Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1789: Cang Mo Hai sand (second more)

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Ning Tianlin nodded.

Under the Lord of the universe are ants.

If Bo Wen really became the master of the universe, it would be a great help to himself.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Ning Tianlin nodded.

He knew that Bowen had read the memories of the Dai patriarchs, and knew where the Cangmo Haisha was blended with the Nine Lotus, but it could be called the first secret space of the universe, and Cang Mo Haisha must be extremely dangerous.

Bo Wen went alone, and he really wasn't assured. After all, she is now only in the realm of Xinghuang Jiuduan.

You know, even the Lord of the universe can fall there!


There was a hint of joy in the corner of Bowen's mouth, and he left the place with Ning Tianlin.

. . . .

Cang Mo Hai Sand.

The first mystery of the universe.

Human races, zerg races, wood races, mechanical races, undead races and many other universes, countless strong people will enter the greatest secrets they have experienced.

This mystery does not belong to any race, but belongs to the universe!

Because it takes up a lot of land!

Not only across countless ethnic boundaries, the deepest part is hidden in endless void.

Until now, no one can know what is in it, how tall, how wide, how deep, and what a complete picture is like the human beings of the earth hundreds of years ago, although they have occupied the entire The earth, but it does n’t know how deep the ocean canyon is, how much life there is in the ocean, or whether there is a soul in life.

This Cang Mo Hai sand, for all races in the universe, is the same as the sea for humans.

Full of unknowns.

Moreover, the desert sand is constantly changing.

For a period of time, it will be endless yellow sand, boundless, but for a period of time, it will be a vast sea, somehow deep, and after a period of time, it will turn into a vast blue sky, leaving you directly lost in among them.

Sometimes, it will be a combination of the three, constantly emerging, and even directly turned into swamps, devouring countless lives.

And this sand is not ordinary sand, the sea is not ordinary sea, they are the existence that can directly obliterate the divine knowledge, the danger is extremely great! Coupled with the continuous collapse and reorganization of the space here, even the most mysterious time may not be stable.

This place has slowly become a forbidden place in the hearts of countless people.

In countless years, no less than tens of thousands, or even more of the Lord of the Universe fell here!

And most of them are the existence of the Lord of the Universe.

Because they firmly believe that there is a secret to break through the universe and become the master.


At this time, a place filled with yellow sand.

Note: The second change today.

Under the gray and gloomy sky, tornadoes with a width of tens of thousands of feet and a height of hundreds of millions of feet are like a dirt dragon that is constantly raging with huge mouths, and the violent storm will constantly tear the surrounding space.

Even if the smallest grain of sand condensed on the outermost side of the storm hits a star element warrior, that strong force is enough to penetrate his physical body directly!

If a warrior is drawn into the innermost core of the tornado, even the top-level warrior among the star warriors will be completely shattered, and the dregs will not be left. .

The hotness of the temperature will smoke the small sand particles in the desert like red iron particles, and a stream of hot air permeates from the yellow sand, and finally the space evaporates a bit distorted and illusory.

In the endless desert, a black figure appeared slowly. Looking at the face of the dusty servant, it was obvious that he had spent a lot of time in the desert.

The figure took some heavy steps and gradually walked to a towering sand dune not far away and looked around.

The figure was an old man with a beard in a gray robe. His yellow skin was tanned by the sun, and his black hair was messy. The old man licked his dry lips, and his voice was a little low. Words.

"Well, this **** desert is really too big. It has been hundreds of years, and there is no clue for the master. If Ning Tianlin said that the master had been here before, he really didn't want to stay here any more. One second. "The old man sighed and smiled helplessly.

This old man was Wu Daoxuan who was unintentionally broken by Ning Tianlin in Yinyangtan last time. He came to this deserted sea sand alone in search of the master's trace.

"Brother Yan Luo spoke highly of Ning Tianlin, and he had many secrets that others did not know, and after several contacts, the other person did not seem to be a joke."

"The master is here, and he will definitely be here, but he can't find it for a while, so let's continue to look deeper."

Wu Daoxuan knew that he had been flying while searching for people for two hundred years, and he was still far from the central area of ​​Cang Mo Hai Sha.

Especially the space here is constantly changing, and it is very easy to get lost, and even he sometimes feels that time here is going backwards or stagnation.

But sometimes it speeds up!

Even more, because the desert storm rolled up here is not an ordinary storm, but a charming one, even the Lord of the Universe is useless.

Therefore, Wu Daoxuan can only choose some safe time periods and fly at a high speed. Most of the other time, he chooses to walk on foot.

But in this Cang Mo Hai sand, it is not without creatures.

Just like there is life in the strong magma, there are creatures coming out from time to time, and there is more than one kind.

In the past two hundred years, he has realized that Dao Xuan has seen no less than three types. The thing that most frightens him is the black-backed black ant named by him in the desert.

These black ants are full of secrets on the back, full of mystery, just like the natural body protection array method, and the body is extremely hard. He once killed and killed one, which is comparable to the master of the universe!

And very toxic!

Most importantly, they are not single!

But gregarious!

Lord of the Universe, have you ever seen it!

If it hadn't been for his quick response, I'm afraid he would have been left there!

Such dense ants are scattered all over the yellow sand, and they are arranged in a square array, sometimes changing arrays, toward him.

He really did not know why these creatures had been gathering in this desert sea sand. If he rushed out to the universe, it would definitely cause uproar, and even countless races would be destroyed by them.

Why does this creature stay here?

This is also the secret that millions of powerful universes want to explore for millions of years.

Because in the desert sand, no creature has ever gone out!

not a single one!

Gu family?

How can it be!

Which creature in the universe does not swim?

They know that there must be some secret to hold these creatures here, because even if they catch one or take them out, they will be directly turned into nothingness, and no residue will be left.

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