Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1586: Also go to Hongmeng Palace?

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and frowned.

If the Hongmeng Palace is too elder, it will be a bit mad.

At this time, the elders of Nahongmeng Palace looked at Huang Xiaolong and looked at them with a condescending gaze. "Several people now vow to not reveal the things of the earth and beasts, and then they can leave."

A white-haired elder of Hongmeng Palace is saying: "Wu Tianhe is too elder, this is a great relationship between the bears and the beasts. I think we will take them back to Hongmeng Palace so safely."

"Yeah, Wu Tianhe is too elder, I also think that we should take them back to Hongmeng Palace, or directly!" Another elder of Hongmeng Palace said this and made a killing action.

The earth bear beast is not a general chaotic beast. If the news leaks out and causes the emperor's palace, it will be inevitable that the Hongmeng Palace will have trouble. Only the dead can keep the secret forever.

Wu Tianhe, the elder of Nahongmeng Palace, could not help but hesitate.

Huang Xiaolong secretly smiled.

He would like to see how the elders of the Hongmeng Palace are making choices.

After the thoughts and considerations of the elders of Nahongmeng Palace, Wu Tianhe finally stunned and shone, and nodded to the two elders.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold.

This is called Wu Tianhe's Hongmeng Palace, and the elders finally chose to kill them!

The two elders of Hongmeng Palace saw Wu Tianhe nod and agreed, and his face was happy.

The Golden Horn Mavericks saw it and yawned and said: "I didn't expect the disciples of Hongmeng Palace to do this kind of stealing chickens and dogs, killing people and goods."

The people of Hongmeng Palace heard the words and their faces changed slightly.

The white-haired elders of Nahongmeng Palace did not carelessly smile: "I am embarrassed, you have to blame, you blame this terrible beast. For the Hongmeng Palace, we are forced to do so, but you can rest assured that we will stay with you. A glimpse of it. When you are in your next life, you can reincarnate."

He said aloud, and when he finished, the sword in his hand instantly turned to Huang Xiaolong and Li Wei. Yao Chi and others waved out.

A sword of sword formed a sword curtain, violently sweeping.

The sword gas was passed, and the ground stars and rocks were all scraped into powder by the sword.

Another elder sword of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace also spurred the Golden Horn Mavericks, like a few people, and the swordsman was swaying. Like a sword snake.

Other core disciples of the Hongmeng Palace have also taken shots.

These core disciples of the Hongmeng Imperial Palace swayed between each other and instantly formed a sword array.

Swords and swords are arrogant, and a fascinating force is constantly pouring out from the Jianjian sword. At first, it is like a drizzle, but in an instant, it is like a violent wave, and it rushes to Huang Xiaolong and others.

Since Huang Xiaolong and others can come to the vicinity of this perfect center of the Galaxy, the strength is bound to be weak. Therefore, the two elders of the Hongmeng Palace and the core disciples are all attacking with one shot.

Seeing that the white-haired elders of the Hongmeng Palace were swept in front of Huang Xiaolong, the thunder of Huang Xiaolong suddenly raised his hand. A bomb.

Suddenly, the other side of the sword will fall apart.

At the same time, the white-haired elder's chest slammed and flew out.

Almost at the same time, another elder of the Hongmeng Palace was also shot by the elephant.

Huang Xiaolong, riding the golden horned calf, rushed to the core disciples of the group of Hongmengdi Palace. The two men entered the flock, and the thunder and light moved. Each of Huang Xiaolong punched several core disciples of Hongmeng Palace.

The Golden Horn Mavericks are not slow, and every time the oxtail is swept away. Several core disciples of Hongmeng Palace fell to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of core disciples of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace, like the two elders of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace, lie down there, stunned.

Wu Menghe, the elder of the Hongmeng Palace, looked at the sudden change. Surprised, suddenly, an amazing force came, he did not respond, and was bombarded by this force.

When he fell to the ground, he only felt a scream in his mind. The throat was hot and a stream of blood spouted.

He turned his head and looked at the chaotic black camel in horror.

The man who just shot him was the chaotic black camel.

"Who are you? Who are you?" Wu Tianhe depressed his heart and looked at Huang Xiaolong with anger.

The two elders of the Hongmeng Palace, the core disciples are all angry.

"Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong did not conceal, indifferent.

"Huang Xiaolong!" Wu Tianhe and Hongmeng Palace were all surprised. It was an accident.

"You are Huang Xiaolong who made the Imperial Palace?" the white-haired elder asked again.

"Not bad." Huang Xiaolong said.

Wu Tianhe stood up hard and looked at Huang Xiaolong with a look of ugly look: "You turned out to be the disciples of the Emperor's Palace, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong, you intervene in our Hongmeng Imperial Palace, and we will hurt us. You may have thought about it. What are the consequences of this?"

At this time, Yaochi couldn't help but say: "When are we going to intervene in your Hongmeng Palace? You are going to kill us. You think that you are the Hongmeng Palace. How do you want to do it?!"

Wu Tianhe and other people's faces are changing.

"Huang Xiaolong, today's business, we wrote down." In the end, Wu Tianhe's face was cold and waved, saying: "Let's go."

Lei did not move, Feng Chen figured a move, they had to leave Wu Tianhe and others to stay, but Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and shook his head: "Let them go."

Wu Tianhe and others, since the Hongmeng Palace will be disposed of, they do not need to do it.

After Wu Tianhe and others left, Li Wei was worried about the authenticity: "Xiaolong, then we still go to Hongmeng Palace?"

"Go, why not go?" Huang Xiaolong was laughing.

Li Wei, Yao Chi a trip.

"Big brother, are you going to Hongmeng Palace?" The terrible beast was also surprised and surprised, and the smart eyes were very cute.

"Yeah." Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then said: "The people of Hongmeng Palace have left, now it's okay, let's go." Speaking of this, come up with a jade bottle: "There are some Hongmen Lingdan, give you."

Huang Xiaolong saw that the injury of this soil bear beast is not very heavy. With these Hongmen Ling Dan, the injury should be restored soon.

The earthen beast took over the jade bottle and smashed it. However, there was no intention to leave. He still stood there. When Huang Xiaolong wanted to speak, it said: "Big brother, I will not leave, I will follow you. ""

Huang Xiaolong glanced and smiled: "I am going to Hongmeng Palace, you follow me, are you not afraid?"

The earth bear beast showed a cute smile: "The big brother is not afraid, I am afraid of anything, and there are so many masters around the big brother, and the two older sisters around the big brother are so beautiful."

Everyone laughed and laughed at this beast.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong did not take this terrible beast away and let him stay with him.

Half an hour later, the Dragon Shark spacecraft started again and continued to fly to Hongmeng Palace. (To be continued.)

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