Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2366: Not allowed to sneak away

"It's me." Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled.

"You, how come you come here!" Lin Xiaoying blurted out, meaning that here is the bottom of the river without the Yuanhe River is close to the tens of thousands of feet, how can the strength of Huang Xiaolong come here safely!

After all, on this road, there are many eight robbers, nine robbers and half saints without beasts, and even the existence of a holy land without a beast. With the strength of Huang Xiaolong, if you want to come here, you should die many times before.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "I have a baby, so I can come here. I am here, I am looking for a holy medicine. When I am near, I feel your breath, so come and see."

"Body guard baby?" Lin Xiaoying looked suspiciously at Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he couldn't do it. He had to take out a bodyguard ancient charm, otherwise Lin Xiaoying would not believe it.

"This is a holy level!" Lin Xiaoying was shocked. With her eyesight, she naturally recognized Huang Xiaolong's bodyguard ancient charm. It was because she recognized it, she was shocked. She knew that this kind of record was valuable. The city, many auctions in the holy world can not be bought.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "I have a good luck. I used to get a cave house left by a strong sage. This holy level is not left by the sacred place."

Lin Xiaoying still looked at Huang Xiaolong with suspicion: "How did you feel my breath?"

"I have cultivated a secret method. Also, I have a sacristy. With the holy device, as long as I am in the vicinity of a million miles, I can sense the other side." Huang Xiaolong had to explain: "Of course, only the holy place is strong." Only then."

Speaking of this, Huang Xiaolong took out a bead, which is the beast of the beast.

Lin Xiaoying looked at the beast and thunder, and looked at the beautiful eyes: "You, this holy device, will not be obtained from the cave house left by the strong man of the Holy Land?"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Yes."

"Then your luck is very good!" Lin Xiaoying said.

"I admit that I have always had a good luck." Huang Xiaolong laughed. He did not blame Lin Xiaoying for doubts about himself. After all, Lin Xiaoying had just been chased by Long Zhengyu and Lin Biao. Now he is like a bird of surprise, but he is At this point, the timing is too good.

"You have been seriously injured." Huang Xiaolong took out a medicinal herb: "This is a return to life, you swallow it, you should be able to recover the injury soon."

"Returning to Dan!" Lin Xiaoying saw Huang Xiaolong's hand crystal, full of the Holy Spirit of the gods, and could not help but be surprised again.

Although this time, Dan is not a holy Dan, but it is also a good place for the world, and it is the best of the world. It can be said that it is the best healing medicine in addition to Shengdan.

However, this reincarnation is extremely difficult, and the refining method is unique. There are very few people who are difficult to refine, so even Lin Xiaoying himself does not.

Lin Xiaoying did not expect Huang Xiaolong to have it.

This little sixth-order disciple who had helped her twice in the city without the city, did she have so many good things?

"This time, Dan will not be lucky again. You got it in a sacred place, Dongfu?" Lin Xiaoying asked.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "You guessed it again. I just admitted it. I was lucky. So I came to Wuyuan River this time, I tried my luck and wanted to find a holy medicine."

Lin Xiaoying is speechless: "You just feel lucky, so you risk your life, come here to find holy medicine? Then you find holy medicine?"

"Not yet." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly.

Although the holy medicine was not found, he found a golden lake.

And all the way down, he found many high-level heavenly medicines.

Huang Xiaolong gave the returning life to Lin Xiaoying and Lin Xiaoying with both hands.

"You rescued me twice. This is a return to life. It is my previous thank you for your help. Swallow this reincarnation. Your injury will be cured quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous." Huang Xiaolong said: "You can rest assured This is not a problem."

Lin Xiaoying heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and finally took it, but did not immediately swallow it, and continued to check twice with the soul, determined that he had not moved his hands and feet.

"I am leaving first." Huang Xiaolong said that since the drug was delivered, he did not have to stay.

"Slow!" Lin Xiaoying saw Huang Xiaolong leave, suddenly opened.

Huang Xiaolong stopped.

Lin Xiaoying thought about it and said: "This is no danger to the river. And here, there are often high-order semi-sacred beasts. You are a dangerous sixth step. It is not dangerous. You are still with me, we are There is also a care for each other."

Because Huang Xiaolong's breath converges and there is a sacred soul to cover up, Lin Xiaoying has not found that Huang Xiaolong has broken through the Supreme Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong heard Lin Xiaoying’s request and looked embarrassed: “This!”

For other disciples, it is possible to go with Lin Xiaoying, but it is not desirable, but for Huang Xiaolong, it is inconvenient to go with Lin Xiaoying.

Lin Xiaoying saw Huang Xiaolong's embarrassed look, and thought that Huang Xiaolong had refused to walk with him in Wuyuan City. He couldn't help but be annoyed: "This is what! This matter, I have the final say, well, just like this!" Did not give Huang Xiaolong the opportunity to refuse, and went straight back to the cave.

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded.

For the first time, he discovered that in addition to his enthusiasm, Lin Xiaoying sometimes has many women's unique "hegemony"?

At this time, Lin Xiaoying went back to the cave and sat down. Then she re-arranged the ban at the entrance of the cave and began to swallow the remedy. However, before swallowing back to Dan, she looked at Huang Xiaolong and said: "Do not sneak away. !"

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and said nothing. Huang Xiaolong looked at the chilly air outside, and Huang Xiaolong ridiculed himself. This little grandmother was very heart-wrenching. I threw me alone, and I couldn’t bear it.

Lin Xiaoying wants to refine the reincarnation of Dan, it should be ten days, so Huang Xiaolong has arranged several prohibitions around him, sitting down and swallowing ten products, and began to run the practice of Hongmeng parasitic cultivation.

Under the paradise of Hongmeng, the heavens and the earth are full of spirits, and a piece of Hongmeng Shenglong is coiled around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

I saw that the aura of heaven and earth entered the body of Huang Xiaolong and was assimilated. It was instantly refining Huang Xiaolong.

After breaking through the eleventh layer of the sacred parasitic scorpion, plus the three sacred souls to pull the sacred power of the sacred world, so Huang Xiaolong's cultivation speed is not much faster than before, it is simply not the same.

In the practice of Huang Xiaolong, he sensed all the laws and forces that existed in the space of the Holy Space.

Unconsciously, the tenth day passed quickly. When Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing, he opened his eyes and saw Lin Xiaoying standing in the hole. He looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange face.

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