Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2365: It's you!

When he came to Long Zhengyu, Lin Biao’s body was in front of him, and he looked at the **** magic net and the ghost stick that fell on the ground. Huang Xiaolong put it into the dark sacred ring.

Then, Huang Xiaolong took a photo with one hand and took Long Zhengyu's body to his eyes. The eleventh layer of Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches rushed. Suddenly, Hongmeng Shenglong flew out and did not enter the body of Longzhengyu.

Then an amazing scene appeared. I saw that the body of Hongmeng Shenglong had not entered the body of Longzhengyu. The body of the body began to show amazing changes. The body of Longzhengyu, first of all, the feet and legs, began to turn into a Tao Then, it is the rest of the body.

In the end, it is the head, and even the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs

This is the power of the eleventh layer of Hongmeng parasitic! assimilation!

Assimilate everything!

Assimilation into a hungry atmosphere!

Then, these evil spirits were swallowed into the body by Huang Xiaolong, and then refining by the three major sacred sacs.

In other words, after the enlightenment of Long Zhengyu, the Holy Venetian and the Eucharist were assimilated into the spirit of Hongmeng, they were swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong for a moment.

Huang Xiaolong doesn't need to be refining as usual.

After refining and enlightening the sacred sage of the dragon, the holy veins and the Eucharist, Huang Xiaolong successively assimilated the sacred sages of the Lin Biao, the Holy Venetian and the Eucharist, and then swallowed and refined.

Refining and refining Longzhengyu, Lin Biao's enlightenment of the saints, the holy veins and the Eucharist, Huang Xiaolong felt that he had become a saint, and the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist had evolved quite a few times in a short time.

The core disciples of the demon palace like Long Zhengyu and Lin Biao can worship the evil, and Dou Rui is the teacher. His enlightenment, the holy vein and the Eucharist are definitely high. Huang Xiaolong swallows and refines the people of Longzhengyu. The effect of enlightenment is much better than that of other demon disciples.

Refining and refining Long Zhengyu, after a few people in Lin Biao, Huang Xiaolong took away a few people's space artifacts, and did not stop, and went away.

However, although his soul has completely turned into a holy soul, he has the power of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Land. However, his own sacredness, the power of the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist are still only in the early seventh stage of the Supreme, so Huang Xiaolong still It is necessary to rely on the dark sacred enchantment and the savage beast to resist the light power of this coral continent.

After leaving, Huang Xiaolong decided to find a place to first erase the **** magic net and the branding on the ghost stick. Otherwise, the evil and Dou Rui are afraid that they will find themselves with their branding on them soon. .

If it is another early seventh-order master of the Supreme, it will certainly not be able to erase the evil, and Dou Rui stays on the top of the Holy Spirit, but Huang Xiaolong is still sure.

Because, he has the Holy Spirit, and is the three holy souls!

Just when Huang Xiaolong left, there was a coral continent in the Wuyuan River. The evil and the sinful face were gloomy, and the eyes were full of murderousness.

Just now, their disciples, at the same time fallen!

"Is Lin Xiaoying so sly!" Dou Rui Shen Sheng.

Evil and extraordinary shaking his head: "It should not be, Lin Xiaoying was taken by Sun Yiyi. Although there is a sacred armor to resist, it is not dead, but it is also seriously injured. The strength is less than the usual 30%. It is impossible for Zheng Yu and Lin Biao to rival. I am afraid there is Master shot, saved Lin Xiaoying!"

Dou Rui's eyes are swallowed: "Kill my disciple, I don't care who you are, I am found, you are dead!"

"I can feel it, the **** magic net is still branded, we will rush over now, the other party should not have escaped!"

They are located on the mainland, not far from the continent where Huang Xiaolong is located, and can arrive in up to two days.

"But, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi two women?" Dou Rui hesitated.

Before they secretly attacked, they had already injured Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and others. They tracked all the way and chased it here.

"Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi and the two women have already achieved the Holy Land. It is very difficult to catch them."

After a while, the evil was extraordinary, and Dou Rui and others went to the mainland where Huang Xiaolong was located.


Inside a cave in the underground.

Huang Xiaolong sat down and looked at the **** magic net and the ghost stick in front of him. He called the dragon's holy soul, the magical sacred soul, and the golden Buddha's holy soul one by one.

The three holy souls of the Holy Light are surging, and at the same time, they cover the **** magic net and the ghost stick. However, when Huang Xiaolong wants to start erasing the brand of the Holy Spirit, the **** magic net and the ghost stick are magical, and the evil spirits roar. No, it constantly resists the light of the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong saw a sneer.

He knows that this is evil, and the sacred soul of Dou Rui is branded.

However, the evil is extraordinary, although Dou Rui is a sage double and a heavy peak master, but the **** magic net and the ghost stick, after all, is only a holy soul of the two, but he is the three complete holy The soul, to erase it, is estimated to be at most one day.

Otherwise, he will not risk taking away the **** magic net and the ghost stick.

one day later.

Huang Xiaolong took back the three holy souls.

"It was finally erased." Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw that the **** magic net and the ghost stick suspended in front of me were completely calm.

However, next, Huang Xiaolong did not plant the Holy Spirit in the **** magic net and the ghost stick, but branded a holy sacred gas in it.

With these two sacred sacred sacredness, it is more convenient for him to control this **** magic net and the ghost stick. Of course, the most important thing is that it is almost impossible for others to smear these two sacred sacred sacred unless the other party Can also be enlightened.

"Next, you have to find a holy medicine." Huang Xiaolong put away the **** magic net and the ghost stick and stood up.

Now, although he has three holy souls, under the attack of the Holy Spirit, even the nine-roasted and half-sacred peaks such as Long Zhengyu can kill. However, his realm is still the first stage of the Supreme Seventh, his own strength is still too weak.

According to the four masters of God, not only the Holy Day, the Qingxue Palace, the disciples of the Holy Land Alliance entered the Cangwu Shenfu, but the masters of the Demon Palace also entered the Cangwu Shenfu.

Therefore, before the opening of the sacred temple, he must try his best to raise his own realm.

Huang Xiaolong went out of the cave, and the three holy souls unfolded at the same time, covering a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, inducing every corner of every inch of space within the continent's billion-mile radius.

Huang Xiaolong believes that in the billions of miles, as long as there is a holy medicine, it is absolutely impossible to escape the three holy souls.

"Well?" Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

Under the influence of his three holy souls, Huang Xiaolong discovered a familiar atmosphere.

Lin Xiaoying!

Lin Xiaoying has not left this continent yet?

Huang Xiaolong's brow wrinkled. Under his induction, Lin Xiaoying's breath was very messy. Obviously it was previously hit hard and the injury was not good.

After thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong flew over to Lin Xiaoying's location.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong came to the cave where Lin Xiaoying was hiding.

"Who?" Lin Xiaoying heard the footsteps and shouted.

"It's me." Huang Xiaolong should have a voice.

Lin Xiaoying came out and saw Huang Xiaolong. The beauty was full of surprise and accident: "It's you!"

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