Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1614: Assessment of Pluto

Going to Naiman City, Huang Xiaolong did not take the Dragon Shark spacecraft. Instead, he and the four men picked five heads to sit on the beast and one person rode on a beast.

Of course, these robbers in the Kashgar Mountains have nothing to sit on, so they are better than ordinary beasts.

The five-person sitting beast is a kind of **** beast called the purple beast.

This purple beast is a descendant of the ancient sacred unicorn and a purple winged horse. However, the five heads of the five people have the blood of the dark unicorn has been extremely thin.

Fortunately, the speed of these five-headed purple beasts is not slow, and they are the first-order ancestors, so they came to Naiman City five or six days later.

After coming to Mannay City, Huang Xiaolong ordered two of them to purchase the mansion. After all, there were still four or five days from the assessment, always looking for a place to live.

Huang Xiaolong does not lack Lingshi.

Of course, he did not use the ten-pronged stone that he had transformed. The robbers of the Kashgar Mountains have accumulated a lot of spiritual stones for so many years.

After telling two of them to buy the mansion, Huang Xiaolong and the other two rode the Zilin beast to the Pluto organization branch.

The Pluto organization branch is located in the center of Naiman City. It is easy to find. Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong stood in front of the gate of the Pluto organization branch.

When Huang Xiaolong came, he didn't imagine it as lively, and it seemed a bit deserted.

Perhaps the conditions for the assessment of Pluto's organization are somewhat engraved, and the probability of passing is extremely small. Therefore, it seems that not many people have applied for the assessment.

The guards in front of the gate are two guards wearing black armor robes. The tenth-order initial strength of the ancestors looked at the ancient "methane" in the center of the two robes. Huang Xiaolong knew that this was the meditation of Pluto. .

Pluto organization, internal and external.

Inside, it is the Guardian, and the Guardian belongs to the Pluto organization. These Guardian rights are somewhat similar to the Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Soldiers. The Heavenly Soldiers of the Divine Heaven, governing and upholding the order of the entire Divine Realm, and the Guardian, only govern and maintain the order of Pluto.

The Guardian is the same as the Pluto organization. There are so many people in the world of hell, the undead world and the ghost world, no one knows.

However, Huang Xiaolong asked Master Wang Hongmeng and Jinjiao Mavericks. The two answered the same. Hell Shura, the undead world, the three worlds of the ghost world, can kill any world!

The army of the Guardian is even stronger than the power of the Heavenly Heavenly Soldiers!

At that time, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

And the Golden Horn Mavericks also speculate that this Pluto organization is most likely to be left by the Lord of Hell.

It was not long before the Lord of Hell disappeared, and the Pluto organization appeared.

The Golden Horn Mavericks even speculated if anyone got the inheritance left by the Lord of Hell. Then, in the future, you can control the entire Pluto organization, and then rely on the power of Pluto organization to rule the three realms of hell!

The Pluto organization is inside the solid, and the outside is the Pluto strong who signed up for the assessment and passed.

Pluto, according to strength, from low to high, is one star to ten stars.

Those who are more powerful than the ancestors can sign up for the examination of Pluto. According to the realm, the ancestors of the early, middle, high-order strong. Corresponding to one star, two stars and Samsung "Pluto" strong.

The four-star, five-star, six-star "Pluto" corresponds to the first step of the king, the middle. High-ranking powerhouse.

Seven stars to nine stars, it is the first step of the heavenly king, the middle class, the high order.

Above the realm of the Great Emperor, the corresponding ten-star Pluto.

Because the ten-star Pluto is the highest level, it is the ten-star Pluto, whether it is the first stage of the emperor, the middle stage, or the high level, or even beyond the realm of the great emperor.

If you pass the assessment of Pluto, if you pass it, then Pluto will give you the corresponding level of Pluto according to your corresponding realm.

For example, Huang Xiaolong is now the king of the king of the nine-order, if the assessment passed, it is the six-star Pluto, do not need to start from a star assessment.

The higher the strength, the higher the level of Pluto, then the greater the privilege enjoyed in Pluto.

Pluto has its own chamber of commerce, called the Emperor Chamber of Commerce, which is also spread across the Hells. It is the first Chamber of Commerce in Hell, the King of Pluto, who buys things at the Pluto Chamber of Commerce. The higher the level, the higher the price.

One to three Pluto, enjoy 10% off, four to six Pluto, is 20% off, 7 to 9 Pluto, then 30% off, 10 or more Pluto, it is 60% off!

Moreover, the Pluto strong can publish tasks and take missions in Pluto.

With the power of the Pluto organization, the tasks released can generally be completed. After Huang Xiaolong became the strongest of the Pluto, he can post the task of finding the master and letting me mad and making the emperor Fang Mingyu.

And after receiving the task, the rewards after completion are also very attractive.

Huang Xiaolong stood in front of the gate of the Pluto organization branch, and he had a long thought, and then he and the two of them went in.

Just when Huang Xiaolong entered the gate of the Pluto organization branch, the ancient family got the news that Huang Xiaolong appeared in Naiman City.

"This kid has finally appeared!" The patrol made Gu Zheng sneer: "I don't want to wait for a few months!"

"Guzheng adults, according to our disciple at Naiman City, this kid has just entered the gate of the Pluto organization branch. It seems that he is going to sign up for the examination of Pluto." The ancient family branch ancestors said.

“A few days from the date of assessment?” asked Gu Zheng.

"There are still five days." Gu Fei replied respectfully.

Guzheng nodded: "Five days, enough, we rushed from here to take the transmission all the way, four days can go to Naiman City, we must rush before he takes part in the assessment, you are now with me in the past Naiman City ""

"Yes, the ancients are adults." Gu Fei said with a smile: "This kid is really bad luck. Guzheng adults will leave in a few days, but this time they will come out. I thought he would hide for a few years."

When the two talked and laughed, they went out to the ancient family and sent them to the city.

After Huang Xiaolong entered the gate of Pluto, he went straight to the hall of registration.

Responsible for the registration assessment is a strong demon family, is the first step of a **** king.

The demon family, according to different blood, the two wings behind are not the same, the demon king, the two wings behind the silver is silver, the two wings behind the demon are silver.

After Huang Xiaolong came, he said what he wanted, and then paid the registration fee. The 100,000-first-class Lingshi was able to lead Huang Xiaolong into the inner hall.

In the central ground of the inner temple, a large array of engravings is engraved with mysterious runes.

"You stand in the center of the squad, I am now opening the squad, testing your bone age and strength." The other side pointed to the center of the law, against Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and then stood in the center of the squad.

Although it is said that the ancestors can register for the examination, but not all the ancestors and above can be strong, such as the high-ranking power of the gods like Huang Xiaolong, the bone age must be limited to less than 120,000 years, and all registration must be emperor Above the level of Godhead.

After the test, if it meets the conditions, then Pluto will give you the task that meets your level. As long as you complete this task, you can become Pluto. (To be continued.)

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