Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2137: Terrorist kingdom

After coming out of the heavens, Huang Xiaolong and God went and fought. Wherever they went, everything was surrounded by the aftermath of the two forces.

One mountain after another, one after another, the original ancient forest, all turned into nothingness.

The strength of the two people alerted the strong of many heavens on the road.

"The two masters of high-level?!"

"That is the God of Heaven's predecessor? Who is that young man? Even playing with the heavenly masters of heaven!"

Many powerful people in the kingdom of heaven were shocked.

Although the heavens are not born for a long time, the heavens are in the sky, and the fame is still very big. Especially the gods are very famous. It is necessary to know that the main peak of the ninth order is in Tianlu, and it is also one of the top powerhouses.

But now, a young man who is not a good name, even played with God!

"I heard that in the past few days, the predecessors of God had fought against a young man named Huang Xiaolong. Is this young man Huang Xiaolong? Is there such a master outside? Isn’t the outside world not dominated the high-level?"

Some heavenly powers are amazed.

Because of the heavens and the heavens, the tens of billions of years are not out of the sky, and it is almost isolated from the road. Therefore, the Tianlu Heavenly Power is generally called the outside world.

"Huang Xiaolong? Who is Huang Xiaolong?"

More people in heaven are facing each other.

Because Tianlu is not connected with the outside world, and Huang Xiaolong has only risen in the last millennium, everyone in Tianlu Tianguo has not heard of Huang Xiaolong. It was also a time when the heavenly masters fought against Huang Xiaolong a year ago. The name of Huang Xiaolong.

Moreover, it was only some of the superpowers of heaven that were heard around the heavens.

This battle lasted for two days and two nights.

On the infinite swamp of Tianlu, it was shocking and the two figures separated. It was Huang Xiaolong and God.

At this time, the two had already lost hundreds of millions of miles away from the heavens. At the beginning, the two could still see some heavens, and later they had completely seen the shadow of heaven.

Even God does not know where they are now.

This day, the road is vast and dangerous, and many places are convenient for God.

God looked at the opposite Huang Xiaolong, his face was ugly, his breath was messy, his eyes were complicated.

At the beginning, he and Huang Xiaolong did not distinguish between the top and bottom, but as time went by, his power of dominance was too large, but he was actually suppressed by Huang Xiaolong!

He did not think that Huang Xiaolong only dominated the fifth stage of the period, but the power of the ruler was restored, even faster than him.

Is this the benefit of the Eucharist and the sacred sacred?

At this moment, he was born with a retreat.

"Huang Xiaolong, if you are holding a sacred object, Ray, do you really think that you are my opponent?" God stared at Huang Xiaolong coldly.

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly: "It’s ridiculous, if you don’t have a funeral, I’ve killed you now.”

Indeed, if God does not have a high-ranking supreme spiritual treasure, even if it is the peak of the early ninth order, Huang Xiaolong has already killed it.

God glimpsed, but he did not entangle with Huang Xiaolong on this topic again. His body shape flashed into a chaotic gas, disappearing between the heavens and the earth, and the speed was extremely fast. It should be matched with the space escape charm.

"Huang Xiaolong, I haven't had a great success in burying God Dafa. When I am buried in Dafa, I will take your dog's head!"

"You wiped your neck clean!"

The voice of God came from all over the world.

Looking at God's escape, Huang Xiaolong chased for a while, and finally could only stop if there was no fruit, but Huang Xiaolong also knows that God has a burial oracle, and it is almost impossible to kill God with his current strength.

Waiting for you to bury God Dafa?

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold.

The power of Thunder in the beastly thunderbolt, he only swallowed half, and half of them have not swallowed up, waiting for him to swallow the power of the other half of the beast of the beast, it is that you bury the Dafa Dacheng, and die!

Huang Xiaolong returned to the road, and then contacted the chick and his master, the king of Hongmeng.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong saw the Golden Horn Mavericks and his master Wang Hongmeng.

After Huang Xiaolong and God both played the heavens, the Golden Horn Mavericks and the King of Hongmen also chased the heavens.

See Huang Xiaolong innocent, Jinjiao Mavericks, and the talents of Hongmeng are relieved.

"Little dragon, God, he?" The king of Hongmeng met Huang Xiaolong and asked.

"He escaped." Huang Xiaolong said.

Although the results have been expected, the Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng is still not disappointed, after all, God flees, the aftermath is not small.

"Do not worry, next time I see God, I will kill him!" Huang Xiaolong said: "Go, let's go back to heaven!"

Back to heaven?

The Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng, a couple of people, immediately understood the idea of ​​Huang Xiaolong.

As a result, several people rushed back to heaven.

"God escaped, and Wanshi and Tianchen were afraid to flee early." On the way, the Golden Horn was a calf.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, this, he knows, however, he returned to heaven, naturally not to chase the world and the morning, the gods escaped, the heavenly treasures can not escape, right?

One day later, Huang Xiaolong returned to the heavens.

At this time, the heavens were almost completely ruined. The mountains and palaces were destroyed. Many rare **** trees and spirit beasts were destroyed in the battle between the two.

As the Golden Horn Mavericks have guessed, Wanshi, Tianchen, Manchu ancestors and other ancestors have long since fled, and the strong people who came to watch the battle and participate in the morning marriage have also disappeared.

The entire heavenly world is empty and ridiculous, leaving only the Tianbing soldiers stationed in twos and threes.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong turned back and returned, those Heavenly Soldiers were full of face fear and worshipped. Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to start working on these heavenly soldiers.

An hour later, Huang Xiaolong found the treasure of heaven in the Tiangong Temple, the Heavenly Palace where the previous retreat of the Lord was rehabilitated. Although the treasure of heaven was banned by God, it was eventually bombarded by Huang Xiaolong with the beast.

However, what makes Huang Xiaolong somewhat disappointing is that there are very few treasures in the treasures of the heavens. There are only twenty or thirty immature second-order, third-order heaven and earth spirits.

It seems that most of the treasures, God has long been with him.

However, there is always better than nothing. Huang Xiaolong has scraped the treasures of the heavens, and this has left the heavens.

After leaving the heavens, Huang Xiaolong intends to find a place, continue to retreat, devour the remaining half of the thunder of the beast and the refining of the chaotic black sea mine pool, and then go to find the chaotic penite mine pool.

Just after Huang Xiaolong collected the treasures of the heavens, after leaving the heavens, Tianlu was somewhere high, and the figures flashed out. It was God, Tianchen, Wanshi, Wan Xiaorong, Tianyu and Tianjie.

"Big Brother, what do we do now?" The morning was pale and asked.

God swept the crowd and said: "Go to the horror kingdom first. I met the horror king of the terror heaven. When I got there, you first healed." When it comes to this, the eyes are killing: "As for Huang Xiaolong, let him live first." In the past few years, I will wait until I am buried with Dafa Dacheng!"

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