Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2138: Falling gold pig drop

When I heard God’s acquaintance with the horror kingdom of the horrific heaven, everyone was shocked and his face was shocked.

Of course, what amazes everyone is the horror king.

In Tianlu, no matter who mentioned the horror of the country, it is hard to be shocked and eclipsed.

The horror king!

The generation of the demon Lord of Heaven Road, killing countless, fierce name is one of the top ten masters of Tianlu, and the horror of heaven is the five great heavens of Tianlu.

Although God is also one of the top ten masters of Tianlu, his ranking is far behind this horror kingdom, and the strength of the heavens is far less than the horror of heaven.

Among the five great heavens of Tianlu, the strength of the terror heaven is ranked third.

"Big Brother, do you know the horror king?" After the morning, I couldn't help but ask.

He has never heard of God in this matter.

God said: "That was a long time ago. At that time, I just broke through to dominate the high-order, and I shot the terrorist lord in a dangerous way. Later, he recognized me as a righteous brother. At that time, he was not as strong as me, just Unexpectedly, in the billions of years, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has surpassed me."

"It's just this, I didn't mention it to you, so you don't know."

God can't help but remember the past.

At that time, the two men entered the dangerous land and joined forces in one after another. Since the horror kingdom only dominated the sixth-order mid-term, the strength of the gods was much higher than that. Therefore, along the way, God repeatedly rescued the terrorists. .

After returning from the dangerous land, although the two of them rarely met, there was always a letter of contact.

Everyone listened to God’s attempt to save the horror kingdom, and it was the righteous brother of the horror kingdom. They were all surprises.

"Big brother, if there is a terrorist leader, it is easy to clean up a little yellow dragon with the strength of the terrorist state." Tianchen smiled even more.

God nodded, and with the current strength of the horror kingdom, if you want to solve the problem, Huang Xiaolong is indeed a matter of raising his hand.

However, God is shaking his head: "To kill Huang Xiaolong, you don't need the terrorist king to personally take it. Huang Xiaolong is just a descendant who is carrying a Leizhu. If he does not have the Thunderball, I will kill him. No effort!"

"There is no such a thunderbolt?" Tianchen and Wanshi, Wan Xiaorong, Tian Yu and others can not help but wonder.

God slowly spits: "Langbao Golden Pig!"

"What? Falling treasure gold pig!" The crowd did not exclaim.

Everything eats and eats: "Is it the Luobao Golden Pig that claims to be able to collect all the treasures and artifacts?"

God nodded: "Not bad!"

"Don't you, Big Brother, do you know the whereabouts of the Fallen Gold Pig?"

"In the hands of the horrible king!" God nodded. "However, there are not many people who know this. I will tell you now, don't tell them."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

"When I am buried in Dafa, I will borrow this gold pig from the hands of the horror king, and Huang Xiaolong will die!" God sneered.

With his friendship with the terrorist state, it is necessary to use this Luobao gold pig for use. There should be no problem.

"But God's predecessors." Wan Shidao: "Luobao Jinzhu is claimed to be able to collect all the treasures and artifacts, but I heard that it is just a treasure, and the treasures can receive the Xiaolei of Huang Xiaolong?"

After all, Huang Leilong’s hand is a sacred object.

Although Luobao Jinzhu has such wonderful effects, but to collect a holy thing, Wanshi still feels somewhat unlikely.

God shook his head and smiled: "Who said that the Fallen Gold Pig is a hungry treasure? This is just a misunderstanding of the world."

Everyone has a glimpse.

Is it not the Hongbao to the treasure?

"Big Brother, do you mean that the Luobao Golden Pig is the supreme spiritual treasure or even the holy thing?" God asked the heart with a madness.

God smiled and said: "It is not a holy thing, but it is better than a holy thing!"

"As for the detailed grade of the Luobao Golden Pig, no one has judged it."

Not a sacred object, but it is better than a sacred object!

It is amazing to see the Luobao Golden Pig.

"I didn't expect that there was a Luobao Jinzhu in the hands of the horror kingdom. The strength of the horror kingdom was amazing. If you add this Luobao gold pig, it would be too bad." The morning exclaimed.

"Well, let's go to the horror heaven first. I have just contacted the terrorist state. He has set up a banquet!" God said, after the flight, he flew away.

Everyone keeps up.

one day later.

Huang Xiaolong, who left the heavens, stopped at a cliff above Tianlu. Huang Xiaolong glanced around and his eyes fell below the cliff.

"Let's retreat at this retreat?" Huang Xiaolong said.

The Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng naturally have no opinions.

After coming to the bottom of the cliff, Huang Xiaolong began to arrange the defensive formation. Later, Huang Xiaolong took out the ancient heaven, entered Zhoutian Temple and began to practice.

However, Huang Xiaolong intends to refine the chaotic Black Sea Thunder Pool, and then swallow the other half of the Thunderbolt.

Now, Huang Xiaolong already has six chaotic mine pools, and refining the chaotic Black Sea Leichi can be said to be extremely easy.

In just over a month, Huang Xiaolong refining the Chaos Black Sea Thunder Pool.

Refining the chaotic Leihailei pool, this is the third stage of the late Huang Xiaolong, infinitely close to the fifth-order late peak.

After the refining of the Chaos Leihailei pool, Huang Xiaolong took out the beastly thunderbolt and began to devour the remaining thunder.

Just when Huang Xiaolong refining Chaos Leihai and devouring the beastly Thunderbolt Lei Li, the heavens and the world are instigated.

"God and Huang Xiaolong, the Lord lost even?!"

"Even God is not Huang Xiaolong's opponent, Zhutian Wanjie, who can suppress Huang Xiaolong?! I heard that when Huang Xiaolong went to heaven, he killed the disciples of the Heavenly Law Enforcement Team. I didn't expect the original emperor to fall so badly, Huang Xiaolong killed. After the emperor's view, he also practiced the palace in the morning, killing the million soldiers in the heavens, and winning the treasure chest!"

"After that, Tianchen and Wanshi joined forces and were seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong and almost killed!"

One news after another, the Wanjie strong people shocked.

Tianchen and Wanshi teamed up and were almost killed by Huang Xiaolong. Finally, God shot, and they all lost!

Not long after, there was news.

"The predecessors of God led the people into the horror heavens deep in the heavens. Now they are going to bury the Dafa cultivation in the horror heaven. The horror kings want to kill the younger generations of the gods and kill Huang Xiaolong, but they are rejected by the predecessors of God. When you are buried in Dafa, you must kill Huang Xiaolong!"

As soon as the news came out, Wan Wan was shocked.

In the vibrations and eagerness of all walks of life, the blink of an eye is two years and eight months.

Under the retreat of Huang Xiaolong's cliffs, the light bursts and the thunder is rolling. Under this thunder, the surrounding mountains have become nothingness, but what is amazing is that these mountains that have turned into nothingness are slowly re-aggregated under this thunder. .

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