Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1590: What do you think you are?

"Soil Bear Beast!"

Zhang Renjie and Han Qing both noticed the little bear beast around Huang Xiaolong. The soil bear beast is similar to the ordinary bear monster. Therefore, if you don’t pay careful attention to it, it is difficult to recognize it.

Other emperors are also surprised.

Anyone who knows the origins of the earth and bear beasts will not be able to do so after knowing it.

Soon, Zhang Renjie and Han Qing came back to God.

"You are Huang Xiaolong, the disciple of the supreme king of the Imperial Palace!" Zhang Renjie was surprised when he knew the identity of Huang Xiaolong. Then he said: "My disciple Wu Tianhe just said, is it true?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded secretly.

Although Renjie is Master Wu Tianhe, but did not listen to Wu Tianhe's words, it is still unbiased.

However, when Huang Xiaolong still did not answer, then Wu Tianhe said: "Master, if you don't believe, you can ask the disciples under our door, they can all testify." Speaking of this, then coldly looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, Do you dare say that this clay bear beast was not discovered first?"

"Returning to Zhang Renjie's ancestors, when I was in the perfect Xinghe, it was indeed the first weaving beast that we first discovered!" Some of the disciples of Hongmeng Palace came forward and said one after another.

Zhang Renjie frowned: "You first step back, I didn't ask you!"

The disciples of Wu Tianhe and Hongmengdi Palace glimpsed in the heart, and they hurriedly respected it, then retreated to the side and did not dare to plug in again.

"Huang Xiaolong, this soil bear beast, was discovered by our disciples under the gate of Hongmeng Palace?" At this time, Han Qing, who was on the side, asked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's face is calm: "Yes, it is indeed the disciple of Hongmeng Palace."

Wu Tianhe and others have a happy face.

Han Qing heard the words, his face was cold: "I have heard rumors earlier, saying that Huang Xiaolong, the disciple of the supreme king of the Imperial Palace, is unparalleled in talent, but his character is not good, not only arrogant, but also ignorant. It seems that it is true. !"Speaking of which. When the whole body was released, Huang Xiaolong and others were locked, and they would have to take Huang Xiaolong.

"Slow!" Suddenly, several people shouted in unison.

Everyone has a glimpse.

Open. It is Zhang Renjie, Tu Xiong Beast, Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks.

Han Qing’s eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong: “Huang Xiaolong, even if it is anyone today, can’t ask for your love!” Speaking of this. To Zhang Renjie said: "Ren Jie, no matter what, this Huang Xiaolong is hurting Wu Tianhe and others in our Hongmeng Palace."

Zhang Renjie opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

Indeed, anyway, this is the truth.

"Slow!" At this time, the earth bear beast once again called: "They are all bad people!" One refers to Wu Tianhe and others: "They chase me, when I flee, I meet a big brother, I am asking for a big brother. They saved me. But in order to prevent the news from leaking, they had to kill the big brothers, so the big brothers only hurt them!"

Everyone has a glimpse.

"We came to Hongmeng Palace, just happened to meet these bad guys. When they saw their big brother, they had to go with the Guangming Emperor's Palace and take the big brothers down. So, this can't blame the big brother." The bear beast continued to explain.

Han Qing, who had been screaming at Huang Xiaolong, could not help but stop.

"Say. Is this the case?" Zhang Renjie turned around and forced Wu Tianhe.

Wu Tianhe and Hongmeng’s disciples were scared and panicked.

"Master, this. No, I, no!" Wu Tianhe's brain was a paste, and he wanted to defend, but he did not know how to explain it. His forehead was sweating.

As for those disciples of Hongmeng Palace, they are even scared to boo.

"Even if this is the case. Huang Xiaolong, you are hurting our Hongmeng Palace disciple in our Hongmeng Palace." At this time, Han Qing opened his mouth and stretched his face.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed: "What do you mean, no matter what, is it your Hongmeng Palace? Anyway, is it my fault?"

Listening to Huang Xiaolong asks himself, Han Qing, who is the ancestor of Hongmeng Palace, sinks into his face.

For many hundred million years, no one dared to talk to her in such a tone.

"Huang Xiaolong, what is your identity, and dare to question our Han Qing ancestors?" Wu Tianhe could not help but shout.

Other emperors' ancestors also shook their heads and felt that Huang Xiaolong was too ignorant.

Your talent is good, but it is a **** king disciple, dare to talk to Han Qing so much? Even if he is doing this, he would not dare to ask Han Qing about Huang Xiaolong.

Just then, suddenly, a lazy voice sounded: "You don't wonder why Huang Xiaolong came to Hongmeng Palace?"

Everyone glanced at it and looked at it. It was the Golden Horn Mavericks.

However, the words of the Golden Horn Mavericks, Wu Tianhe is also awkward, this question, he had thought before, but did not care much before, now listening to the Golden Horn Mavericks to say this, evoke his curiosity, Huang Xiaolong is obviously impossible It’s too lazy to come to Hongmeng Palace.

Everyone's eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong again.

"He came to Hongmeng Palace this time to see your emperor." The mouth is still the Golden Horn Mavericks.

Everyone was surprised.

But then, Wu Tianhe laughed, and Guangming Emperor Peng Xingfei, Sun Bin, Tian Ziyi, Bai Yunxiang and others all shook their heads and looked at Huang Xiaolong like an idiot.

"Huang Xiaolong, what do you think you are, come to Hongmeng Palace, you want to see our emperor?" Wu Tianhe laughed: "We are the great emperor, what is your identity, and you are a small disciple of the emperor's palace. If your door is only a few years old, you will not be able to see our great emperor, let alone you!! As an elder of the Hongmeng Palace, I have not seen our emperor for hundreds of millions of years! ”

Even Zhang Renjie and Han Jing are shaking their heads. They think that Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts are ridiculous. Even those who are the ancestors of the Hongmeng Palace, it is extremely difficult to see them, not to mention Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Wu Tianhe, who was laughing, and said: "You can't see your emperor, it doesn't mean that others can't see it."

Wu Tianhe laughed non-stop: "What do you mean by saying that you can see our great emperor? If you can really see our great emperor, I will give you three prayers!"

At this time, the sky in the distance suddenly flew a figure.

Seeing the people who come to Qing, Zhang Renjie, Han Qing, and Wu Tianhe are all a glimpse.

I saw that the coming person is a handsome young man who looks like he is only in his twenties. The young man is full of momentum and can't see the depth.

Others may not know the identity of this young person, but they are clear, because they are the pro-disciples of their great emperor, and the only disciple of their great emperor, Liu Rui.

This, how can Liu Rui, their pro-disciple of Hongmeng’s emperor, appear here?

(Thank you for paying attention to the book friends who see God on Weibo, there are many book friends who want to see God seeing real people is like it? Wait for God to see two uploads on Weibo.) (To be continued.)

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