Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2079: Fleeing

When I heard the words of Wan Yue, everyone suddenly made a big effort to Huang Xiaolong. Everyone realized the keyness of Huang Xiaolong and stopped using it.

Leading Xu Yang, Liu Yunqi and other heavenly masters also concentrated on attacking Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he could only temporarily give up the Tianfu ancestor Chen Fushan, and he avoided it.

This is the case, Chen Fushan, the ancestors of the Tianzhu people, only felt cold and sweaty, and his face was pale. He was locked by Huang Xiaolong just now, thinking that like the eclipse, he would be assassinated by Huang Xiaolong. If it is true, his strength is weaker than eclipse. A lot of it, even the eclipse is difficult to block Huang Xiaolong's blow, let alone him?

However, although Wan Yue, the rotation of the old strangers, the Buddha's interpretation of the truth and so on, have to join forces to kill Huang Xiaolong, but Huang Xiaolong has now broken through to the middle of the first stage, and has the Eucharist, the three major sacred sects, the three holy veins Is it so easy to kill it?

Just like Huang Xiaolong, with his current strength, under the punch, it is the ordinary master who dominates the fourth-order early stage, and he must be bombarded by him, but he can’t kill Wan Zhuoyuan, because Wan Zhuoyuan has the Eucharist and owns Holy veins and enlightenment.

In Wanyue, turning around the old blame and other people, not only can not kill Huang Xiaolong, half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong sneaked into the opportunity, the bright magic scepter pierced the ancestral ancestor Chen Fushan, when Chen Fushan soul escaped, was The ancient heavens were killed.

Two hours later.

Huang Xiaolong and the old man of the moon cooperated to kill the three old monsters of the gods.

These three old monsters are similar in strength to Chen Fushan.

Wan Yue was angry and angry, but he couldn't help it. Although they joined forces to wound Huang Xiaolong several times, it didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to recover.

Huang Xiaolong’s sacred body defense and recovery speed completely exceeded their expectations. Huang Xiaolong was inherited from Hell’s Lord, possessed the heart of hell, refining the lotus of darkness, and gained the inheritance of the demon world. In this dark world, It’s just like a duck.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong was injured several times by Wan Yue and others, and he can recover quickly.

When Huang Xiaolong killed the eclipse in a row, the Tianzhu ancestors Chen Fushan and the three old monsters in the realm of the gods, Wan Yue went to five people.

This is a lore, and the power is greatly reduced.

Originally relying on the lore of the lore, Wan Yue 12 people can completely suppress the ancient heavens of the elderly and other people. Now the lore of the loft is greatly reduced, and the seven people of Wan Yue will be suppressed by the old man.

Fortunately, later, Tianyang Xuyang and Liu Yunqi replaced the eclipse, Chen Fushan's position, and Wan Yue's nine people spurred the lore, but also slightly prevailed.

Huang Xiaolong saw Tianyang Xuyang, Liu Yunqi two substitutes eclipse, Chen Fushan position, cold smile, and then set their sights on the other two kingdoms of the world, Wang Hong, Lu learned.

Although Wang Hong dominates the fourth-order mid-term peak, but the strength and eclipse are similar, and Lu knows that although it is the fourth-order late stage, it is only a little higher than the eclipse.

As long as Wang Hong is resolved and Lu knows both, then there will be no threat to the great battle of the cities of the heavens.

Wan Zhuoyuan stood in the distance, watching the crowds in the city of the heavens continue to break through, but repeatedly killed the eclipse, Chen Fushan's several people Huang Xiaolong, his face was gloomy, his eyes flickering.

"It seems that we still underestimated this Huang Xiaolong." Tian Yu Tian Yu around him is also a gloomy face, said: "I knew this, I asked my uncle to come together."

Wan Zhuoyuan said: "Mr. Chen has just broken through to dominate the high-level, but it still takes time to stabilize the realm. Unfortunately, my grandfather Wan Yue and God are retreating. Otherwise, any one of them will be shot, and Huang Xiaolong will die!"

"Little Grandma's grandmother, I don't know how it is now in the Tianzhi River." Wan Zhuoyuan said again: "When your morning uncle has stabilized the realm, after the customs clearance, the two can be married. At that time we are like One family."

Tian Yu smiled: "That is, at that time, we are kissing each other."

The two smiled.

"Let's go first." Wan Zhuoyuan's eyes fell back to the battlefield, Shen Sheng.

“Go?” Tianyu said: “The dark golden fruit and the dark blood soon mature!”

Wan Zhuoyuan shook his head: "Now no one can suppress Huang Xiaolong, so the battle has been set. Soon the cities of the heavens will be defeated. It will be useless to wait for it. The dark gold fruit and the blood of darkness are not worth mentioning. This time, I want Go back to the retreats of the heavens and hit the battle."

Speaking of this, Wan Zhuoyuan’s eyes blinked and the killing bloomed: “When I break through the dominance, the power of the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit will increase. Next time, I must kill Huang Xiaolong personally!”


Wan Zhuoyuan and Tian Yu both disappeared.

It was not long before Wan Zhuoyuan and Tian Yu left. Huang Xiaolong and the old man of the moon cooperated to kill Wang Hong, the city of the heavens.

Wan Yue is not in violation of things, but also ordered to retreat.

When the masters of the heavens and the heavens retreat, Huang Xiaolong and the old man worshipped the six masters.

"Forget it, Xiaolong, don't chase it." The old man who saw the moon also wanted Huang Xiaolong to chase again.

Huang Xiaolong stopped.

"This time Wan Yue went back, I was afraid to get angry and fell to the bed." The Golden Horn Mavericks looked at Wan Yue’s disappearing direction and smiled. "They want to use the dark golden fruit to mature, kill us, but lose the soldiers." The lady, who lost so many masters, must have died of meat."

"Look, the dark gold fruit and the dark blood are ripe!" Cang Mutian suddenly surprised.

Everyone looked at it and saw the top of the dark **** tree. There were countless dark rays gathering, and the Bolly Space, a two-fist-sized fruit began to solidify.

This fruit is dark in the whole body, but it has a golden luster, it is the dark golden fruit!

The ancestors of all walks of life hidden around are not blind.

When the dark golden fruit matures, a drop of fascinating dark blood also drops from the top of the dark **** tree.

Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed, and one hand took a photo, and the dark gold fruit and the dark blood were smoothly collected into the hands. Although the ancestors of all walks of life surrounded by greed, but no one dared to **** it.

The dark gold fruit and the dark blood were taken, and Huang Xiaolong and others did not stay, driving the ancient heaven to leave the dark world.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong left the dark world, the ancestors of Jiuyin's ancestors eclipsed, the ancestors of the Tianzhu people, Chen Fushan, the three old monsters in the realm of the gods, and the news of Wang Hong's fall of the heavens city came out, and the world was shaken.

"What, eclipse is dead!"

"In addition to eclipsing, Chen Fushan, Wang Hong, the six kings of the world, the city of the heavens has also fallen eight masters of the primary!"

"Wan Yue fled and fled, the dark golden fruit and the dark blood fell into the hands of Huang Xiaolong!"

Everything in the world, no matter which corner, is boiling.

The name of Huang Xiaolong Pluto, after this battle, completely rang all over the world.

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