Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1791: Exposed bones

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"Hum, I'm not short-tempered!"

Wu Daoxuan's body suddenly retreated. It was only after the soles of the feet made more than a dozen footprints that they gradually resolved the horrible impact of the iron back black ants.


"Not only is the venom fierce, but the hardness of the body is so arrogant ..."

Insert the Jiutian Chiyan gun just inserted into the lower part through the palm suction, and shake the long gun on hand. Wu Daoxuan licked his lips, and examined the iron ants colony again.

The iron-backed black ant scarlet eyes around the lower part shed a cold killing intention. At the moment, the body flashed quickly, and the venom remaining on the mouth glowed a deep luster, staring fiercely at Wu Daoxuan above.

The venom sprayed out from the mouth at the same time. From various angles, as if discussed in advance, he struck toward Wu Dao Xuan. The impenetrable venom gathered in the air like a giant black net.

"Smith ..."

Feeling the black venom flowing from all directions, Wu Daoxuan took a breath. If he was surrounded by this huge net, the consequences would be quite serious.

Immediately, there was a slight tremor in the back, a pair of huge purple-black wings suddenly ejected, and the soles of the feet stepped on the ground fiercely. With the movement of the vital energy in the body, the body suddenly suspended.

These purple-black wings, although not comparable to his master's Jinwu wings, are also extremely rare.

After the fusion, not only can you increase your combat effectiveness, but also greatly increase the speed. In the battle with the same level of warriors, even if you are under siege, if you want to escape, no one can catch it.

Wu Dao Xuan, whose body is suspended above, keeps his hands tied with mysterious marks on the chest, and the wings on the back are also continuously extended.

After the giant wings stabilized, they began to shake slowly. After a moment, the giant wings were already full of essence, and the essence constantly flowing, overflowing from time to time.


As the wings of the giant wing fan became larger and larger, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, and the space behind Wu Daoxuan seemed to be torn by the giant wing.

The sudden strong wind, due to the intense wind pressure generated by the wind speed, turned the space in the void into a twist.

Suddenly, the iron back black ants were directly blown up by the strong wind. Some iron back black ants closer to Wuxuan were torn directly by the horrible wind, and the black venom ejected from the body also followed. The broken corpse flew out.

The iron-backed black ant who flew upside down in the distance fell into the sand directly after falling on the yellow sand. When it reappeared, it had reached a dead corner that Wudao Xuanshen's huge wings could not avoid.

"Fuck, this iron-backed black ant colony is too persevering. They have all been fanned out. Why are they so hard to come back ..."

Wu Daoxuan tilted his head slightly and looked at the iron-backed black ants that were constantly emerging from the dead corner.

Some of the black-backed black ants he can tear are just the front end of the wind. Compared to the huge number, they are nothing at all, and those that fly backwards will soon pass under the yellow sand again. appear.

After lasting for a while, Wu Daoxuan was also thinking about the solution quickly in his heart. This is not the way to go. It would be okay to fly away from the area, but he saw the iron-backed black ant behind him all the time. This area, instead of choosing to escape.

This somewhat secretive behavior seemed a little abnormal to him, both in the number of iron-backed black ant colonies and in the speed at which they came here desperately.

Without waiting for him to make too many decisions, he found that the iron-backed black ants emerging from the dead corner kept overlapping and winding up, first a small circle in the innermost siege, followed by layers of layers. The surrounding circle is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball ...

"Smith ..."

Wu Daoxuan took a breath, his body was still suspended in the void, but the purple and black giant wings behind him also became smaller and smaller.

"Let the iron-backed black ants get together like this, I'm afraid it's harder to deal with ..."

A icy flash of murderous intention flashed, Wu Daoxuan was not polite at the moment, his hands suddenly stretched out, and the surrounding vitality continued to pour into the palm of his hand. With the regular drive of his palms, he condensed into a huge amount of energy. Constantly compress the energy.

Immediately, both palms pushed forward, and the energy compressed by the mysterious method was blasted towards the huge black circle spliced ​​by more and more iron-backed black ants.

The compressed energy breaks through the outermost black circle in a lightning flash, and continuously breaks the obstacles, and shoots to the innermost layer. It does not stop until it advances to the innermost black circle center, and then quickly rotates away. .


After a moment of silence in the rotating energy circle, a dull energy explosion suddenly came out of the black circle, and with the sound of the sound, the black circle formed by the iron back black ants was like an atomic bomb being released. In general, fly upside down.

Suddenly suspended in the void, Wu Xuan looked at the iron-backed black ants that had been blasted into layers of black powder, and his body suddenly stepped back a few steps before he mobilized energy to consume too much energy, even he collapsed.

Withdrawing the giant wings, Wu Dao Xuan, who was barely standing on the sandy surface, stabilized his body, forced down the body's swelling essence pressure, and quickly took out an elixir that adjusted the essence of the body and swallowed it.

Looking at the individual black-backed black ants scattered and not dead, the silver awns under his feet flickered, holding the Jiutian Red Flame Gun again, and clearing all the iron-backed black ants in this area.

"Huh, a bunch of things beyond your control."

Wu Dao Xuan Leng hummed.

This iron-backed black ant may fall down if it is encountered by the master of the common universe, and Wu Daoxuan has already fought for a party hundreds of millions of years ago. There are many means, and it is no longer simply a matter of level.

Not to mention he just used it, but one of his tricks!


But at this moment, the spirit on the palm of the hand was condensed again, and an energy pours out from the palm of the palm against the Jiutian Chiyan Gun, then covered it, stripping the venom contaminated by the long gun during the battle.

"If this venom is not expelled, I am afraid that when the Jiutian Chiyan Gun is used again, it will be eroded into the body. At that time, it will be another trouble."

Wu Daoxuan's eyes stared down at the desert.

When the huge yellow sand in this area was just blown up with giant wings, a white bone buried under the yellow sand was also slightly exposed.

The sudden appearance of the bones did not make Wu Daoxuan feel too unexpected. After all, in the past few hundred years, he has seen too many bones in this secret place, and there are too many masters of the universe. After exploring this mystery, they all fell here.

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