Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1575: The blood power of the devil?

Just when Huang Xiaolong discovered that Sun Shihai’s hand was also on the sixth, Sun Shihai also found the number on the hand of Huang Xiaolong. After the accident, his face was ecstatic.

Kid, this can only blame your life is not good! Sun Shihai secretly said in his heart.

Unexpectedly, even the heavens gave him the opportunity to be proud of Sun Shihai!

Originally, his master just said to him in the morning, he said that he couldn’t be disappointed when he was on the draw. Now, it’s really a turn of the peak, and Liu Minghuan’s village, Huang Xiaolong, I will let you enjoy the year. What is the taste of being defeated by Wang Yongsen!

At this time, all the people on the podium and the disciples around him found the number six that Huang Xiaolong and Sun Shihai both took. Suddenly, there was a strong sigh and turmoil.

"Huang Shishu and Sun Shishuzu have even drawn the number six! This is a good show!"

"Dragon fights!"

"Which dragon fights, Huang Xiaolong's strength is unexpected, but how can it compare with our grandson?" A Xueyuedian disciple sneered.

"I also think that the strength that Huang Shishu just showed is amazing, but I am afraid that it is not a grandson of Sun Shizu!"

The disciples under the stage were excited to talk.

On the rostrum, some of the lords, the elders, and the elders also whispered.

Seeing this extraction result, Zhao Lei brows gently wrinkled.

Although Huang Xiaolong just beat the Xueyuedian disciple Chen Longshi with a single finger, there should be a late stage of the sixth king of the gods, but with Sun Shihai, there is still no chance of winning.

When Sun Shi’s poster name was used, the detection of the combat power was also the late sixth stage of the **** king. However, he must have concealed the real strength. The real combat power is definitely not limited to the late sixth stage of the **** king, and may even reach the early seventh stage of the **** king!

This can be great.

After the accident in Zhouchen, I laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that the opponent in the second round will be Huang Xiaolong. This is unexpected. The supreme is supreme, good. It is really exciting, and it will definitely be wonderful. !"

The tone is relaxed, the laughter is hearty, and the meaning is down. As if Sun Shihai won the general.

Zhou Chen knew about the other hidden power of his brother Sun Shihai's awakening in the body. The hidden power of the wake-up was even surprised by him. In his view, although Huang Xiaolong is beyond his strength, he is definitely not Sun Shihai's opponent.

Fang Gan, Li Shan, and Chen Yirong did not speak.

However, from the perspective of the three people shaking their heads, it seems that Huang Xiaolong is a little pity for Shang Sun Shihai. After all, this second round is related to whether or not you can pass the trial.

Huang Xiaolong listened to the disciples around him and his face was calm. The figure flashed and came to the 6th stage. Almost at the same time that Huang Xiaolong came to the 6th stage, Sun Shihai also fell to the 6th stage, which seemed a little impatient.

At the moment of the fall of No. 6 in the ring, Sun Shihai suddenly screamed into the sky, and the whole body was completely released and released without reservation.

A group of amazing blood red rays rushed out of their bodies.

This power is so violent and so bloody. It is as fierce as the fierceness and resentment that has accumulated in his heart for many years.

Then, Sun Shihai began to change dramatically, his body quickly covered the blood red leather armor, and a strip of golden hair continued to grow throughout his body.

This golden hair. Glittering with glare.

As the body changed dramatically, Sun Shihai continued to grow up, his eyes began to be red, and his mouth grew like two sharp teeth.

"Amazing violent power, the **** body of Sun Shu’s ancestors broke through the sixth floor?!"

"Sun Shishu's ancestors are now imposing, and they can completely suppress the disciples of the ordinary six-level late peaks of the gods. And Sun Shishuzu also has a dragon gun, even if the disciples of the early seventh stage of the gods can be defeated!"

Some of the disciples in the audience were commotion again.

On the rostrum, Li Shan also praised: "Sun Shihai's **** body has broken through the sixth floor. The sixth layer of **** body, its defense and strength have been turned ten times than before?"

Chen Yirong shook his head: "More than ten times, and the sixth layer of **** body is not only as simple as defense and power improvement, but also some special talents."

Some special gods, when they reach a certain level, can awaken their special talents, and the power of this talent is absolutely amazing.

Huang Xiaolong stood there, but did not move, but quietly looked at Sun Shihai's **** body.

The sixth layer of **** body?

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are indifferent.

Soon, the transformation of the sixth layer of Sun Shihai's **** body stopped.

Sun Shihai stood there, just like a fierce and fierce genius. The fierce power of the body made some disciples of the seven kings of the gods around the ring tremble.

"Huang Xiaolong, you did not expect it, my **** body will break through to the sixth floor." Sun Shihai blood red eyes staring at Huang Xiaolong, cold and cold.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head indifferently: "On the sixth floor? Too low, I thought it was the seventh floor."

"What?!" Everyone glimpsed.

On the rostrum, Zhou Chen was laughing and laughing. He said to Yan Yingdao, the head of the Xueyue Hall: "You heard that Huang Xiaolong is a **** scorpion. The sixth layer is too low. Isn't it enough?" It’s Huang Xiaolong’s tone is not small, but I don’t know how much kilograms I have.

Zhao Lei wants to say something, but in the end there is no opening.

At this time, Fang Yi and Peng Yu and two women also came to Li Wei, Yao Chi, watching Huang Xiaolong on the ring, Fang Wei shook his head and said: "This guy."

On the stage, after Sun Shihai’s glimpse, he laughed and laughed, with hints of silence and anger: “Well, since Huang Xiaolong, you think that the sixth layer of my **** body is too low, then I will let you now. Seeing another power in my body to wake up!" When it comes to this, Sun Shihai suddenly stunned his body.

This black mang, can not tell the strange, but the hidden power, but even the elders of some heavens and territories are frightened.

Everyone was shocked, including Fang Gan, Li Shan, Chen Yirong, and Zhao Lei.

"This is?!" Fang Gan shocked: "Is it the blood power of Hongmeng Devil?!"

"The power of good horror is definitely the blood power of some devils in the Hungmun period!" Li Shan was also shocked, and the voice was a little dizzy.

"Sun Shihai turned out to be a descendant of a certain demon **** in Hongmeng?!" Chen Yirong was equally shocked and excited.

A descendant of a demon **** in the Hongmeng period! What does this mean? They are great powers of the Great Emperor, but they are very clear. They are shocked because they are clear, so they are excited.

When Zhao Lei was shocked, his heart sank. Originally, he also looked forward to Huang Xiaolong's miracle, and he could unexpectedly defeat Sun Shihai, but now see the power of Sun Shihai's exhibition, all expectations and hopes are shattered. (To be continued.)

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