come out to say hello to me.

I can't stand anyone who chops your ground!


A loud noise.

It just didn't imagine that the ground was cracking, and the ripples spread.

Pang Bosu only felt that his palms were numb, and the tiger's mouth was about to crack, but the ground below was fine and intact, and even his entire body flew out because of the rebound force.

It was just guarded by several bodyguards on the side.

"The formation."

"This ground has been blessed."

"Even the whole building."

The guard looked at each other, and then whispered to Pombo.

"You guys."

Pombo Bosu put the tomahawk into the ring, facing a guard.

He is just a domain master, and these guards on the side are all star kings.

Your formation can block my domain master, I don't believe you can block the star king!

"it is good."

One of the guards did not hesitate. After all, it was the master's order, and their backstage was very hard. I didn't know how many times this smashing thing was done, and I didn't care.


The five guards stretched out their hands and each appeared his own weapon.



As soon as I held it in my hand, I smashed it into the ground.

They are confident that if this goes on, don't say that the formation will crack, the ground is broken, that is, the entire building must be shaken three times, and maybe they can collapse.


Who makes your shop really blind.

The newcomers greet them enthusiastically.

Serve the young master well, he is your great rich man, if he is not good, he is your lifeline!


It just made all of them and those who had been around them look dazed, because after the five star kings attacked at the same time, not only did they not break the hidden formation, but they let their bodies fly backwards.

It ’s even more powerful than Pang Bosu's flight!


At the same time, a long sword with endless white light appeared from the void.


Immediately after that, there was another, with endless black light.


Immediately after the two long swords appeared, they sent out a strong energy hood, wrapping up Pang Bosu and the five bodyguards around him.

The two pointed swords point directly at the faces of the six.

"No ... no ..."

"Qian Kun Ancient Sword Formation!"

"This turned out to be the ancient sword formation of Qiankun!"

Of course, things here have attracted the attention of too many people, including several stars who are discussing with the White Axe how many resources they need.

When they felt the fluctuations around them, their faces changed greatly.

Qiankun Ancient Sword Formation!

Turns out to be the ancient sword formation of Qiankun!

According to legend, this is a strong horizontal sword array that can kill Xingsheng!


This place has such a presence!

It is these stars who can't help snoring with their legs, but this thing can wipe out their existence.

"Qian Kun Ancient Sword Formation?"

"What is this?"

One of the sages could not pass the battle, and asked the horrified man next to him.

Although his words are small, all who can appear here are good combatants. Don't talk quietly, it's the mosquito mating, they can all hear that voice.

"Did you see the blades of the two swords with the words inscribed in the middle?"

This lord who is proficient in the formation method did not immediately answer, but asked first.

"What word?"

"Is that a word?"

"How do I look like a picture?"

The crowd was stunned, not because their eyes weren't working, but because in the middle of the two swords, the words they engraved really didn't know, but looked like a pattern on the lines.

"White sword, called dry sword."

"Read the word in the middle."

"It was written by a very rare ancient man. You don't study the formations, and you can't get in touch."

The master of arrays explained, "This black sword is Kun Jian."

"Both are the same."

"If the sky is ten percent, the rules are born."

"But this array of laws contains the law of the universe."

"Don't say these stars, even if Star Saint is here, we must drink and hate it!"

This person said very solemnly.


"Xingsheng is going to die?"

Everyone was shocked.

This. . . . . .

This is also space.

The master of the capital city is also the Holy Star!

This is already a mainstay in the human race, even the top combat force.

But these two swords, the formation of the formation, can kill them?


"Xing Sheng is here to die!"

The man nodded heavily, and his face was full of solemn feelings. "The level of these two swords alone can be described by universe-level treasures. If you want to use them, you need at least the Star Saint level!"

"Even higher!"

"And they can be arranged into a formation. I can't imagine a warrior of this level ..."

"I'm afraid we can blow us to death in one breath."

This man who is proficient in arrays, when he comes here, involuntarily swallows a spit. When he comes, he still thinks that it is Xingzun, and see if he can give some discount to the face, or if he can set the delivery time in January Ahead of time.

But now it seems that I really have a big face.

You are good if the other party can bird.

Still in advance?

Also discount.

Annoyed, I'm afraid it's all possible to be destroyed.

"Isn't it ..."

"Star Saint is going to die."

Everyone was sweating their heads. They said that the background of this League of Legends was extremely hard. It may be a large organization in the holy place of the human race. They didn't believe it at the time. Now it seems that they are inseparable.

If not, who can arrange such a masterpiece.

Unable to look at the people in the Pang Bosu shrouded in light, showing pity and ridicule.

Who really dared to urinate and live impatient!

"what happened?"

"What the **** are these two?"

The six people who were surrounded by the light did not even hear what the outsiders were saying, but they could see that everyone was pointing at them.


"These people are watching us as monkeys!"

"When I go out, they must look good!"

Until now, Pombo Bosu didn't think it was a big deal.

Just two swords.

In his home, I don't know how many such swords are put.


"Give me these two swords!"

Pang Bosu was facing the five stars around him.


But before they could do anything, the whole body of these two swords exploded with white and black lights, straight down, and poured over several people.


When countless people drew air-conditioning, this white and black light was like the starlight that annihilated the universe. Wherever they passed, the six people who had just jumped alive were disappearing without a trace.

Not to mention blood, that is, dregs, are submerged into gas.

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