Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1636: Dark light flow

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When the palace door opened, I saw the dark light flowing slowly inside.

These dark streams of light are like coming from the end of heaven and earth, just like from the deepest part of hell, like the light of the beginning of hell, like water waves, constantly spilling over to Huang Xiaolong.

Feeling the terrorist power contained in this dark stream of light, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

This dark stream of light, I am afraid that even the great emperor will be destroyed, will be destroyed?

However, when Huang Xiaolong was about to retreat, this dark light flow produced a kind of horrible absorption power. Huang Xiaolong had no resistance at all, and was absorbed into the hall by this dark light.

However, the dark light flow absorbed Huang Xiaolong into the hall, and Pluto Jade sent out a ray of light, wrapping Huang Xiaolong.

Under the glory of the Jade King, this dark light can't touch Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong is relieved, but this is also a cold sweat, and there is a feeling of uncertainty.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong set his mind, which only looked around.

Around, all are dark and light, this hall, as if it is a self-contained, with Huang Xiaolong's eyesight, even can not see the margins, heaven and earth, are filled with this endless dark light.

Huang Xiaolong has a feeling, here is the source of the three realms of hell!

And this dark light flow seems to be the most pure and purest energy of the Hell's Three Realms.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath.

This dark stream of light should be imprisoned here by the supreme means, the other party should be the Lord of Hell!

Huang Xiaolong sat down and converges his mind, then summoned the three most supreme gods, arranged four talents to gather together, slowly running the parasitic scorpion, and began to absorb this dark light.

However, out of caution, Huang Xiaolong did not dare to absorb too much. Take it one by one.

This is the case. When this dark light flows into the body of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong feels that the whole body is violently trembled, as if it had been hit by a megalith. A horror to the extreme gravity and impact, so that the body veins of Huang Xiaolong unexpectedly burst open!

However, this is not over yet, and Huang Xiaolong’s internal organs have also exploded.

Huang Xiaolong’s face changed greatly.

The power of this dark light is so overbearing. So terrible.

You must know that this way down, he did not know how many rare elixir swallowed, I do not know how many chaotic treasures refining, his Yuanlong body has long been quenched to the extreme, especially after breaking through the king of the gods, the Yuanlong body has The property of immortality, however, with the strength of his current Yuanlong body, it is still unable to withstand the energy impact of this dark light flow!

Huang Xiaolong quickly spurred the three most supreme gods. The endless power of the supreme power is to suppress the dark light flow in the body, but it is useless. This dark light flow, even ignoring the suppression of his supreme power, still flows in its body at a horrible speed.

Wherever he went, Huang Xiaolong’s Yuanlong body collapsed.

From the outside, Huang Xiaolong’s Yuanlong body is first from the feet. Then the lower body, then the upper body, and then the head, all exploded step by step.

At last. Only three of the most supreme gods are left.

The three gods are also destroyed, and there are only three supreme gods of the three most supreme gods.

Huang Xiaolong’s three most supreme gods burst into a strong radiance, and the light shone the world and stirred the world.

However, under this dark light flow. The light of Huang Xiaolong’s three supreme gods was quickly smeared down.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong's three most supreme gods are completely dull, like dead objects, without a bit of breath.

Yuyue Shenluo, Black Dragon God, Black Dragon Throne, Black Dragon Han Jade Bracelet, Huangquan Magic Gown, Tianwu Treasure Ring, and the four great fires floated around Huang Xiaolong's three supreme gods.

However, under this dark light flow, whether it is the black dragon **** of the best Hongmeng spirits, or the black dragon throne of Shangpin Hongmeng, or the four great fires, they have lost their brilliance.

This dark stream of light is like **** without the king of God. In hell, whatever it is, it must be surrendered at its feet, even if it is the king of the supreme king, it must be surrendered!

Huang Xiaolong is branded in the soul of the three most supreme gods, like the candle in the wind, there is a feeling of going out at any time.

Just when Huang Xiaolong’s soul was to be permanently indulged in hell, suddenly, the emperor king who was suspended beside it broke out with a fascinating light. This charming light shrouded the supreme gods of Huang Xiaolong’s three supreme gods and Huang Xiaolong’s god.

The spirit of Huang Xiaolong began to condense slowly, and began to slowly recover. The surface of the three most supreme gods began to appear a faint glow.

A few days later, the spirit of Huang Xiaolong was completely restored. The Yuanlong body slowly rejoined again, first the head, then the upper body, then the lower body, and finally the legs.

When Huang Xiaolong Yuanlong's body once again condenses, Huang Xiaolong can feel that his Yuanlong body is more perfect than before.

However, very quickly, under the impact of the dark light, the dragon body of Huang Xiaolong collapsed again and burst.

Just like this, again and again.

The Yuanlong body is blasted, reborn, and then re-emerged after rebirth.

Every time he is born again, Huang Xiaolong’s Yuanlong body will be more powerful and perfect.

Huang Xiaolong does not remember how many times he was born again. At least a hundred times later, finally, the Yuanlong body can withstand the impact of this dark light flow and destroy energy.

Huang Xiaolong urging Hong Mongolian parasitic cockroaches to refine the dark light.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong has three supreme gods, there are scorpions, and there are three great gods, and it took ten days to refine and refine the dark light.

When refining the dark stream of light, Huang Xiaolong clearly felt that there were some changes in the three most supreme gods or the Yuanlong body. As for where it changed, he could not tell for a moment.

After refining the first dark light stream, Huang Xiaolong began to refine the second.

The second one is much easier, only half the time.

Then, it was the third, and the third was only used for four days.

After each refining and refining, when refining the next one, it is half easy.

When the year passed, Huang Xiaolong could refine and refine a dark stream of light.

When two years passed, between Huang Xiaolong's throughput, hundreds of dark light flows into the body of Huang Xiaolong, and it was instantly refining and clean.

Three years, four years, five years.

I saw Huang Xiaolong sitting there, the endless stream of dark light flowing like a roaring wave, constantly pouring into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

And the indecent runes of Huang Xiaolong's three most supreme gods are more and more, and finally, they have completely covered the three most supreme gods!

The three most supreme gods exude an immortal breath!

Huang Xiaolong has already reached the peak of the tenth step of the gods!

However, Huang Xiaolong did not attack the realm of Tianjun, but was extremely suppressed. He still tempered the Yuanlong body over and over again, and tempered the three most supreme gods over and over again.

The three most supreme gods, which had been completely covered by the inexhaustible runes, actually began, and slowly created a eternal rune!

[Thank you for your continued support, this time from the 515 fans festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes for the fan festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】(To be continued.) h.73

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