Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1635: Acceptance


It is another five years.

Huang Xiaolong has been sitting on the huge black thunder turtle for eight years.

Compared with eight years ago, at this time, the entire black Thunder Sea has smashed thousands of huge waves. The huge waves formed by countless black thunder waters, every huge wave, can instantly destroy the tenth order of Tianjun!

But these can instantly destroy the tenth-order giant waves of Tianjun. When they beat Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods, Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods are silky, like four Hongmeng reefs, let these black waters The huge waves are not moving.

Huang Xiaolong sat there, overhead, and a blue dragon hovered.

The blue dragon is very powerful, and the sound of a dragon is like coming from the ages, and it resounds through the heavens and the earth.

After eight years of continuous engulfing of the mysterious turtle, Huang Xiaolong has already broken through the ninth order of the gods to the tenth order of the gods! Not only that, but also reached the peak of the tenth step of the king of God.

The black turtle Lei Li has tempered all corners of Huang Xiaolong's body over and over again, including the three most supreme gods and the three great gods.

Compared with eight years ago, Huang Xiaolong’s Yuanlong body is more perfect and softer.

The three most supreme gods are even more radiant, breaking through the sky.

A mysterious rune gradually emerged in the three most supreme body.

These runes seem to be heavens, and they seem to be ancient heavens and earths, exuding the immortal breath.

This is the indecent rune!

When the king of the gods stepped into the tenth order of the king of God, then the gods will appear indefinite.

When the runes are not destroyed, and the gods are completely covered, then the gods will be completely transformed, breaking through the heavens!

The ancestors broke through the king of God, and the metamorphosis was the god. The king of God cast the undead body.

And the king of God broke through the heavenly king, and the metamorphosis is the godhead, and the heavenly king casts the immortal godhead.

The body is not dead, and the **** is not destroyed. That means immortal!

Therefore, the Tianjun strongman has an immortal body, and does not destroy the godhead, and can resist the decay of the years. Can live very long.

Of course, because of the different talents, Tianjun’s strong people are not dead, and the immortal gods have strengths and weaknesses.

Yuan Long, a dragon like Huang Xiaolong, broke through the king of the king. Leading to the illusion of countless immortal gods, through the transformation of the life of these undead gods, Huang Xiaolong’s Yuanlong body is truly immortal.

With the more and more indecent runes on Huang Xiaolong's three most supreme gods, Huang Xiaolong's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the chaotic mysterious turtle Lei Hai is more roaring. The endless Xuangui Leishui continues to Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods. The body was submerged.

It is eight years old.

Suddenly, the entire city of eternal tremors violently, as if it were avalanche, a horrible dark thunder was skyrocketing, and the entire inheritance space was dark.

This is the darkness of despair. There is no trace of light between the heavens and the earth.

The four men of Shura, the king of Shura, who were waiting outside the city of the ancient times, could not help but be surprised. They used them to repair their eyes, and they could not see other things with their eyesight.

This piece of heaven and earth, as if there is only the terrible dark thunder.

Above the dark thunder, a huge black turtle gave a shrill scream of tearing the earth, even if it was the four gold people, it was also a sigh.

"This is a chaotic Xuan turtle Lei Chi has changed!" The king of Shura, Jin Yuan, changed his face.

"It's the master! Is the master actually going to accept the refining and chaos of the mysterious turtle?" The devil's king, Fan Hui, was shocked.

"This! Is the owner going to accept the service successfully?! Otherwise. Chaos Xuangui Leichi will not be so different!" Hongyue giant Taiyue opened the way, the sound is like Hong Zhong, shaking the Quartet.

Just when the four were shocked, suddenly. The dark thunder was torn open for nine days and hit a huge hole!

The whole space was shocked and it seemed that it could not bear the fact that this terrorist force would collapse.

The faces of the four people changed again.

The power of this chaotic turtle, Lei Chi, is beyond the imagination of four people.

This is the space that the old master used to open up with the supreme power of the past, which is stable and abnormal, and the ordinary forces cannot shake their points. Now under the power of this chaotic mysterious turtle, it is always going to collapse!

Just as the faces of the four men were tense, they were considering whether or not to suppress the Quartet. Suddenly, the dark thunder was instantly retracted, and the blink of an eye disappeared. The huge mysterious turtle disappeared.

The heavens that had fallen into the endless darkness restored the light.

The four people looked at each other and looked at each other.

"Master, he, accepting the chaotic Xuangui Leichi successfully?" King of Shura, Jin Yuan, some are not sure about authenticity.

"I don't know, maybe, maybe." The golden lion was hesitant.

In this case, several people have not encountered it.

Although from the signs just now, it should be that Huang Xiaolong conquered the chaotic Xuangui Leichi successfully, but several people still can't believe it.

Originally, according to several people's estimates, Huang Xiaolong had to conquer the chaotic Xuangui Leichi, which had hundreds of thousands of years!

But now, only ten years have passed!

Over ten years! It is no wonder that few people will not believe it.

At this time, somewhere in the north of the ancient city, Huang Xiaolong volleyed, the dark column that had been retracted before fell into his eyebrows, and the black thunder of the eyebrows flashed, and the amazing thunder force continued to spread from his eyebrows to the body. Every corner, then, scrolls around.

A huge black mysterious tortoise appeared on the top of the yellow faucet, above the mysterious tortoise shell, and the black thunder ray was intertwined, forming a heavy light curtain covering the space around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took a hand and the terrorist thunder storm formed.

Feeling the thunder storm destroying power, Huang Xiaolong screamed in the sky, his hands pushed forward, and suddenly, the thunder storm slammed into the sky at a very high altitude, hitting a huge hole in the sky, and numerous feng shui rushed out.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with satisfaction.

Although it is only the initial refining of this chaotic mysterious turtle, but the power of the chaotic mysterious tortoise is much stronger than the Chaos Jinlong Leichi that he controls.

Now, he already has two chaotic mine pools. When he breaks through, he will refine the large array of chaotic turtles and thunder pools, and completely control the chaotic turtles.

In that way, he can combine the power of the two thunder pools, and the power is greatly increased.

"Next, it is time to accept the inheritance of the Lord of Hell!" Huang Xiaolong blinked.

Now, he has broken through to the late tenth step of the gods!

With his current realm and strength, plus the three most supreme gods, he should be able to inherit the inheritance of the Lord of Hell.

Huang Xiaolong mobilized Pluto Jade, sensing the inheritance of Hell's Lord, and then flew to the south of the ancient city.

An hour later, Huang Xiaolong stopped in front of a large palace.

This large palace, the material used is the same as that of Pluto Jade. It is actually cast with Hongmeng jade with a very cold cathode. Above it, there is a ray of light.

Looking at the closed palace gate, Huang Xiaolong took out the Pluto Jade, and the supreme dark power urged it. Suddenly, the glory of the Pluto was scattered, covering the palace, and the palace’s originally closed door slowly opened.

(To be continued.)

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