Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2080: Lord of heaven

Since the formation of the realm of the gods, the demon world, and so on, there has never been a news that there is such a strong degeneration in the tens of thousands of hegemons, but this time, eclipse, Chen Fushan's six major hegemony collapsed together!

Moreover, it is not seen by the ancestors of all walks of life.

Originally, in the concept of the people, the existence of the tens of thousands of hegemons is immortal, but after this dark world war, let everyone understand that the original hegemony of the world will also die. ?

At the same time that Wanjie was shocked, some people were gloating.

"This dark world war, the cities of the heavens and Huang Xiaolong have become a deadly enemy. When the Wanshi adults go out, it is the death of Huang Xiaolong!"

"This may not be the case, Huang Xiaolong has ancient heavens, as well as the elderly who worship the moon, the help of the young ancestors, etc., maybe it will be both losers!"

"It is best to lose both!"

When the Wanjie shocked and talked, Huang Xiaolong and others returned to the bright world.

After returning to the bright world, everyone naturally celebrated it a lot.

One day later, it was night and the night was like water.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the courtyard of the Wanling Shenfu, standing with his hands and staring at the vast night sky.

This World War in the Dark World, although defeating the cities of the heavens, even killing the Ming, Chen Fushan, Wang Hong six major borders overlord, but Huang Xiaolong did not relax in this heart.

Because of the world!

This time they were lucky enough to defeat the cities of the heavens because the world was retreating and there was no shot. If it was shot, it must be them.

Therefore, before he goes out of the world, he must upgrade his strength again, at least to the fourth rank, to achieve the hegemony of the world. Only then can he have the confidence to fight with the world.

Moreover, even if he breaks through to dominate the fourth-order, he will not be sure to defeat the world, even if he has the treasure of ancient heaven.

Billions of years ago, Wan Shi was the master of high-level, who knows what the realm is after billions of years.

And this eternal retreat for so long, it must be to understand something, if it is to go out, it must be successful.

However, it is necessary to break through to the fourth order before the expedition, unless you can find the thirty-six green lotuses that the ancient heavenly emperors got.

Only thirty-six middle-level heaven and earth spirits such as Qinglian can help him break through to the fourth stage in a few decades.

Now, the dark golden fruit in his hand and the remaining second-order high nine grasses are not enough.

This time, after he broke through the dominance, he completely integrated with the ancient heavenly court, and there were some incomplete memories in his mind. These memories are very messy and are related to thirty-six green lotuses.

Thirty-six green lotuses were left in the holy land of the devil world. As for the specific location of the devil's holy land, they did not know.

And thirty-six green lotuses were left in the holy land of the devil, seemingly related to the celestial ancestors. As for why it is related to the celestial ancestors, Huang Xiaolong did not know from memory.

"It seems that after two days, I have to go to the devil world again." Huang Xiaolong thought.

In any case, he has to find thirty-six green lotuses.

"Wan Zhuoyuan." Immediately, Huang Xiaolong thought of Wan Zhuoyuan, his eyes were cold, since this Wan Zhuoyuan was the reincarnation of the great sanctuary, then in any case, he would have to take this Wan Zhuoyuan, he wants to go from Wan Zhuoyuan Find out the secrets of many worlds, such as which space the Holy Land is in, and whether there is more space above the World.

If so, how do you get there?

Moreover, although he broke through the dominance, he changed his success to the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, and the sacred sacredness. However, no matter whether it is the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, or the sacred sacred, there should be low, medium and high points.

His, should be only the lowest.

If he can engulf the sacred body, the holy veins, and the sacred sacredness, then his Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, and the sacred sacredness will surely ascend to a higher level.

Also, what puzzled him was the identity of the young man who was with Kowloon in the same time.

The young man, who is it?

"Uncle." At this time, the sweet voice of Bei Xiaomei sounded, and I saw that Bei Xiaomei and her sister Bei Xiaoji came in from outside the hospital.

When I saw Bei Xiaomei, Huang Xiaolong smiled: "You have been wronged these days, how are you, are you all right?"

Bei Xiaomei walked to Huang Xiaolong, tired of Huang Xiaolong, sweet smile: "It's okay, my sister has to come over and thank you, so I will accompany my sister."

"Thank you for the grace of the King of Pluto." At this time, Bei Xiaoji was a blessing to Huang Xiaolong. She said that she could not dare to squat in front of Huang Xiaolong like Bei Xiaomei.

"You are Xiaomei's sister, it should be." Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "In the future, I don't have to be polite and restrained."

Bei Xiaomei waved a small fist: "The Wan Zhuo Yuan is really hateful. If he is caught by this girl next time, he will not spare him!"

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked with interest about the situation of the two women in this year. Hearing that the young man who was in the same place with Wan Zhuoyuan in the north was called Tian Yu, when he came from heaven, Huang Xiaolong could not help but change his face.

"Heaven?!" Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

That young man actually came from heaven!

Heaven, he listened to his master, the king of Hongmeng, and knew that there is a level of heaven called the world.

Heaven, although not for a long time, but the name of Wei is not weaker than the cities of the heavens, and even higher than the cities of the heavens.

Huang Xiaolong brows a lock, it seems that the two masters who appeared later are the sixth-order, is the master of heaven? I didn't expect the cities of the heavens and the heavens to join hands. If this is the case, then the trouble is not small. A world has already made him feel pressure, now add a heavenly word!

Legend has it that the celestial king, the lord, is a real old monster that has lived for hundreds of millions of years. It is the king of his master, the king of Hongmeng. The old man in front of him can only be regarded as a younger generation. This **** can only use strength. Unpredictable to describe, compared to the world, only high or not low.

After a while, the two women left, Huang Xiaolong immediately went to see the old man who worshipped the moon, and the king of Hongmeng, said the things of the heavens and the people. When everyone heard it, they all changed their faces.

"Heaven!" Six-winged green mosquito ancestors poisoned the sea throat and swallowed: "Mother's, is the old monster of God to be born?!" As if thinking of something terrible, poisonous sea eyes are scared.

"I didn't expect the cities of the heavens to join forces with the heavens!" The old man's face was as dignified as ever: "If God takes the old things, we can't stop!"

If you face the world, to the strength of the elderly, plus everyone, perhaps there is still a little confidence to confront, but in the face of God, there is no confidence at all.

Everyone looked at each other and no one spoke.

The atmosphere of the hall is depressed.

Everyone present is deeply aware of the horror of God.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the Devil World." Huang Xiaolong broke the silence. (To be continued.) 8

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