Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1589: How is this going

This ancient law was shining and shining, and the light power was even stronger than the previous big light palm. However, when it collided with the thundering power of Thunder, it was shocked and dissipated. Thousands of angels formed by the power of light are broken.

The Guangming Emperor's ancestor Peng Xingfei was even more shocked and retreated. Finally, he slammed into the inner temple wall. Sun Ming, the master of the Emperor Guangming, Wu Kefan, and the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others directly reflected. Entering the inner temple wall, the whole palace crashed loudly.

The core disciples of the Emperor Wu Tianhe and Hongmeng Palace of the Hongmeng Palace were no exceptions, and they also shot on the inner wall of the inner court.

Although Lei is not the first peak of the fourth stage of the Great Emperor, the superficial realm is similar to that of the Guangming Emperor's ancestor Peng Xingfei. However, Lei is not a strong body of the beasts, and its fighting power far exceeds Peng Xingfei.

And the devastating power of the thunder that is still moving is still sweeping around.

In the inner hall, many of the emperor's palaces invited by the Hongmeng Imperial Palace sensed the power of terror, and they all changed their faces and were shocked.

"What is going on here? Is anyone doing it at the Hongmeng Palace!"

"This is simply looking for death!"

"Let's go out and see!"

Those who are strong in the palace have come out from the inner hall.

However, when they came out and saw the appearance of the outer hall Peng Xingfei, Sun Bin, Wu Tianhe, and the emperor, they were all amazed.

Wu Tianhe is the elder elder of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace who was responsible for receiving the strong imperial palaces. I did not expect that the palace was actually beaten!

Soon, everyone's eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong, and Lei did not move.

There is no doubt that it is the hand of Huang Xiaolong and others.

"Who is this kid?!"

"Huang Xiaolong!"

"Huang Xiaolong? The supreme king disciple of the Imperial Palace?"

"Seems to be!"

Some emperor elders recognized Huang Xiaolong and exclaimed.

"It turned out to be Huang Xiaolong! Was he invited by the Hongmeng Palace? But how could he hand in with the Emperor Wu Tianhe of the Hongmeng Palace and the Emperor of the Guangming Emperor?"

"Who knows what is going on. However, there is a good show! You said, how will Hongmeng Palace handle this Huang Xiaolong? Huang Xiaolong is the king of supreme. However, Hongmeng Palace is the first imperial palace. Can let others let it go here! If you don't dispose of Huang Xiaolong, pass it out, then it's a joke!"

"I was the middle-aged man next to Huang Xiaolong who would fly the Emperor Peng Xingfei to fly them. Isn't there a fifth-order power of the Emperor? How can Huang Xiaolong be so strong?! He certainly is not a palace of emperor! However, His body is so strange, Wang Qing's ancestors, have you seen who he is?"

Everyone has a lot of arguments, guessing that the lightning does not move, the wind is the identity.

Although everyone in the field. Many of them are the ancestors of the great emperors, and they have a very wide experience, but they can't recognize the lightning, which is the wind.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the powerful emperors from the inner temple, but he was secretly surprised. The Hongmeng Palace actually invited so many emperors.

All the emperor's palaces, where the great emperor is strong, can be called ancestors. From the atmosphere of these imperial palace powers, there are at least 30 ancestors.

What did the Hongmeng Palace invite so many ancestors to come over?

Is it the same as the imperial palace of the year. Hongmeng Palace has a grand event like the Masters?

At this time, a broken voice came from the sky: "Who dares to scatter in the palace of Hongmeng!" The voice contains great power, and everyone's mind is utterly endless.

"It is the strong man of Hongmeng Palace who got the news. Come over!"

"I don't know which ancestor of the Hongmeng Palace was this time? However, from this divine power, at least the seventh order of the Emperor!"

The emperor's strongmen were surprised to see the sky.

Huang Xiaolong, Lei did not move and others turned around.

Yao Chi is close to Huang Xiaolong, and his face is worried. Even Li Wei, who was originally confident in Huang Xiaolong, is also tightly held in both hands. Uneasy, she did not expect things to evolve into this.

"Little dragon, we. Or, or let's go?" Li couldn't help it.

The Golden Horn Mavericks laughed heartily: "Li Wei is a little girl. Do you think we are still going now?"

Li Yiyi.

Huang Xiaolong held a small hand and gave him a reassuring look. Laughed: "Do not worry, there is a chick, let it be solved."

The Golden Horn Maverick stayed, and then bitterly said: "I said Huang Xiaozi, this is not my hand, why am I to solve it?"

"Because you are a cow!" Huang Xiaolong laughed.


Li Wei, Yao Chi two women could not help but smile, perhaps watching Huang Xiaolong and Jinjiao Mavericks two relaxed look, the two women also relaxed some.

At this time, the Emperor Wu Tianhe of the Hongmeng Emperor Palace climbed up from the ground and wiped the blood from the mouth. Haha smiled and smiled nervously. He said to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, you are still the first to dare to be in our Hongmeng Palace. I am hurting our elders at the Hongmeng Palace! You still have a mood to joke here, I admire your courage!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Thank you."

Thank you?

Everyone is a glimpse.

Some emperor strongmen shook their heads.

Although they don't understand how Huang Xiaolong can still be jokingly so calmly, but the end will definitely be miserable! This **** world, no one dares to protect Huang Xiaolong.

Who dares to fight against the Hongmeng Palace?

That is to find death!

At that time, the Temple of the Evil God wanted to unify the Palace of the Emperor, and it was a storm in the realm of the gods. However, no matter how the evil spirits and palaces were in turmoil, they did not dare to provoke the palace of Hongmeng.

At this time, everyone's eyes flashed, and suddenly there were two figures, it was the ancestors of the Hongmeng Palace, but not one person, but two!

To see the two people, the emperor's strongmen are all shocked.

"I didn't expect to come to Hongmeng Palace Zhang Renjie, Han Qing two ancestors! Both of them are the eighth-order powerhouse of the Emperor!"

When the emperor's ancestors were shocked, they all went forward to say hello to the so-called Zhang Renjie and Han Qing, the two ancestors who came to this Hongmeng Palace.

Wu Tianhe, the elder of Hongmeng Palace, was even more delighted. He and the disciples of Hongmeng Palace came to Zhang Renjie and Han Qing to respect the ceremony.

When Wu Tianhe was called to call Zhang Renjie as a master, Huang Xiaolong brows gently and then stretches out.

At this time, Zhang Renjie and Han Qing, who came to Hongmeng Palace, turned their heads and looked down on Huang Xiaolong, Lei, Jinniu and other people.

"Who are you? What is going on?" Zhang Renjie did not immediately take Huang Xiaolong down, but asked, the attitude was fairly peaceful.

"Master, he is Huang Xiaolong, the disciple of the supreme king of the Imperial Palace!" At this time, Wu Tianhe came forward and replied: "Before, he was in the perfect galaxy, and he robbed the disciple and the beast found by his disciples, and wounded his disciples. I just didn't expect to come over to our Hongmeng Palace, but I dare to start in our Hongmeng Palace and hurt my disciples again!"

(Considering that sometimes it is inconvenient to say something in the book, so God saw a Sina Weibo, nicknamed "Zhanjiang Shenjian", what will happen in the future, will say in Weibo, there are Sina Weibo book friends You can search for "Zhanjiang Shenjian", then click on the attention, thank you) (to be continued.)

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