Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1613: Kashgar Mountains

The ancient ancestors of ancient ancestors stood up and said to the patrol: "Guzheng adults, you see, this matter, us?"

The patrol made the ancients indifferent: "A small **** king was in the early stage, and he dared to swear in the face of Wuyuan. If I didn't meet it, let him live more, but since I just happened to run into it. This matter will naturally not let him squat, let the following people look at where he is now, after the investigation, report to me."

The old ancestors of the ancient family had a happy face, and respectfully said: "Yes, the ancient Zhengren, I will pass on the order." Then, I took out the letter and sent orders to the elders below.

After the ancient family ancestors passed the order, Gu Zheng said: "Sit, we drink."

The ancient ancestors were respectful and then sat down.

"I heard that Guzheng adults have broken through the fourth order of the gods in the past few years?" Gu Fei complimented and laughed: "The ancient adult is talented, and the cultivation is only the fourth step of the gods in the past tens of thousands of years. Jun, even the great emperor, is an inevitable thing."

Gu Zhenghaha smiled: "Rare luck, with my talent, breaking through the heavenly king, it is not difficult, but to break through the emperor, difficult, difficult!" Speaking of this, shaking his head, some pretending.

"Who doesn't know that we are ancient geniuses, but the ancient geniuses are the direct ancestors of the ancestors of the ancient ancestors. If the ancients are not able to break through the great emperor, I can see that many ancient patrols have not broken. Got it." Gu Changcun smiled charmingly.

"To put it bluntly, I can see that the ancients can break through the Great Emperor for ten thousand years!"

"Yes! I see, up to eight million years."

Some elders in the hall have complimented and laughed.

The face of Gu Zheng’s obesity is full of smiles, and the eyes that are not big are laughing into two slits.

The hall sounded a laugh from time to time.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong, who took the throne of the Black Dragon, came to the ghost land.

Huang Xiaolong collected the black dragon throne, and his body flashed and he came to a mountain range.

According to the memory of a few people in ancient times, this mountain is called the Kashgar Mountains. There are tens of billions of miles, one of the largest mountains in the Ghostland, and the Kashgar mountain robbers prevail and pass through the Kashgar Mountains. Not far away, it is Naiman City.

When I came to the Kashgar Mountains, Huang Xiaolong was not in a hurry to rush to Naiman City.

Pluto organization, there are two opportunities to apply for assessment in one year, and the next registration. There are still five months.

Therefore, he intends to practice in the Kashgar for a few months before going to Naiman City.

In the face of the ancient gods, although he got three treasures of the ancient black dragon family, but the ancient black dragon body of the ancient black dragon body did not practice how to practice, he intends to practice the ancient black dragon body in this Kashgar mountain.

Huang Xiaolong started the soul and then flew to one of the peaks.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong flew over the mountain, suddenly. A big drink: "Stop!" Then, a group of people flew out from the darkness of the surrounding mountains.

This group of people, dressed in weird, uneven heights, there are three or four hundred people, the most powerful one, is the first step of the ancestral god, the weakest, only the fourth step of the ancient god.

It seems that there is a group of robbers in the Kashgar Mountains. The big divisions are Shura, some are demon, and some are sinisters and blacks.

Yin ghost family. It is a rare family of hell. It looks extremely ugly. Although it has the same blood and skin as the Shura and the demons, it has no flesh. The whole body is extremely thin, but the height is twice that of the Shura and the demons.

As for the Hei Sha, it is dark all over the body, but the eyes are all white and the hair is white.

"Kids, will be on you." One of the ancient gods in the late tenth stage of the robbers was about to open up and let Huang Xiaolong hand over the space ring. Huang Xiaolong immediately slammed, and suddenly, hundreds of robbers all sprang out. They are rushing over the distant peaks.

Then, a shocking suction came out of Huang Xiaolong's hands, and hundreds of robbers were all absorbed by Huang Xiaolong.

The hundreds of robbers were afraid of both eyes.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed, and the purple "soul" word flew out instantly. One by one, they didn't enter the hundreds of robbers and eyebrows. In the blink of an eye, they controlled all these hundreds of robbers.

To control these robbers, Huang Xiaolong did not need to use the insects of Hongmeng, only to display the Hongmeng technique and the soul method.

After controlling these robbers, Huang Xiaolong swayed and disappeared in the same place. He turned around in the Kashgar Mountains. After half a day, he completely conquered and controlled nearly a thousand robbers in the Kashgar Mountains.

Although the strength of these robbers in the Kashgar Mountains is not strong, but after they have been conquered, there are also more than 400,000 people. Among them, there are more than 200 people in the early stage of the ancestral gods. Weak forces.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong conquered the robbers in the Kashgar Mountains. He just wanted to have a place to rest in this place, and it was convenient for him to practice the ancient black dragon body.

After conquering the robbers in the Kashgar Mountains, Huang Xiaolong chose one of the robber's lairs as a dwelling. Not to mention, the robber's lair was built quite well. The palace is magnificent and the Linghua Lingcao Charming, just the building materials of the palace, for Huang Xiaolong, the quality is lower.

Huang Xiaolong took some of the dragon's fine stones and ore from Tianwu Treasures and spent a day re-refining and building the palaces inhabited. He arranged dozens of ancient formations to hide and shrouded the palace. Around the palace.

Next, Huang Xiaolong began to meditate.

During the day, Huang Xiaolong swallowed Shangpin Hongmeng Lingdan to cultivate Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches, and at night he turned out the body of the ancient dragon and practiced the ancient black dragon body.

Soon, more than four months passed.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong came out of the palace and habitually stretched out and breathed the fresh air of the mountain.

The palace is located in the foothills, looking down from the palace, and the surrounding scenery is in sight.

This Kashgar Mountains, the scenery is still very good.

However, in hell, there is no sunshine for many years, even during the day, it is dim.

"It is also time to go to Naiman City." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Although there are still ten days from the time of the registration of Pluto, it is no problem to go a few days earlier.

These days, he also told the following robbers to inquire about the situation of the Shuramen Wuyuan branch. However, according to the robbers below, the Wuyuan branch did not have a disciple who was arrogant.

In this regard, Huang Xiaolong did not disappoint. After all, Shuramen has hundreds of thousands of branches. His master is a madman. Even if he is really a Hellian disciple, it is impossible to be so close to the Wuyuan branch.

The next day, Huang Xiaolong left the Kashgar Mountains and came to Naiman City.

Huang Xiaolong did not bring many people, he took four ancestors of the second-order robbers, and arrived in Naiman City. What happened, you can let four people do it. (To be continued.)

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