Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2209: How big is the holy world?

"No need." Zhang Yichen thought about it and shook his head. After all, it was not easy to ask the two masters of the Wangfu to take the shot, and he and Huang Xiaolong did not have much hatred.

Also, the other party was rescued by her sister.

At this time, Zhang Wenyue came to the Fairview House, and Huang Xiaolong was practicing the endless sword.

Seeing the full house sword, Zhang Wenyue is beautiful.

this is? !

She majored in swordsmanship, and at a glance she saw the extraordinaryness of this swordwork. It was just that where she was not, she couldn’t say it, and she was so mad at the moment.

Until Huang Xiaolong stopped, Zhang Wenyue was still immersed in the sword of the full house.

In fact, this is also what Huang Xiaolong intends to do. It is also a small reciprocation to pay attention to Zhang Wenyue's care for them these days. As for the sword and kendo, Zhang Wenyue can understand how much, then look at his talent.

Zhang Wenyue stood there, motionless, full of brains are a sword, these swords are constantly evolving in her mind, forming a sword charm, and suddenly, some of the Panlong swords that she has been practicing in these years can not comprehend The place is suddenly open, just like opening the gap in the decision.

Zhang Wenyue looked refreshed and woke up. When he saw it, Huang Xiaolong stood in the yard and looked at her with a smile. Zhang Wenyue did not come to the ground and asked for a red face. He asked: "Huang Gongzi, I heard that Wang Junhai came over to let You moved out of the Fairview House, are you okay?"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and said: "Nothing."

A **** is in the early days of the kingdom.

Even if he is now ruined, the Shenhai has not been repaired, and the soul has not yet healed, but the three sacred sects have been restored a little, and it is now possible to clean up the ordinary Great Empire.

"Huang Gongzi, blood marks on your face?" At this moment, the maid behind Zhang Wenyue looked at Huang Xiaolong's face in surprise.

Zhang Wenyue discovered that the blood marks on Huang Xiaolong’s face had faded a lot, and they were no longer as horrible as before.

This! Is the forest pharmacist of the Wangfu not saying that the blood marks in the whole body of the Huanggongzi are permanent? It is impossible to heal, how can it be? !

Huang Xiaolong saw Zhang Wenyue and his maids look surprised and couldn't help but smile: "My physical condition is a little special, so these blood marks have recovered almost."

"Then your injury?!" Zhang Wenyue asked in amazement: "Well?!"

She remembers that Huang Xiaolong's nerves are destroyed, and Shenhai has broken!

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "It's already a lot better."

Zhang Wenyue did not know how to say it in amazement.

The gods are destroyed, the sea of ​​God has been broken, can it still be better? And much better?

The maid was even more shocked.

"Zhang girl, do you have a library in your palace? These two days, I want to read it." Huang Xiaolong said.

Although he has come to the sacred world, but now where in the sacred world, in which place, completely ignorant, so Huang Xiaolong urgently need to know.

In a few days, when the blood marks on his face disappeared completely and the injury was better, he planned to leave. He could not always live here.

However, he has placed many Lingshi in the space of the beastly thunderbolt. He can't take it out now. He is now injured, and he can't open the beastly ramie. Without the stone, he can be said to be a poor white, so he will be there. I also have to find a way to get some money, otherwise I will leave the Prince’s House and not even have a place to live.

"Yes, our Wangfu's collection is not far from the Jinxiu Academy. There are hundreds of thousands of books. When Huang Gongzi holds my token, I can go in and read it at any time." Zhang Wenyue quickly took out a token and handed it to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not push it, and accepted the token.

Zhang Wenyue did not leave, stayed behind and asked Huang Xiaolong to teach swords and kendo.

As for Zhang Wenyue’s question, Huang Xiaolong did not hide privately.

Two hours later, the waitress reminded that the palace had a banquet to attend, and Zhang Wenyue left. When he left, Zhang Wenyue’s demeanor was obviously much more modest and said: “Huang Gongzi rest assured to live in the Splendid Court!” Wang Guanjia and his brother will not bother Huang Xiaolong.

After Zhang Wenyue left, Huang Xiaolong did not continue to practice, but went to the library of the palace.

Now, he is in urgent need of knowing where he is in the holy world.

Originally, the collection of the Wangfu Library was only available to the disciples of the Wangfu and the high-ranking housekeepers. However, Huang Xiaolong held the Zhang Wenyue token. Therefore, the guards of the Tibetan Academy did not dare to block Huang Xiaolong.

Upon entering the library, watching a full collection of books, Huang Xiaolong directly ignored those martial arts cheats and magical skills, and went straight to elaborate on the history of geography and humanities.

There are not many books on geography and human history, only thousands of books. However, Huang Xiaolong has now restored a little soul, and soon he has read all these thousands of books.

After reading through the thousands of books, I have a general understanding of what I am doing now.

Now, the princely residence he lives in is a force belonging to the sacred kingdom of Jinyuan. In general, the princely palace is quite powerful and status in the Jinyuan Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Jinyuan belongs to the Bilu Dynasty.

The Blue Fall Dynasty controls thousands of kingdoms, and the Jinyuan Kingdom, where the Prince’s House is located, is only a medium kingdom among the thousands of kingdoms of the Bilu Dynasty.

The Blue Fall Dynasty is just one of the best forces in the Zhuoyuan Holy Land called Tian Niu Li Zhou.

Zhuoyuan Holy Land, there are more than a dozen continents, each continent is wide and boundless, it can be said that each continent is ten times more than the lower bound of the gods, the demon world, and the hell.

There are dozens of dynasties in Tianniu Lizhou, and the Bilu Dynasty is only one of them.

In addition to these dozens of dynasties, there are many supreme sects. In the Bilu dynasty alone, there are Beidou Jianzong, Burning Valley, and Jiutianmen, the three most supreme sects, each of the Supreme Zongmen, whose owners are Supreme strong.

Of course, in the sacred place of Zhuoyuan, every Supreme Zongmen is the super-dominant of the deterrent.

However, in the sacred place of Zhuoyuan, there is only one sacred power, that is, Zhuoyuan Holy Gate!

In the sacred place of Zhuoyuan, Zhuoyuan Shengmen is supreme, and no sacred gate can be found in the holy land. No matter which dynasty does not dare to violate the will of the Holy Gate.

Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes and cleaned up a train of thought. He had known Zhuo Yuan Shengmen from Wan Zhuoyuan’s memory before, because Wan Zhuoyuan’s previous life was the gatekeeper of Zhuoyuan’s holy gate!

Zhuoyuan Holy Land is created by Wan Zhuoyuan with the supreme power.

However, Wan Zhuoyuan has been reincarnation for more than 10,000 years. So, for more than 10,000 years, the position of the door of Zhuoyuan Shengmen is still vacant? Or, is there a new door owner?

However, the collection of the Prince’s Library is only mentioned at most, and there are some things about the Bilu Dynasty and the Tianniu Lizhou. Going up, there are no records about other continents and Zhuoyuan Shengmen.

However, he learned from Wan Zhuoyuan's memory that the entire sacred world is vast, and even Wan Zhuoyuan does not know how big the sacred world is. The Zhuoyuan Holy Land is only one of the holy places.

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