Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1790: Blackback

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"Uh, the breath of the iron back black ants seems to be getting closer." Feeling the iron back black ants moving towards this side not far away, Wu Daoxuan frowned.

It's over!

Ignore you and keep chasing like this, never give up?

Wu Daoxuan didn't expect that he had just killed a black-backed black ant, but now he was chasing after himself as if he had killed a horse honeycomb.

"I will endure you for another half an hour. If I come again, I will kill you!"


Wu Daoxuan hurried forward again.

But he didn't know. Under the yellow sand, the iron back black ants' tentacles kept wriggling, and the mysterious ripples spread rapidly towards the front. At a distance, an iron back black ants also responded with the tentacles.

Humans have human communication methods, and iron back black ants also have their own contact methods.

Throughout the desert, I don't know how many black-backed black ant colonies are hiding.



Thirty minutes later, Wu Daoxuan's eyes brightened and his body was shaking, staying in front of the outline of an abandoned monument.

This historic site was not marked at all when he got the map, maybe it was a newly discovered site.

If he hadn't just seen a raised boulder, he would have missed it.


It was only when he landed slowly that he was going to shuttle through the ruins, but set his eyes in another direction.

"Iron back black ants ..."

A soft murmur, Wu Dao Xuan squinted his eyes, and after a moment, his face was covered with shock, because he found that a dense group of black-backed black ants were coming together this way!

It's exactly the opposite direction from him.

"Trouble ..."

"An ant's nest again!"

I swallowed a saliva, vaguely guessed the number of ant colonies, Wu Daoxuan, just wanted to leave here, and when I would come to this relic, I suddenly found that iron sand black ants had begun to emerge in the yellow sand under my feet. Startled: "Iron-backed black ants under the yellow sand did not feel the slightest breath in advance."

This yellow sand can also shield the gods!

The iron-backed black ants who just emerged from the yellow sand, with two tentacles shaking up and down, trembled tightly in the direction of Wu Daoxuan. If the body crawling on the yellow sand stands upright, it will have a lot It is high, with strong corrosive saliva in the corner of the mouth, dripping on the sand grains, making noisy noise.

The black iron ants that are close to each other open their huge mouths with sharp teeth, and a black venom with strong corrosiveness, like a water arrow, sprays out of their mouths and storms towards the place where Wu Daoxuan is. Shoot away.

If it is hit by a poison arrow, the venom will probably make the master of the universe, Wu Daoxuan, directly ulcerate a large piece of skin, and the method under the iron back black ant is also extremely hot.

Fortunately, Dao Xuan realized that the black-backed black ants had just emerged from the yellow sand. They kept their minds on the closest black-backed black ants, and found that the venom was sprayed instantly. Sand suddenly rushed out.

"Hmm ..." The venom hit the air, and the yellow sand where it fell, was suddenly eroded into powder smaller than the sand just in the blink of an eye.

The corner of his eyes froze the piece of yellow sand where he had stood before, and Wu Taoxuan couldn't help but take a breath. The venom was more aggressive than he had imagined before.

You must know that this deserted sand is a good material for refining a tanning furnace, and it will not change in the slightest even if it is roasted in the fire, let alone become powder.


"This iron-backed black ant is just as powerful as venom. If it was bitten by him and the venom penetrated into the body, wouldn't it ..." Wu Tao had no time to think about it, and his body quickly retreated to a higher building in this ruin Above.

With the increasing number of black-backed black ants, there is already a dense area under Wu Dao Xuan. There is no place to settle again at all. A powerful venom suddenly blasts from the sand toward Wu Dao Xuan.

The black venom from the shot below was noticed, Wu Dao Xuan was slightly surprised, the body was trembling slightly, the essence in the body was quickly mobilized, and the essence was covered again and again to form a protective cover.

Immediately a finger flew, and a sharp sword formed by a ray of fine gas shot towards the bottom, and finally met the black venom pair, with a slight "Zi Zi" sound.

The black venom gradually dissipated, and the sharp sword formed by that essence was almost eroded and darkened, and even the force of progress was weakened a lot ...

The eye swept away the attack just before. Although it did n’t mobilize much essence, it was just a tentative test, but the corner of Wu Daoxuan's eyes could not help but jump. This black venom could even corrode essence so quickly. If the body is stained, it may be dangerous even if it can be detoxified in time.

As the attack of the ironback black ant was blocked by the intruder in front of him, the frequency of the two antennae on the head jittered more frequently, and a strange sound wave continued to surge from its abdomen toward the throat and finally to the mouth issue.

The sound of the iron back black ant came out, and the sound of friction between the feet and the yellow sand was even more intense on the desert yellow sand, but for a moment, the yellow sand beneath Wu Dao Xuan's body was actually full. Dense iron back black ants.

These iron-backed black ants Sen Han stared at Wu Daoxuan above, and the antennae changed the frequency of jitter from time to time. It seemed to be discussing something. At any time, the deadly venom might erupt.

"I'm afraid that when I first walked into this ruin, I was spotted by them?"

Looking at the dense black-backed black ants below, Wu Daoxuan couldn't help scalp numbness, but at the same time, he felt a little stunned. This time, I encountered many black-backed black ants, both in quantity and quality. Above, there are more and stronger.

Feeling the tentacles on the iron-backed black ant's head below, the fluctuations became more and more fierce, Wu Dao Xuan's mouth could not help but pumped, suddenly holding a silver spear in his palm, and then smashed it out fiercely.

This long rifle is called Jiutian Chiyan Gun. It was condensed by his master with nine days of black water from the yin to yang, and finally was continuously tempered with Chiyan real fire.

The Jiutian Chiyan gun whizzed by, and a strong energy burst out, which directly heated the surrounding air that had fallen because of the night.


As the Jiyan Chiyan gun penetrated directly through the body of an iron-backed black ant, the crisp sound made when the sand particles below were inserted.

The iron-backed black ants around it looked like a horse's honeycomb, and their strong bodies began to rush towards the bottom of the building. They rammed them, that is, the sand surface began to shake.

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