Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1576: Or do you take it first?

The demon of the Hongmeng period!

No matter which demon god, it is definitely the strongest and most horrific existence between heaven and earth.

For example, the king of Hongmeng is actually one of the devils born in the Hongmeng period.

There is also the ancestor of the Dragon Dragons! There is also the Devil of the Devil! Lord of hell! Ancient Heavenly Emperor! and many more.

These blood gods have strong blood power, needless to say.

However, these devils are strong, there are very few descendants, the king of Hongmeng, the devil of the devil, the Lord of hell, the ancient heavenly emperor has no descendants.

The present Emperor is only a pro-disciple of the ancient Emperor.

But now, Sun Shihai actually has the blood power of the devil! Sun Shihai was originally a supreme genius, coupled with the blood power of this demon god, its talent is absolutely stunning, and may even be comparable to Huang Xiaolong of the Supreme King.

Although Sun Shihai’s previous cultivation may not be able to catch up with Huang Xiaolong, now that he has awakened the blood of the demon in his body, his cultivation speed will increase dramatically.

Huang Xiaolong felt the power of Sun Shihai's black mans, but also some surprises and accidents.

Listening to the party, Li Shan's excitement exclaimed, his heart moved, the blood of the demon god?

Devil, he knows.

In the field of demons outside the field, the four masters who were suppressed under the big devils of the ghosts and gods are a demon god!

"It seems that I have to ask the chick when I arrive." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Originally, he thought that the demon **** was the name of the strong man, but it seems that the devil is only the name of the strong people in the Hongmeng period, not a certain individual.

However, although I was shocked that Sun Shihai had the blood power of the powerful man, but Huang Xiaolong did not put it in the heart, but looked at each other with interest.

Sun Shihai's momentum is still rising.

Soon, Sun Shihai’s momentum has completely surpassed some of the early seven-order powerhouses.

Yao Chi, Fang Wei, Peng Yu, a few women saw. They are all pretty worried.

Even Li Wei is a slight glimpse of Liu Mei.

Although she had confidence in Huang Xiaolong before, but now she has awakened Sun Shihai, the blood force of the powerful man of Hongmeng, can Huang Xiaolong still be defeated?

Although she does not know how to do it. What kind of existence is the Hongmeng demon in Lishan and other populations, but even the people, Lishan and so on are so shocked and excited, it must be the top person.

In the midst of everyone’s shock, finally. Sun Shihai’s momentum stopped.

Sun Shihai's whole body is black and glamorous, standing in the air, like a demon god, the momentum of his body has completely suppressed the disciples of the seven-order middle of the four kings.

In other words, Sun Shihai's current strength can easily defeat the seventh-order mid-level master of the gods.

Sun Shihai’s hand flashed, and the dragon gun appeared. He waved his finger at Huang Xiaolong and looked at Huang Xiaolong condescendingly. There is a kind of self-confidence and self-confidence: "Huang Xiaolong, you still remember yesterday in the creation of God, what do I say to you? I said, I hope that in today's trials, you can get me five tricks! You are now Do you think I can take my five strokes?"

Five strokes!

The disciples around him rioted.

However, no one thinks that Sun Shihai is arrogant and ridiculous.

Because, Sun Shihai has this strength!

At this time, Sun Shihai turned around and said to the party on the rostrum: "The doorkeeper. I have something to do."

After a while, he smiled and said: "You said."

Sun Shihai awakened the blood of the demon in the body, and his attitude was different.

"If I wait for me to defeat Huang Xiaolong, I want Huang Xiaolong to build the palace in God!" Sun Shihai said.

The expressions on the faces of the people did not come together.

The square brows wrinkled.

"The doorkeeper. If I defeat Huang Xiaolong this time, I prove that my talent is far beyond Huang Xiaolong. I am the disciple who is worthy of training in the Imperial Palace. The palace of Huang Xiaolong is the best one in the home of the gods and the ancestral palace. Only the best disciples of talents are worthy of possession.” Sun Shihai went on to say: “When the doorkeeper gave the palace to Huang Xiaolong, he felt that Huang Xiaolong’s talent was the best. Now, if I can prove that my talent is better than Huang Xiaolong, the palace will give me, It should be."

"This." Fang did not know how to respond.

"The doorkeeper, I know that Huang Xiaolong has saved the shackles. You have a preference for Huang Xiaolong, but I think the requirements of Shihai are fair and just." Zhou Chen said: "Since Shihai proves that his talent is better than Huang Xiaolong, then The palace should be the world!"

The party could not help but look at Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei's face was cloudy and clear, and eventually the other party nodded. He did not want to let the party work hard.

Fang Qian secretly sighed, he said to Huang Xiaolong of Fujian and Taiwan: "Little Dragon, what do you mean?"

Huang Xiaolong said: "The door owner, I have no opinion."

"That's okay." Fang Gan said to Sun Shihai: "Your request, I am accurate."

Sun Shihai smiled and said with pride: "Thank you for the door." He turned his head and looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, don't say I won't give you a chance, I will let you shoot first."

Huang Xiaolong laughed and shook his head: "Or you should take the shot first, or you will not be reconciled if you lose."

The sound of Huang Xiaolong fell, and everyone around him was a glimpse.

Sun Shihai looked up and laughed abruptly. Suddenly, his body flashed, and the dragon gun in his hand slammed out and suddenly rushed to the chest of Huang Xiaolong.


Even if he really killed Huang Xiaolong by mistake, with his talent, Fang Gan is not too good to punish him! After all, this is a test of the downfall, and it is inevitable that it will be lost.

Sun Shihai's gun, urging all the power in the body, the seal of the dragon gun, the swallowing beast roared out, the amazing black mang with the blood of the demon god's blood to swallow the yellow dragon.

With the shooting of Sun Shihai, the space shook and there were countless airflows, and some of the disciples around him exclaimed.

Just as Sun Shihai’s dragon gun attacked ten meters in front of him, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Huang Xiaolong suddenly raised his hand and slammed it.

Everyone is amazed, what is Huang Xiaolong doing?

But then, they saw that under the palm of Huang Xiaolong, the swallowing beast with the blood of Sun Shihai’s demon **** screamed and was immediately taken by Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong’s momentum went on, and he ran to Sun Shihai. .

Sun Shihai only felt that a force that could not resist him could suddenly come to the front, and he couldn’t help but feel the reaction.


Under the first block, Sun Shihai felt that his arm was sore and painful, and he was thrown up by the dragon gun in his hand, and Huang Xiaolong pulled his face.

"Hey!" Sun Shihaikou spurted a **** red thing, and the whole person flew from the sky to the ring.

There was a loud bang.

The platform is shaking.

Everyone stopped and looked silly at Sun Shihai on the ring.

Is this really Sun Shihai who just awakened the blood of the demon god? !

(The traffickers are damned, and the pharmaceutical companies and medical personnel who illegally circulate the problematic vaccines are even more damn! These people can’t be tens of thousands of shots!) (To be continued.)

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