Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1585: No one dares to

This group of Galaxy giant lion beasts, although there are three or four hundred heads, but the strength is not strong, the only low is only the third king of the king of God, the fourth order, the high talent of the king of the eighth, the nineth order, two of which are only the beginning of the king of the tenth step, so, Huang Xiaolong Did not let the elephant, chaotic black camel and other people shot.

Instead, he flew out of the spaceship alone and flew to the stars and rivers.

Those Star River lions and beasts see Huang Xiaolong flying, they are all heads of a scream, the whole body is full of stars, open a huge mouth, suddenly sprayed to Huang Xiaolong.

I saw countless flames with crystal stars shining over to Huang Xiaolong.

Obviously, these Galaxy giant lion beasts are all fire monsters.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he didn't dare to care about it. When he was all over, he turned into a Taikoo blue dragon!

This is the first time that Huang Xiaolong has turned into a Taikoo Blue Dragon after breaking through the Kingdom of God. Li Wei and Yao Chi have been shocked to discover that Huang Xiaolong’s now-transformed Taikoo Blue Dragon, the whole body of blue dragon scales, like a piece of chaotic kyanite. The glittering blue light flashes, and the forehead dragon's horn is thick and thick like a giant tree. Above the dragon's horn, it is covered with dragon's mysterious runes.

A burst of amazing Long Wei radiated from the Huang Xiaolong dragon to the square like the tide.

Under this dragon, the group of stars and rivers of the lions stagnate and their eyes are full of awe.

Huang Xiaolong heard a dragon scream and did not see how to move. He came to the group of stars and rivers in front of the giant lion beast. Huang Xiaolong’s huge dragon claws, like the size of a hill, slammed down, and the violent hurricane appeared. Suddenly, those stars and lions were all photographed. Fly out.

Then, Huang Xiaolong flashed and came to the front of the Xinghe giant lion beast in the early tenth stage of the two kings. The dragon claws pressed down, and the two giants of the lions in the early tenth stage of the gods were pressed by two chaotic mountains and could not move. .

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows flashed purple, and the two purple rays disappeared into the eyebrows of the two giant rivers and lions. They entered the minds of the two giant rivers and lions. The two giant rivers and lions who struggled to survive were quiet. .

Huang Xiaolong dragon claws are loose.

The two giant river lions and beasts came to Huang Xiaolong with a look of sorrow.

When Huang Xiaolong flew back to the dragon shark spacecraft. The two star-galactic giant lions followed Huang Xiaolong back to the dragon shark spacecraft.

The golden horned calf, the elephant, the chaotic black camel, can't move. Feng Chen did not feel anything, but Li Wei, Yao Chi and the two women are beautiful, and they are so cute. Even Li Yan, who has always been cold and proud, is the same.

Until Huang Xiaolong returned to the human body, with the two Star River giant lions returning to the dragon shark spacecraft, the two women still did not return to God, staring straight at Huang Xiaolong.

Previously, in the solicitation of the Imperial Palace, Huang Xiaolong easily defeated Sun Shihai and shocked the two women. But now, the two women discovered that Huang Xiaolong’s strength far exceeded their imagination.

Huang Xiaolong saw the two women look. Not surprisingly, the two women laughed: "The two stars of the river, the giant lion beast, the strength is equal, you are just one person." Then let the two beasts go to the two women.

The two women looked at the galaxy giant lion beast around me, and this was back to God.

After returning to God, Li Wei and Yao Chi smiled a bit bitter.

When Huang Xiaolong went out to practice, they used the resources left by Huang Xiaolong and they were also practicing hard, but now they find that the more they improve. The gap between Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaolong will be greater.

The Dragon Shark spacecraft continues to fly forward.

At the speed of the dragon shark spacecraft, it is only six or seven days to pass through this perfect star river.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, Huang Xiaolong and others encountered a round of encirclement of a hundred waves of stars and beasts.

The more you get to the back. The strength of these Star River beasts is stronger. When three people came to the center of the perfect Xinghe area three days later, they even encountered many Xinghe beasts.

And with the help of the symbol, the chaotic black camel, the lightning does not move. The hands of a few people in the wind, Huang Xiaolong conquered more than a dozen Tianjun ten-order Galaxy beasts.

With the late-stage strength of the sixth king of the gods, the ten-level monsters of the heavenly kings were unheard of, and others could not do it, but it is still possible for Huang Xiaolong, who has cultivated the parasitic scorpion.

Of course, there are a few people who help, and Huang Xiaolong’s acceptance of these dozens of Tianjun’s tenth-order Xinghe beasts is extremely difficult. After all, he is now far from the soul of these tenth-order Xinghe beasts. He needs to break through the defense of the other gods little by little.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaolong's Hongmeng parasitic smashed into the third layer, coupled with the help of four great emperors, otherwise it is impossible to do.

"There is a small island in front of us. We used to take a break." After accepting a Star River beast in the late tenth step of Tianjun, Huang Xiaolong's face was pale, and a small island floating in front of him said.

Conquering the Xinghe beast of the tenth-order late Tianjun, the spirit of Huang Xiaolong is too much, and it takes some time to recover.

Everyone should hear it.

The dragon shark spacecraft stopped above the small island in front.

When the dragon shark spacecraft stopped, everyone would protect the law for Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong swallowed Shangpin Hongmen Lingdan to recover.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and spit a sigh.

After half a day of recovery and the help of several people, the soul he consumed was almost restored.

However, just when Huang Xiaolong and others were about to leave, suddenly, a yellow shadow flew in the distance at an alarming speed.

Everyone has a glimpse.

Waiting for this yellow shadow to come close, Huang Xiaolong and others have seen it, this is a khaki little bear!

The little bear looks even cute, but the earthy yellow light is very faint, and many places are covered with blood marks, which is a sword injury!

The Golden Horn Mavericks looked at this cute little bear, but it was a surprise: "This is, the earth bear beast?!"

See the Golden Horn Mavericks astonished, Huang Xiaolong eyes puzzled.

"This kind of bear bear beast, it is not easy to come to the head!" said the Golden Horn Mavericks: "The heavens are boundless, I am afraid I can't find ten!"

Huang Xiaolong was shocked by several people.

It seems that the ordinary little bears, the heavens and the world, are less than ten? !

Just then, suddenly, a group of disciples chased from behind with a sword.

"Fast chase, can't let this terrible beast escape!"

The terrible beast soon came to Huang Xiaolong and others, and Huang Xiaolong and others were shocked. This terrible bear suddenly ran to Huang Xiaolong: "Big brother, beg you, help me! Help me!" "The voice is tender.

Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, Yao Chi Xiangshi.

At this time, the group of disciples who had been chasing the swords were chased one after another, and they all fell into the face of Huang Xiaolong and others.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the group of swords and disciples on the robes, and the brows were wrinkled. This group of disciples was the core disciple of Hongmeng Palace. Three of them were the elders of Hongmeng Palace, and one was the elders!

The elders came up, staring indifferently at the terrible beast: "Do you think they can save you? Tell you, I don't dare to control the things of the Hongmeng Palace!" (To be continued.)

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